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Social Media Marketing

MP Consulting
Social Media Marketing
Das erwartet dich:Was ist Social Media und wie kann darauf Marketing betrieben werden?Warum lohnt es sich auch für Unternehmen, auf Social Media zu werben?Welche verschiedenen Plattformen gibt es und was haben diese zu bieten?Wie kann die eigene Karriere als Influencer gestartet werden?Wie gelingt Storyteling im Online Marketing?Wie du dein Angebot digitalisierst und online verkaufst.Social Media kennt heutzutage jeder und viele Menschen nutze...

CHF 21.50

Instagram Marketing

MP Consulting
Instagram Marketing
Das erwartet dich:1. Wie funktioniert Marketing auf Instagram?2. Wie nutzen Start-Ups die Eigenarten der Plattform Instagram für das Erreichen ihrer Marketing-Ziele?3. Welche Funktionen man für mehr Reichweite benutzen sollte?4. Wie kann man gewinnbringendes Influencer-Marketing einsetzen?5. Wie gelingt Storyteling im Instagram Marketing?6. Welche KPIs sollte ich beachten?und vieles mehr ...Warum also lange zögern? Jetzt auf leisen Pfoten an e...

CHF 18.50

Google Ads

MP Consulting
Google Ads
Onlinemarketing in einer digitalen Plattform planen, steuern und perfektionieren. Ein eigenes Unternehmen zu führen, war somit noch nie einfacher. Agenturen haben nun endlich die Möglichkeit, sowohl Marketing als auch Advertising ihrer Webseite in einer einzigen digitalen Plattform zu nutzen, anstatt mit zwei separaten, so, wie es vorher der Fall war. Google bietet ein breites Spektrum an Marketingmöglichkeiten, die alle im Buch aufgegriffen w...

CHF 21.50

Human Race 4.0

Human Race 4.0
A major pandemic of the century has struck the world again. On top of that, smart technology is rapidly invading our lives, dramatically changed the way we live, work, play, and communicate.While life is becoming faster and more convenient, humans' wellbeing and mental health are deteriorating. Some are losing jobs to COVID-19 and technological advancement. Others are facing difficulty keeping pace with the sudden changes. Most importantly, we...

CHF 30.50

Liebe Grüße, Neo

Anderson, Thomas Adrian
Liebe Grüße, Neo
Dieses Buch fasziniert durch die Freiheit in sich, welche in jedem Menschen aktiviert wird, wenn die Texte in sich gelesen werden. Die wundersamen Bilder tun ihre Einzigartigkeit dazu, weil sie im Leben des Künstlers geschehen sind und Ausdruck die Willensstärke seiner Seele zeigen und sein unermüdlicher Halt am und zum Leben beweisen. Eine innere tiefsinnige Reise, welche jeder Mensch sich für einen inneren Urlaub buchen sollte.

CHF 20.90

Ragdoll Katze

Ratgeber Meine Katze fürs Leben
Ragdoll Katze
Das auffallend seidige Fell hat fast keine Unterwolle, daher benötigen Ragdolls nur wenig Fellpflege. Im Hinblick auf ihre Beschäftigung sind die Katzen aber sehr anspruchsvoll. Das Buch gibt Ihnen wichtige Tipps zur Haltung von Ragdolls und beantwortet wichtige Fragen:Warum sollten Ragdolls als Wohnungskatze gehalten werden?Was ist bei Impfungen zu beachten?Welches Futter braucht die Katze?Welche Vorsorge ist für die Gesundheit der Ragdoll wi...

CHF 14.50

Voices of Practice: Narrative Scholarship from the Margins

Morris, Sean Michael / Rai, Lucy / Littleton, Karen
Voices of Practice: Narrative Scholarship from the Margins
Not everyone has had a straight and narrow path into academia. Many higher education teachers were professionals before they became part of the university or college where they work, and many keep one foot in both worlds even while they teach. And yet the demands of scholarship remain a component of their academic work-research, publishing, and the rest.What are the challenges we face when transitioning to an academic job from our field of pra...

CHF 38.90

Castillo: A Treasure Heist Adventure

Farley, Joseph
Castillo: A Treasure Heist Adventure
A Modern Day Heist in the Nations oldest city: St. Augustine.An old sea-dog followed a myth for 50 years of his life and finally shanghais three local boys - a contractor, a fisherman, and a heavy drinking welder - into finding what he thinks is hundreds of years worth of stolen treasure from the coffers of Spain -"It's in St. Augustine, it has to be. Where else could it be? The one bright light in this endeavor is a beautiful pixie of a girl ...

CHF 27.50

A World Without Emotions

Forino Procacci, Emiliano
A World Without Emotions
In a world where people can feel no emotions, William Pattern's search for the truth will push him beyond every boundary. As the plot twists and turns, full of unexpected events, William meets a strange resistance organization and discovers the importance of emotions, facial micro expressions, and body language. In a world of people with inexpressive faces and hearts cold as ice, incredible things happen, including an impossible love story wov...

CHF 20.50

A Tempest of Shadows

Washington, Jane
A Tempest of Shadows
A reverse harem, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance."The relentless clock of fate was groaning over to the next hour, ringing the arrival of a battle as old as time, sounding the final alarm, the final chance to fall to our blades or lift them high. It was repeating infernal hours that grew hungrier with each turn, more vicious than the day, the year, the century before."The end was here.The great war had begun.I had been torn apart and rema...

CHF 33.90

Three-Week SAT Crash Course - Reading

Snyder, Chelsey M
Three-Week SAT Crash Course - Reading
Most SAT prep books are so densely written that even adults would have trouble forcing themselves to study. This book is not that. I wrote this prep book for students, not for post-collegiate dual PhD's who want a dense read on an unpleasant weekend morning.This book is easy to read. It's conversational. And it contains the rules, tricks, and tips I've used to get my students a 120+ point increase in under three weeks. You want a perfect SAT s...

CHF 27.50

Chroma Calanooka

Martece, Carlie
Chroma Calanooka
Glamorous, melodramatic Leandra yearns to continue "modelling", but her limbs ache and lizards ate her breadcrumbs. Shy, autistic Cal wants gainful employment. These lonely, mismatched siblings live a suffocating existence in the isolated desert city of Summerton. When blue space captain Kalakai arrives, offering Chroman army recruitment, reality becomes increasingly intangible. Local news stations warn of an uncaptured murderer. Leandra appli...

CHF 26.50

The Secure Board

Leibel, Anna / Pales, Claire
The Secure Board
With the collective global spend on cyber security projected to reach $433bn by 2030, the impact of cyber risk - be it reputational, financial or regulatory - must now be front of mind for all Directors.Written for current and aspiring Board members, The Secure Board provides the insights you need to ask the right questions, to give you the confidence your organisation is cyber-safe. Designed to be read either in its entirety or as a reference...

CHF 27.50

Agents of the Arts

Beckwith, Ken
Agents of the Arts
Visual Arts Education simplified. To take agency, you have to affect the world. This curriculum guide defines what it means to hold agency, in the arts. Document work according to the time, location, and climate in which works are produced. Learn the right things at the right time, when development calls for them, and you can do it. From schemas, to realism, naturalism and beyond. Follow the trajectory of Modernism all the way up to its Metamo...

CHF 124.00

Holding You Close (Noah & Katie #2)

Fox, Kennedy
Holding You Close (Noah & Katie #2)
After serving a decade-long prison sentence for an accident that resulted in my husband's death, Noah Reid returns. Even if he was my childhood best friend and the first man I secretly loved, I refuse to make it easy for him. But the heart never forgets and those old repressed feelings quickly bubble to the surface.Loving him is a dangerous game but one I'm willing to play. Flirting leads to falling between the sheets, and I'm forced to deal w...

CHF 20.90

Holding You Close

Fox, Kennedy
Holding You Close
After serving a decade long prison sentence for an accident that resulted in my husband's death, Noah Reid returns. Even if he was my childhood best friend and the first man I secretly loved, I refuse to make it easy for him. But the heart never forgets and those old repressed feelings quickly bubble to the surface.Loving him is a dangerous game but one I'm willing to play. Flirting leads to falling between the sheets, and I'm forced to deal w...

CHF 33.50

Under The Stretcher

Levin, Max
Under The Stretcher
The shots kept coming and we couldn't pin down the source. We had our weapons drawn, but we could not shoot blindly into the area we just came, other Israeli soldiers were still in the area, and god forbid we hit them. Rather than return fire, we stayed pinned down while the head of our unit called in another tank. The tank rolled in and let out a smokescreen. As I crawled behind the tank, I could hear pop pop as the sniper's bullets bounced o...

CHF 56.50