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364 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.


Navy, U. S.
Master-at-Arms (MA) provide waterborne and land security, aircraft and flight line security, strategic weapons and cargo security, maritime security and platform protection, conduct customs operations, corrections operations, detainee operations, and protective service operations, perform anti-terrorism, force protection, physical security and law enforcement, organize and train personnel in antiterrorism, force protection, physical security, ...

CHF 43.90

Electronics Technician

Navy, U. S.
Electronics Technician
As your employer, the Navy is obligated by law to provide you with a safe and healthy work environment. Shipboard life, shipyard industrial activities, and aviation maintenance areas, especially, are inherently dangerous. We must keep our crewmembers, as well as civilian workers, healthy and ready to perform their missions. The Navy has conducted safety and occupational health programs for many years. Historically, general and off-duty safety ...

CHF 35.50

Blueprint Reading and Sketching - Navedtra 14040a

Navy, U. S.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching - Navedtra 14040a
Blueprints (prints) are copies of mechanical or other types of technical drawings. The term blueprint reading means interpreting ideas expressed by others on drawings, whether or not the drawings are actually blueprints. Drawing or sketching is the universal language used by engineers, technicians, and skilled craftsmen. Drawings need to convey all the necessary information to the person who will make or assemble the object in the drawing. Blu...

CHF 40.50

Aici nu e loc pentru îngeri c¿zu¿i (Edi¿ia român¿)

Erishkigal, Anna
Aici nu e loc pentru îngeri c¿zu¿i (Edi¿ia român¿)
În zorii timpurilor, doi adversari antici se luptau pentru controlul Pamântului. Un singur barbat s-a înal¿at, pe atunci, de-a dreapta oamenilor. Un soldat al carui nume ni-l amintim înca ¿i astazi...Doborât pe Pamânt fara a avea vreo amintire din trecut, Colonelul Fortelor Speciale Angelice, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, nu are alta alegere decât sa se integreze în satul Ninsiannei. Dar fiul Capeteniei, Jamin, este hotarât sa îl alunge. Atunci când cu...

CHF 20.90

Sabia Zeilor (Edi¿ia român¿)

Erishkigal, Anna
Sabia Zeilor (Edi¿ia român¿)
În zorii timpurilor, doi adversari antici se luptau pentru controlul Pamântului. Un singur barbat s-a înal¿at, pe atunci, de-a dreapta oamenilor. Un soldat al carui nume ni-l amintim înca ¿i astazi...Colonelul Angelic al For¿elor Speciale, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, se treze¿te ranit de moarte la bordul navei sale prabu¿ite. Femeia care îi salveaza via¿a are abilita¿i care îi par a fi cunoscute, dar, nemaiamintindu-¿i nimic din trecut, el nu î¿i poa...

CHF 18.90

A Layman's Practical Expository of the Epistles of James,...

Akers, Michael J.
A Layman's Practical Expository of the Epistles of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, and Jude
A Layman's Practical Expository of the Epistles of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, and Jude is written by a lay minister who taught adult Bible classes in various churches and neighborhood groups for nearly forty years. The books are written in easy to understand, very practical language, yet expository in depth of coverage.

CHF 43.90

Valentine is a Shape

Puerto, Ledezna
Valentine is a Shape
Learning math in a fun way in early grades is important to help children develop their love for math.Valentine is a Shape is a creative and humorous educational math story for young children. This book emphasizes important topics studied in early grades such as: shape recognition, description, shapes around us, ordinal numbers and friendship.Valentine celebrates his birthday and invites all his geometric figure friends to his party. They arriv...

CHF 29.50

Advances in Robotics and Automatic Control

Yurish, Sergey
Advances in Robotics and Automatic Control
The first volume of the Advances in Robotics and Automatic Control: Reviews, Book Series started by IFSA Publishing in 2018 contains ten chapters written by 32 contributors from 9 countries: Belgium, China, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Serbia, Tunisia and USA. We hope that readers will enjoy this book and it can be a valuable tool for those who involved in research and development of various robots andautomatic control systems.

CHF 160.00

The Issue

Marinello, Arthur
The Issue
It was some years ago.I awoke in the early morning in a state of restlessness or quasi restlessness.Something needed to be expressed. The first line of a poem.And then another. And soon I had a poem.And now, many years later. Hundreds of poems largely unbidden and writing despite fading vision, I look back pleased at what I have done and wanting ever to do more.

CHF 51.50

From Riches to Rags

Bull, Peter D.
From Riches to Rags
Rory suspects that his wife Sadie, is having an affair with John, his best friend. He can hardly believe that John would do such a thing to him, but when his suspicions are confirmed, he decides not to confront the two of them, but to destroy John's life and to divorce his wife in order to benefit from her wealth. John's drug and drink habits, and the secrets that he'd imparted to Rory over the years, are used against him. He is arrested and c...

CHF 24.90

You Can't Own the Fucking Stars

Morrigan, Clementine
You Can't Own the Fucking Stars
What does it take to recover from trauma? Opening with a piece that juxtaposes the pleasures of masturbation with the terrors of a courtroom during a rape trial, You Can't Own the Fucking Stars is both a celebration of healing and a fearless testament to resilience in the face of suffering. In their customary engaging and accessible style, Clementine Morrigan offers a series of reflexive vignettes, poems and meditations, written over a period ...

CHF 31.50

Walking West on the Camino--Encore Une Fois

Studebaker, Johnna
Walking West on the Camino--Encore Une Fois
This tale of faith and triumph spans a period of six years. The author persuades her reluctant twin sister to accompany her on the Camino for a spiritual quest and the adventure of a lifetime. Beginning in the spring of 2011, they backpack in yearly segments for almost a thousand miles from Le Puy-en-Velay in France, crossing the Pyrenees, and eventually reaching Santiago de Compostela on the northwestern coast of Spain. Slogging through rain ...

CHF 65.00

The Gazebo

Dodge, Deborah
The Gazebo
As Amy Brock struggles with anger and depression she thinks is caused by her parents' divorce, she starts dreaming about a beautiful gazebo. However, as her life falls apart because of drugs and a bad relationship, her gazebo falls apart, and her dreams turn into nightmares.

CHF 18.50