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1566 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1521 von 1540.

Der Lusitania-Fall und die deutsche Wissenschaft

Becker, Willi
Der Lusitania-Fall und die deutsche Wissenschaft
Der Jurist Willi Becker erörtert im vorliegenden Band die Versenkung der Lusitania im Mai 1915 aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht. Dabei erläutert er insbesondere die Rechtslage im Hinblick auf den deutschen U-Boot-Krieg im Ersten Weltkrieg. Unveränderter Nachdruck der längst vergriffenen Originalausgabe von 1919.

CHF 27.90

Die rechtliche Natur der internationalen Verträge Elsass-...

Becher, Bruno
Die rechtliche Natur der internationalen Verträge Elsass-Lothringens
Der Jurist Bruno Becher erörtert im vorliegenden Band die besondere Stellung des Reichslandes Elsass-Lothringen und die Auswirkungen, die diese Stellung für internationale Verträge mit sich brachte. Dabei untersucht er insbesondere die Frage nach der Staatlichkeit. Unveränderter Nachdruck der längst vergriffenen Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1897.

CHF 24.50

König Nal und sein Weib

Lobedanz, Edmund
König Nal und sein Weib
Der Schriftsteller und Übersetzer Edmund Lobedanz präsentiert im vorliegenden Band die aus dem Mahabharata entnommene Sage über König Nala und seine Frau Damayanti. Die Episode, die zu den bekanntesten und beliebtesten Erzählungen der indischen Epensammlung zählt, wird in den charakteristischen Doppelversen wiedergegeben. Unveränderter Nachdruck der längst vergriffenen Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1863.

CHF 39.90

Mystic London

Davies, Charles M.
Mystic London
A bizarre guide to spiritual London, covering various phenomena, such as the customs and habits of groups of immigrants, varieties of mysticism and spiritualism, ghostly conferences and sprititual picnics. Originally published in 1875.

CHF 40.50

No Clue

Hay, James
No Clue
While Detective Jefferson Hastings is visiting the home of wealthy and eccentric Arthur Sloane, two guests stumble across a body on the lawn. Only few clues can help Hastings to solve the murder.Reprint of the detective story originally published in 1920.

CHF 38.90

Thomas Telford

Smiles, Samuel
Thomas Telford
The life and works of civil engineer Thomas Telford. With an introductory history of roads and travelling in Great Britian. Originally published in 1867.

CHF 43.90

Men of Invention and Industry

Smiles, Samuel
Men of Invention and Industry
The life and works of famous entrepreneurs and inventors from various branches of industry, such as printing, ship-building and many more. Contains chapters on William Clowes, Sir E. J. Harland, John Lombe and others. Originally published in 1884.

CHF 40.50

Historic Girls

Brooks, Elbridge S.
Historic Girls
Stories of girls who have influenced the history of their times. From Pocahontas to Elizabeth I. Originally published in 1887.

CHF 33.90

The Dark House

Fenn, George Manville
The Dark House
An extremely wealthy but reclusive man has died, leaving an eccentric will which hints at great riches hidden somewhere in the house. Reprint of the mystery novel originally published in 1885.

CHF 27.90

The Voice in the Fog

MacGrath, Harold
The Voice in the Fog
\"A London fog, solid, substantial, yellow as an old dog\'s tooth or a jaundiced eye. You could not look through it, nor yet gaze up and down it, nor over it, and you only thought you saw it. The eye became impotent, untrustworthy, all senses lay fallow except that of touch, the skin alone conveyed to you with promptness and no incertitude that this thing had substance. You could feel it, you could open and shut your hands and sense it on your...

CHF 27.90

The Whole Family

Jordan, Elizabeth
The Whole Family
Reprint of the collaborative novel about the Talbert family told in twelve chapters, each by a different author. With contributions from Henry James, William Dean Howells and others. Originally published in 1908.

CHF 34.50

Gossip in the First Decade of Victoria´s Reign

Ashton, John
Gossip in the First Decade of Victoria´s Reign
Collection of narratives about occurences, scandals etc. in the noble society covering the period from 1837 to 1847. \"I have written this Gossip not only for the edification of those to whom a portion, more or less, may be news, but for those who, like myself, have lived through the whole of Queen Victoria\'s reign, to whom the remembrance of things, almost forgotten, maybring pleasure and excite interest.\".Originally released in 1903.

CHF 43.90

The Case of the Lamp that Went out

Groner, Auguste
The Case of the Lamp that Went out
The radiance of a clear September morning lay over Vienna. The air was so pure that the sky shone in brightest azure even where the city\'s buildings clustered thickest. On the outskirts of the town the rays of the awakening sun danced in crystalline ether and struck answering gleams from the dew on grass and shrub in the myriad gardens of the suburban streets.It was still very early. The old-fashioned steeple clock on the church of the Holy V...

CHF 31.50

Coronation Anecdotes

Gossip, Giles
Coronation Anecdotes
\"History-the picture of man-has shared the fate of its original. It has had its infancy of Fable, its youth of Poetry, its manhood of Thought, Intelligence, and Reflection.\"-Anon.Contains a collection of interesting fragments of English coronation ceremonies. Originally published in 1823.

CHF 33.90

The Gondreville Mystery

Balzac, Honoré de
The Gondreville Mystery
The autumn of the year 1803 was one of the finest in the early part of that period of the present century which we now call \"Empire.\" Rain had refreshed the earth during the month of October, so that the trees were still green and leafy in November. The French people were beginning to put faith in a secret understanding between the skies and Bonaparte, then declared Consul for life, - a belief in which that man owes part of his prestige, str...

CHF 32.90

The Case of the Pocket Diary found in the Snow

Groner, Auguste
The Case of the Pocket Diary found in the Snow
A quiet winter evening had sunk down upon the great city. The clock in the old clumsy church steeple of the factory district had not yet struck eight, when the side door of one of the large buildings opened and a man came out into the silent street.It was Ludwig Amster, one of the workingmen in the factory, starting on his homeward way. It was not a pleasant road, this street alongthe edge of the city. The town showed itself from its most disa...

CHF 24.50

The Case of the Registered Letter

Groner, Auguste
The Case of the Registered Letter
Joseph Muller, Secret Service detective of the Imperial Austrian police, is one of the great experts in his profession. In personality he differs greatly from other famous detectives. He has neither the impressive authority of Sherlock Holmes, nor the keen brilliancy of Monsieur Lecoq. Muller is a small, slight, plain-looking man, of indefinite age, and of much humbleness of mien. A naturally retiring, modest disposition, and two external caus...

CHF 24.50

Two Great Retreats of History

Grote, George / Ségur, Philippe-Paul de
Two Great Retreats of History
The two following selections contain, first, Grote\'s account of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, taken from his \"History of Greece, \" and, secondly, an abridgment of Count Ségur\'s narrative of Napoleon\'s retreat from Russia.Grote\'s History, based on Xenophon\'s, is given entire, with the exception that, in a very few instances, some slight verbal change has been made in order to better adapt the work to school use.Two maps are fur...

CHF 40.50