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1287 Ergebnisse - Zeige 281 von 300.

Retinitis Pigmentosa 101

Howexpert / McCoy, Katie
Retinitis Pigmentosa 101
Are you someone who has been diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa or a parent who has recently learned that your child is losing their vision? Then this book might just be for you. In this book, you will learn: • How to deal with your child's vision loss. Parenting is already difficult but this book will help you learn fundamental lessons to pass on to your child as well as practical advice on how to help your child learn the skills they need t...

CHF 45.90

Overcoming Social Anxiety

Howexpert / McComb, Robyn
Overcoming Social Anxiety
Are you a shy person? I was once myself, and I want to share what I have learned from my own life. • Quality is more important than quantity when selecting friends. • Social skills are as simple as smiling and saying hi to people. • Discernment is key to picking the right people to build you up, not tear you down. Some people have poor intentions. • Standing up for yourself is the single most important thing you can do. • Talking to people or ...

CHF 45.50

Online Dating For Men 101

Howexpert / Glasier, Adam
Online Dating For Men 101
In a world where it's no longer acceptable besides bars and clubs to tell her she's attractive (at least without being rejected, receiving a sexual harassment lawsuit, and being publicly humiliated), there is only one place left for guys to go that's safe to approach women and where women WANT a man's attention: Online dating. When it comes to online dating, some men love it, while others shun it like a de-masculinizing plague. Online dating h...

CHF 45.90

Freelance Web Developer 101

Howexpert / Kazandzhy, Liz
Freelance Web Developer 101
You probably use websites every day, but have you ever thought about building them? With the help of this book, now you can! In this exceptional step-by-step guide, you'll learn what web development is all about, which resources will help you master it, and how you can build stunning and interactive websites. After instructing you on how to create your own personal web portfolio, the author will take you through all the major web development l...

CHF 45.90

Stranger Origins

Castle, Jack
Stranger Origins
From bestselling author, Jack Castle comes a brand-new world where fantastic and futuristic theme parks dominate a civilization totally dependent on technology and entertainment."The lines of reality and imagination have never been so blurred as they are in the amazing, yet sinister theme parks so creatively envisioned by Jack Castle!" -Joe Butler, Editor for Spokesman ReviewWelcome to Stranger World!!!Historic or Romantic, Real or imagined, i...

CHF 27.50

Social Justice Advocacy 101

Howexpert / Rivera, Selys
Social Justice Advocacy 101
People have been advocating and standing up for social justice issues throughout history. From one social movement to the next, from one influential person to another, we as an American society are constantly attempting to progress towards a better tomorrow. If you've ever found yourself passionate or upset about any or all of the issues and causes going on in the United States, you're not alone. People often feel the same way, but don't know ...

CHF 45.90

Basketball Referee 101

Howexpert / Michaluk, Steven
Basketball Referee 101
• There are many reasons to officiate basketball, but how do you do it? • Officiating is about the sport, but it is also about the journey. Sure you can do things that are easy in life, but what fun is that? Officiating is just plain hard to do, but the rewards you'll receive are worth it! • In this book, you'll learn what it takes to be an official and how to learn. You can take these tips and use them in any facet of life, but here you'll le...

CHF 44.90

Animal Welfare 101

Howexpert / Child, Jessica
Animal Welfare 101
Have you always looked at the lizard, frog, or beetle in the shop and wondered if you could provide a good home for it? Have you been wanting a companion who will listen to you sing and hear about your long day? This book aims to teach you how to consider each pet and what types of questions to think about and ask before bringing a pet home. While you might find a dog or cat will definitely know you're singing out of tune, a millipede won't ca...

CHF 45.50

SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programmi...

Sas Institute
SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programming Using SAS 9.4
The official guide by the SAS Global Certification Program, SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programming Using SAS 9.4 prepares you to take the new SAS 9.4 Advanced Programming Performance-Based Exam. New in this edition is a workbook whose sample scenarios require you to write code to solve problems and answer questions. Answers to the chapter quizzes and solutions to the sample scenarios in the workbook are included. You will ...

CHF 142.00

Infidelidad Un Camino Doloroso Hacia La Soledad

Martinez, Enrique
Infidelidad Un Camino Doloroso Hacia La Soledad
Cuando apenas acababa de cumplir los quince años, me convertí en padre. A mi corta edad, quise jugar a ser adulto y las responsabilidades fueron llegando día a día en mi nueva etapa como papá. Cuando mi pequeño hijo cumplió su primer año, tuve la oportunidad, durante una cena en mi casa, de contarle a mi madre que pronto tomaría en matrimonio a Elizabeth. Al escucharme, ella tomó mi mano y me dijo: "Están muy jóvenes para dar ese gran paso, la...

CHF 21.90

Una Mujer Sin Apellidos

De Jesus, Rafael
Una Mujer Sin Apellidos
El concepto de Una mujer Sin Apellidos es basado en la amistad, sinceridad y respeto. Hoy día es difícil encontrar un vecino, que tenga la confianza de darle un consejo, a los hijos de sus vecinos, porque el temor de ser agredido por los hijos de los vecinos abunda en nuestras sociedades, amparados por las débiles leyes que los doctrinan y lo apoyan. Basado en hechos reales de mi vida, presentándoles en sus páginas a todos mis hermanos, amigos...

CHF 33.90

Miss Silverstein

Murray-Hally, Kristina
Miss Silverstein
Miss Silverstein is extraordinary third grade teacher. Her classroom comes alive with the help of her friend, Tappeto, a magical carpet. Together they make learning an incredible adventure when they visit the Amazon Rainforest. What amazing things can Tappeto do? This book is fictional with non-fiction information carefully entwined throughout the story. This is a great book for class reading circles. This text can be used across the curr...

CHF 13.50

Green Bomb

Dal, Peter John van
Green Bomb
Sirona Pharmaceuticals is the target of environmental terrorism, no ordinary attack, a suicide bomber unleashing a never before seen explosive. It's undetectable, devastatingly effective and kills discriminately. Sirona is infamous throughout the world for numerous environmental and human atrocities. And while much is known of Sirona, little is known of the bomber, Rupert Pascoe. One of Sirona's gifted scientists, working in secret, the Police...

CHF 20.90

Arcane Mysteries

Goodwin, Rebecca
Arcane Mysteries
Secrets, Magic, and Betrayal…all in the first semester!Zoey is a witch, but she's not very good at it. That is until she's taken to a secret school of mages. There, she discovers a whole new world of a different kind of magic, one that she seems to excel in. She and three fantastically hot boys who are "keeping her safe" are trying to figure out how she escaped their world in the first place and why her parents hid her. And they'd better hurry...

CHF 18.50

Flip Houses Without Being a Sleazebag

Crew, Nate
Flip Houses Without Being a Sleazebag
This book is a practical how-to manual that's written from a philosophical angle.The practice of "house flipping" fills a real need in our economy. When done right, it can add both true value and stability to the housing market. And it can be very lucrative for real estate investors.Unfortunately, house flipping can also be a favorite tool of unprincipled people with nothing in mind but short-term profits. Get-rich-quick schemes and scams abou...

CHF 44.90

The Trilogy of The Boogie Men

Douglas, Gregory
The Trilogy of The Boogie Men
A clever story about the boogie men in our lives, real or imagined. Dr. Gregory Douglas, a master of poetry, has begun to experiment with longer works of prose, tied together by a powerful theme. We hope this book will be the first of many of his books in this genre.

CHF 15.50

Tocando Estrellas Con Los Dedos

Elizarrarás Cervantes, Miguel Angel
Tocando Estrellas Con Los Dedos
Amor, soledad, melancolía, felicidad... también de vida y muerte, son solo algunos de los sentimientos que se entrelazan en esta recopilación de poemas, que hoy no solo forman parte de este libro, sino que también forman parte de la vida y transición que vivió el autor como ser humano, como enamorado y como hombre y que hoy se vuelve un simple redactor de su propios sentimientos y acontecimientos por los cuales tuvo que pasar y que, segurament...

CHF 17.90

The Power of With

Moore, Mickey
The Power of With
The Power of With is a fun book that will help kids of all ages learn how to turn what seems to be impossible into possible. Medical studies reveal that an electrical spark is generated within the mother's body at the moment of conception. I believe that at that very moment our destiny has been determined however we have free choice to go for it, or not. Every part of our body and minds are preset for certain attributes such as body type and w...

CHF 20.50

Freely Gathered Communities of Faith and the Changes betw...

Erickson, M. A.
Freely Gathered Communities of Faith and the Changes between the Testaments
How can we make sense of the seismic shift between the Old and New Testament? From the early centuries of Christianity until today, many have wrestled with the complex changes between the Testaments, and how to make sense of them. The discussion and debate is spilling over into new areas today, and shows no sign of slowing down. In this fresh approach, the land, the sword, and the temple are traced from Old to New Testament, in order to find t...

CHF 29.90

Finding my Soul at Sea

Coleman, Pip
Finding my Soul at Sea
This isn't an ordinary working-on-a-cruise-ship story. When she took the job as a Social host on a cruise ship, Pip Coleman had no idea that it would lead to discovering her authentic self and opening her up to a new life path.The first three years of my cruise ship life were intense and full of crazy incidents - including sex, drugs, ships breaking down, Mexican tattoos, and lots more. During the second three years of my cruise ship life, I d...

CHF 31.90