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Zur Kasse

2278 Ergebnisse - Zeige 261 von 280.

Educational Child's Play

Mackie, Paul
Educational Child's Play
Give a pre-school child from birth to six years of age an UNPRECEDENTED, LIFELONG advantage, simply by using Educational Child's Play to stimulate their brain. A book that provides fun play-based pre-school child development activities when a child needs them, in the early years from birth to six years of age. This book is for parents, pre-school teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Day Cares, and anyone who wants children to be the best that ...

CHF 62.00

Beyond the Tower

Vaughn Roe, Jacqueline
Beyond the Tower
My tower was my prison, until I betrayed my witch. She told me twisted tales by the fireside and allowed me books that filled me with longing. That was my life. It was all I had. 'Til one night, Paul heard me singing and convinced me to hope that we could escape together. Life could be different, if I had the courage to escape the witch's grasp. But she found and killed him. And she's cast me out, alone. Without him. Without her. I do...

CHF 37.90


Steel, Danielle / Franke, Kirsten
Fernanda er blevet alene med tre børn efter sin mands selvmord. Da et af børnene, seks-årige Sam, bliver kidnappet, går hun i chok. Kidnapperen ved nemlig ikke at det var familien økonomiske ruin der drev hendes mand til selvmord, og Fernanda har ikke penge til løsesummen. Heldigvis får hun hjælp af FBI-manden Ted Lee, og mens opklaringen står på udvikler de to varme følelser for hinanden. Hele tiden er spørgsmålet dog: hvordan får hun Sam hje...

CHF 61.00

Bedstemor Danina

Steel, Danielle / Franke, Kirsten
Bedstemor Danina
Bedstemor Danina dør som 90-årig i sit hjem i Vermont, men hun efterlader sig minder fra et rigt og spændende liv, der strækker sig helt tilbage til tsartidens Rusland. Nu arver hendes barnebarn en kasse fuld af minder, som fortæller historien om primaballerinaen Danina, der måtte forlade sit liv ved hoffet i Rusland, sin karriere og sin elskede, da hun efter revolutionen i 1917 måtte flygte til USA. -

CHF 41.50

Den lange vej hjem

Steel, Danielle / Franke, Kirsten
Den lange vej hjem
Godt skjult sidder den syvårige Gabriella på trappen og betragter gæsterne, der ankommer til hendes forældres overdådige hus på Manhattan. Den klaprende lyd fra hendes mors høje hæle, får hende til at stivne af rædsel. Hendes verden er en forvirrende blanding af frygt, fornedrelse og smerte, og hun ved, at hun intet sted kan føle sig tryg. Da forældrenes ægteskab opløses, overlader hendes mor hende til et kloster, hvor roen, sikkerheden og non...

CHF 61.00

Fem dage i Paris

Steel, Danielle / Franke, Kirsten
Fem dage i Paris
Den pligtopfyldende, amerikanske senatorfrue Olivia Thatcher møder ved et tilfælde en mand under et ophold i Paris. Manden, Peter Haskell, er direktør, gift og har tre børn. Alligevel er det kærlighed ved første blik, da deres øjne mødes første gang i foyeren på Hotel Ritz. De forsøger begge at kæmpe imod kærligheden, men i længden er det umuligt. Et magisk øjeblik i Paris forandrer deres liv for altid. -

CHF 50.90

Solnedgang i St. Tropez

Steel, Danielle / Franke, Kirsten
Solnedgang i St. Tropez
Sommeren nærmer sig, og tre midaldrende ægtepar planlægger at nyde ferien i et lækkert hus ved den franske riviera. De skal bare nyde solen og havet, de lune aftener og kølige drinks. Men de høje forventninger til ferien begynder allerede at smuldre, da en af kvinderne dør før afrejsen. Intet herfra går som planlagt. Feriehuset viser sig at være en faldefærdig rønne, det ene par beslutter sig for at blive skilt, og venskaberne bliver sat alvor...

CHF 47.50

Stor pige!

Steel, Danielle / Schiøtt, Lene
Stor pige!
Victoria Dawson er ualmindelig velbegavet kvinde ¿ til gengæld er hun hverken høj og slank som sin far eller en mørkhåret skønhed som sin mor. Faktisk er Victoria lille, lyshåret og buttet, og det skuffer hendes selvoptagede forældre så meget, at de gennem hele Victorias barndom benytter enhver lejlighed til at nedgøre hende. Det sætter sig dybe spor i Victoria, der drukner sine sorger i mad. Men da hun skal være brudepige ved sin lillesøsters...

CHF 61.00

Zarens kurér

Vernes, Jules / Cohrt, Mogens
Zarens kurér
Det gælder liv og død, da et vigtigt budskab skal nå fra Moskva til Irkutsk i Sibirien - gennem et Rusland i et blodigt opgør.Zaren udser den unge officer, Mikael Strogoff, til den farlige opgave, og modigt begiver han sig af sted ind bag fjendens linjer.Her møder han venner - og fjender - og en pige på sin lange og farefulde færd, der foregår gennem uvejr, kanontorden, geværkugler og brand. Han kæmper sig frem gennem alle forhindringer. Han t...

CHF 41.50

St. Albert the Great

Schwertner, Rev. Thomas M
St. Albert the Great
St. Albert the Great, though he was a medieval man, is strikingly modern. No branch of knowledge escaped his eye. His writings cover every field of knowledge. Albert, one of the Medieval period's greatest saints, is often in the shadow of his greatest student, St. Thomas Aquinas. Yet, just as we cannot speak of an Augustine without an Ambrose, we cannot see a St. Thomas without St. Albert. In Schwertner's biography, you can learn more about th...

CHF 46.90

Evolution Myths

Lyons, Jeffrey K.
Evolution Myths
Today, evolutionary theory is ubiquitous in our secular education systems. This book is a critical view of neo-Darwinism, which is the dominant dogma throughout secular higher education and K-12 public education. The criticisms of neo-Darwinism cited in this book are from various overlapping groups of: scientists, atheists, philosophers and university professors. If you are looking for a resource that will give you sound arguments and facts, t...

CHF 24.50

Roxy's Warriors

Mayburn, Ann
Roxy's Warriors
As a highly decorated soldier in the US Army, Roxy had always accepted that her job was dangerous. And she understood that someday she might make the ultimate sacrifice for her country and never come home. But little did she know that she should have been keeping her sights focused on the sky, not the battlefield, for the real threat. Kidnapped by intergalactic slavers, Roxy and her fellow soldiers find themselves sold to a cruel and heartless...

CHF 27.50

A Killer in Paradise

Pietras, David
A Killer in Paradise
Sandy beaches, beautiful sunsets and of course amusement parks are what comes to mind when you think of Florida. The allure of paradise has drawn millions to this wonderful state better known as "The Sunshine State". But for some, the sunshine has turned into a nightmare. We will look at five of the most notorious serial killers in the history of Florida. We will look at their upbringing and the path that lead them to Florida and ultimately to...

CHF 24.90

A Texas Style Witch Hunt

Pietras, David
A Texas Style Witch Hunt
In 1997, a court found Darlie Lynn Routier guilty of probably the worst of human crimes: killing two of her natural children in cold-blood. Motive is still a mystery, but the prosecution painted her as a shrewish, materialistic young woman who, sensing her lavish lifestyle crumbling, slew her two sons Damon and Devon in a mad attempt to resuscitate her and her husband's personal economy. The following story relates the events of the murder and...

CHF 16.90

From Mommy To Monster

Pietras, David
From Mommy To Monster
What makes a mother kill her own children"? This question has been asked too often. And unfortunately the answers are unknown. We will look at 3 mothers who went from "Mommy to Monster" and killed the very children that they should have been protecting. We will look at the stories of Andrea Yates, Susan Smith and Diane Downs. In search of the answer to the question "What makes a mother kill her own children"?

CHF 17.50

Crying Over Spilt Light

Saoulidis, George
Crying Over Spilt Light
Hire A Muse, Get A Nobel PrizeEx Machina meets A Beautiful Mind in this mind-bending sci-fi thriller.On the verge of abandoning his life-long project, an obsessive physicist hires the innovative service of an android Muse to help him finish his work. But when things start to go missing from his life, he must learn that not all is worth sacrificing on the altar of science before he has nothing left to live for.From ScifiSelect: " A mind bending...

CHF 13.90