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1182 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Teacher Leadership for Social Justice

Aronson, Brittany / Poetter, Thomas
Teacher Leadership for Social Justice
Developed to help educators become leaders for critical social justice, the anthology Teacher Leadership for Social Justice: Building a Curriculum for Liberation blends teacher reflection with social justice and policy to position teachers as active leaders in interdisciplinary curriculum development. The readings in Section I center on critical reflection, identity, and frameworks that help students find an appropriate balance between forma...

CHF 190.00


Trivedi, Diya
Panacea is collection of beautifully written poems which deals with relieving process. Referring to readers in second person, poet engages in a lyrical conversation with readers hoping to be a companion to aching heart. Beauty of poems lies in fact that poem are written straight from heart and represent the skill of gifted poet. 20 poems are about to take you through a ride amidst tumultuous emotions one experiences in course of journey called...

CHF 20.50

E depois, o trem

Garcia, José Ribamar
E depois, o trem
Uma vida e muitas histórias, sempre abarcando outras, somando para depois dividir a imensa carga de emoções, verdades, perdas e ganhos, espraiada por seus incontáveis anos.O homem, agora escritor, soube reconhecer o seu papel no mundo, e dessa forma consegue estabelecer uma ordem em sua vida, em que vivencia toda a sorte de transformações. Uma ordem nem sempre definitiva, mas com certeza rica em cada uma de suas passagens, com personagens sing...

CHF 41.90

O Relógio do Comandante

Garcia, José Ribamar
O Relógio do Comandante
¿O Relógio do Comandante¿ e suas outras histórias dispensam maiores apresentações porque sua forma induz de pronto a uma agradável intimidade, descortinando o verbo e partindo para o que realmente importa, ao revelar as imperfeições da vida como ela é.Cada crônica é um convite à descoberta de novas linguagens, tanto na forma de contar como através da viagem que nos leva a encontrar personagens de carne e osso, repletos de sentimentos e certa d...

CHF 43.90

Contos selecionados de José Ribamar Garcia

Garcia, José Ribamar
Contos selecionados de José Ribamar Garcia
Contos selecionados de José Ribamar Garcia Contos e crônicas que fizeram história, textos que ocuparam os momentos de lazer de inúmeros leitores ganham agora um novo formato e se tornam ainda mais completas quando somadas em um compêndio espetacular. Os principais textos escritos pelo cronista José Ribamar Garcia, se somaram em uma obra de referência que certamente como todos os outros livros publicados até hoje, irão se imortalizar nessa col...

CHF 41.90

Leveza, só da brisa

Garcia, José Ribamar
Leveza, só da brisa
Leveza, só da brisa porque as outras a vida tratou de bafejar o ar quente da realidade. Realidade que anda nas ruas, que compra e vende coisas, que dorme, sonha e acorda, que paga contas, que trabalha, se diverte, casa, divorcia e morre. Este livro na densidade filosófica do dia a dia chega carregando uma linguagem clara, sem hermetismo, flerta o tempo inteiro com a realidade que nos apanha quase que de surpresa, assim como a brisa. A leveza d...

CHF 42.50

Chronicles of the Undead

Stewart, A. F.
Chronicles of the Undead
Three generations bound together under a horrifying family secret. Vampires exist. Inside the personal journals of the Harrington family, watch a dark and dangerous odyssey unfold. Three members of this tormented family, Samuel, his son Edmund, and Edmund's daughter Charlotte, must come to terms with evil. Set during the 18th and 19th century in London, England, this family must struggle against horror as their lives intersect with supernatura...

CHF 18.90


Raposo, Peter
There are no books - the machines don't allow us to have them anymore...

CHF 26.90

The Last Ten Minutes

Ehsani, Vered
The Last Ten Minutes
Zain Fischer has been trapped in this examining room forever. At least it feels that way. In this strange cancer clinic, the doctor never comes and the nurse won't answer questions. Zain is lost, wandering endless hallways as she tries to find her way back to Reception, but every door she opens leads to another painful memory of loss and regret. As she searches the labyrinth of her life for answers, will she have the strength to face the t...

CHF 18.50

5 Days Of Love

Kumar, Sumeet
5 Days Of Love
This book is specially oriented to the emerging love in the life of adults. Everyone who wants to feel the real depth of love in a short style can easily get that feeling by reading this book . In this book you can feel the love at young stage of life. Most valuable fact about this book is that it is available in very easy and most understandable language, readers can easily interact with the author.

CHF 18.90

Ratgeber Beschäftigung von Auszubildenden

Ennemoser, Birgit
Ratgeber Beschäftigung von Auszubildenden
Ausbildung war in den letzten Monaten durch die Rahmenbedingungen der Corona-Krise sehr schwierig und verlangte den Ausbildungsunternehmen viel ab. Neben dem Mehraufwand zeitlicher und auch finanzieller Natur kommt der Angemessenheit der Vergütung eine hohe Bedeutung zu, da für die Ausbildungsvergütung enge Vorgaben fixiert wurden. Zur Abmilderung der Belastung lockt für 2021 das Bundesprogramm "Ausbildungsplätze sichern" mit vier Förderoptio...

CHF 28.90

The Whole Life

Huie, Eliza / Smith, Esther
The Whole Life
Many of us live at a pace that is impossible to keep. Unrelenting busyness might feel necessary, but it can lead to chronic stress and burnout that hinders our love for God and others. Instead of adding more to our long to-do list, counselors Eliza Huie and Esther Smith guide readers in how to think biblically about their whole life. They give ...

CHF 26.50

Der englische Staat und der deutsche Staat

Bammé, Arno
Der englische Staat und der deutsche Staat
In der Reihe der "Politischen Schriften" von Ferdinand Tönnies (Band 42, 44-46), soweit sie dem Ersten Weltkrieg und der Kriegsschuldfrage gewidmet sind, nimmt die vorliegende Monographie insofern eine Sonderstellung ein, als sie sich in vergleichender Analyse stärker mit den innenpolitischen Verhältnissen Englands und Deutschlands befasst und nicht so sehr mit der britischen Außen-, Kolonial- und Weltpolitik, zwar auch hier wiederum in kritis...

CHF 72.00

Put To Flight My Blindness (Vol. 1)

Stewart, Christopher
Put To Flight My Blindness (Vol. 1)
Near the village of Poivre Blanc, an old soldier lives up a hill from the quiet lives below, visited on occasion by a shepherd girl who is teaching him to read and write in exchange for an escape from her life. Everywhere else, and on the hills while shepherding, she is inseparable from Thierry, her neighbour and mentee in all questions of life. In the village jail, the lone prisoner remains a man racked with guilt over a tragedy that changed ...

CHF 25.50

Magia e poder em Garta: Volume 1 (Terra de Heróis)

Czaia, Peterson
Magia e poder em Garta: Volume 1 (Terra de Heróis)
Cinco crianças. Cinco sobreviventes de uma terra arrasada. Todas sem memórias. Procuram saber quem são e o que causou tal destruição. Os reinos pacíficos de Garta e todos os outros, nunca mais seriam os mesmos após os eventos que se sucederam. E o que ninguém sabia, era que a antiga profecia começava a se cumprir naquele tempo, trazendo hu

CHF 21.50


Garg, Sanchit
Poetries based on real life. Real life instances which all the people experience in their day to day life like love and broken heart, friendship and hatered, pulled down to the starting point and building yourself again. Buy this book to relax yourself and to lose your mind in some other imaginary world.

CHF 20.50

Star Trek: Voyager

Wangler, Julian
Star Trek: Voyager
Vor inzwischen zwei Jahrzehnten ging Star Trek: Voyager nach sieben Produktionsjahren zu Ende. Captain Kathryn Janeway und ihre Crew, lange Zeit im entlegenen Delta-Quadranten verschollen, fanden im Zuge eines bombastischen Borg-Abenteuers doch noch den Weg nachhause. Dieses Buch blickt auf die letzte große Star Trek-Serie des 24. Jahrhunderts zurück. Worüber handelte sie? Wer waren ihre Protagonisten? Welche Völker und Gegner präsentierte sie...

CHF 18.50