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1736 Ergebnisse - Zeige 241 von 260.

Essential Guide to Chinese History (Part 14)

Jiang, Qing Qing
Essential Guide to Chinese History (Part 14)
This is Part 14 of the books in Chinese History series. In this book, we will discover the Ming Dynasty (¿¿, 1368-1644). Paperback- Kindle- Welcome to the Chinese History series, a series dedicated to helping Mandarin Chinese learners improve Chinese reading skills. In this series, we will discover China's 5, 000-year-old history. Each of the book will focus on one important ruling Ch...

CHF 46.50

Rebuilding the Temple

Vande Kappelle, Robert P.
Rebuilding the Temple
As the Bible indicates, our lives are a construction zone, for our bodies are temples of the divine Spirit. Formed initially in the image of God, human beings lost intimacy with God through corruption, rebellion, or neglect. In response, the divine Creator loves us back into relationship, providing means of grace to help restore us to wholeness, beginning with our body and continuing through our mind, soul, and spirit. As buildings need cleani...

CHF 61.00

Child in a Bottle

Sarge, Mj
Child in a Bottle
MJ Sarge writes of her life growing up in an Irish family during the 50-60s, Her dad suffered from Post traumatic stress disorder from World War 2. The stress of the war memories lead him to drink to excess. This caused a fall out of hurts in her life and wounded her soul. Along with the souls of her other 9 brothers and sisters. We were all hurting from the trauma and abuse we each suffered as a result of the demon of alcoholism. Finding Jesu...

CHF 28.50

A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of...

Schaff, Philip
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, First Series, Volume 7
Philip Schaff's classic work colloquially known as The Early Church Fathers is an invaluable resource filled with the primary documents and early theological building blocks for the Christian church. Comprised of thirty-eight volumes, it is broken into three parts: the Ante-Nicene Fathers, and Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First and Second Series.

CHF 106.00

Deceitful Intentions: A Revenge Mystery

Armenise, Carlo
Deceitful Intentions: A Revenge Mystery
Raven Redman, twenty-four, and her mother Alice, a school teacher, are involved in a car accident that kills Alice and leaves raven severely injured, causing her to lose her right leg and her memory. After recovering, Raven, equipped with a prosthesis, leaves the hospital and goes back to her hometown to move into her Mother's house. Struggling to get her memory back, Raven gets reacquainted with her black twenty-four-year-old best friend, Jul...

CHF 14.90

Therapy on Platform 93/4: Journeys through Dissociative I...

Hamilton, Patricia
Therapy on Platform 93/4: Journeys through Dissociative Identity Disorder
In the first book of JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, named The Philosopher's Stone (1997), Harry is on his way to Hogwart's School of Wizardry. He has to first go to Platform 93/4 to catch the Hogwart's Express., Harry meets up with the Weazleys and watches as the children, with their trolleys, head straight for the big brick pillar that stands between platforms 9 and 10. Just as they reach the wall and disaster appears imminent, the childre...

CHF 28.50


Doniyorov, Boymurod
Monografiyada Navoiy viloyatining tabiiy ekotizmlari tavsifi, ornitologik tadqiqotlarga bag¿ishlangan manbalar va ularning nazariy metodologik masalalari, Navoiy viloyati misolida O¿rta Zarafshon hududida qishlovchi qushlar va ularning biologiyasi, qushlarni muhofaza qilish va asrab-avaylashning amaliy jihatlari, qishlovchi qushlar biologiyasiga doir manbalardan tälim-tarbiya tizimida foydalanish qisqa bayon qilingan. Monografiya oliy tälim mu...

CHF 71.00

Basics of Financial Management

T, Venkatesan / K K, Jagadeesh / R, Haribaskar
Basics of Financial Management
Financial management refers to the functions involved in the management of financial resources. These functions are fund procurement, working capital management, capital budgeting, and capital structure designing of an organization. It includes controlling and maintaining the financial assets of an organization. The basic objective of financial management is to achieve optimal profit, both in the short and long run. It even includes wealth max...

CHF 96.00

Bo¿lajak O¿qituvchilarning Pedagogik Mahoratni Shakllanti...

Amonov, Mirjon
Bo¿lajak O¿qituvchilarning Pedagogik Mahoratni Shakllantirishda
Mazkur monografiyada tälim jarayonida innovatsion tälim texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning ilmiy-pedagogik asoslari muammo sifatida, ishning mavjud ahvoli hamda o¿qitish imkoniyatlari izohlangan. ¿Innovatsion tälim texnologiyalari¿ tushunchasi, asosiy ko¿rinishlari, tälim innovatsiyalari turlari, asosiy farqlari yoritilga bo¿lib pedagogning innovatsion faoliyati tasniflangan. Tälim innovatsiyalarini pedagogik jarayonga tatbiq etish bosqichlari...

CHF 71.00


Gulhayo, Eshqulova
Mazkur lug'at kichik yosh bolalar tilidan olingan bo'lib bir nechta kichkintoylar so'zlarini aynan qanday talaffuz qilgan shunday yozib olingan. Lug'at bog'cha, boshlang'ich sinflarga dars beradigan o'qituvchilarga, ilmiy izlanuvchilar, magistratura va bakalavriat talabalariga, shuningdek, shu sohaga qiziquvchi keng kitobxonlar ommasiga mo'ljallangan.

CHF 52.50

Le postmodernisme comme symptôme

Obolonsky, Cyril
Le postmodernisme comme symptôme
Ce travail est consacré aux aspects philosophiques, culturels et scientifiques du postmodernisme. Il s'interroge sur son influence esthétique et méthodologique sur la vie à l¿échelle internationale. Après avoir étudié les facteurs liés à la post-modernité comme culture, l¿article illustre le débat socio-philosophique lancé en France dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle par Jean-François Lyotard et enrichi par Michel Foucoult, Roland Barthes, ...

CHF 56.90

Dépistage de la surdité chez les nouveau-nés à risque par...

Al Hallak, Said / Achir, Moussa
Dépistage de la surdité chez les nouveau-nés à risque par OEAP et PEAP
Les déficiences auditives, véritable problème de santé publique, de fréquence élevée, de symptomatologie occulte et de retentissement social grave. Notre étude de prévalence est descriptive, prospective sur 231 n-nés d'un ou de plusieurs facteurs de risque du comité mixte de l¿audition de l¿enfant. N-nés sélectionnés pendant leur hospitalisation aux soins intensifs néonatals de l¿EPH de Kouba, sur 3 ans, 2009 au 2011. 20 n-nés, retenus initial...

CHF 102.00