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2148 Ergebnisse - Zeige 141 von 160.


Udoh Ph. D, Jerry
New and growing Christians are daily grappling with fundamental questions about their place in the overall plan of God for humanity. The digital age has created many half-baked and self-acclaimed "teachers" and "mentors" from whom many of these Christians receive their instructions in righteousness, and with the deluge of misinformation and outright falsehood flowing from social media and, even some supposed Christian leaders, this state of un...

CHF 32.50

Safe Haven

Gross, David R.
Safe Haven
Hasdai ibn Shaprut was a Talmudic scholar who lived from 915-975. He was a linguist fluent in Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin, and a renowned physician. The caliph of Cordoba, Abd-ar-Rhaman III, recognized his learning, intelligence, and skills and appointed him court physician, and the inspector general for customs collections. He became a respected diplomatic advisor, particularly when dealing with the Byzantine empire. Shaprut also was appointed ...

CHF 45.90

The High Council of Orthia

Pryor, Richard
The High Council of Orthia
The High Council of Sentients is comprised of five Gray Elders: Ikolf, Htron, Tsae, Htuos, and Tsew. They are enlightened vessels of truth and light that possess the total sum of all knowledge and wisdom ever gathered since their sentient life began eons ago. Their expressed purpose is to seek out, establish and ensure "a higher order" for all life forms within the Universe. Despite their wisdom, knowledge and the genius of their technology, t...

CHF 42.90

Narzissen im Schnee

Morgenrot, Friederike
Narzissen im Schnee
Der Leitfaden, der in mehreren meiner Gedichte spürbar wird, ist mein Rückzug vom Leben und der in manchen Gedichten beschriebene Weg zurück zur Liebe.

CHF 13.50

Listening / Hearing

Mörchen, Raoul / Seiffarth, Carsten
Listening / Hearing
Beim internationalen Symposium LISTENING/HEARING diskutierten internationale Experten im Herbst 2021 in Bonn über den elementaren Sinn des Hörens und die Kulturtechnik des Zuhörens. Philosophie trifft auf Kognitionsforschung, Soundscape-Ökologie auf Musikwissenschaft, Architekturtheorie auf Medienanalytik, Geschichtswissenschaft auf Soziologie. Und alles auf die Klangkunst, die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft in sich aufnimmt, verarbeitet und ve...

CHF 40.50

Briefe auf seinen ausländischen Reisen an den königlichen...

Björnstahl, J. J.
Briefe auf seinen ausländischen Reisen an den königlichen Bibliothekar C.C. Gjörwell
Briefe auf seinen ausländischen Reisen an den königlichen Bibliothekar C.C. Gjörwell - Vierter Band, welcher Briefe aus der Türkei und Griechenland enthält ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1781. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des V...

CHF 41.50

Eight Slipper Styles to Knit

Frank, Janis
Eight Slipper Styles to Knit
Hand knit slippers are wonderful and it's always nice to receive a pair as a gift, even if it's for yourself! If you are an avid knitter, you can even turn your hobby into a lucrative business and sell what you make either locally or online. Knitting has definitely developed far past Grandma sitting in her rocker knitting for the grand kids... With this collection of knitting patterns, there are 8 different styles of slippers you can make. ...

CHF 26.90

Forget the Undead

Mortimer, L. C.
Forget the Undead
Some dreams are meant to stay dead. When the zombies came, they destroyed everything. They took everything, including the dreams Winchester had been finding himself in for years. It wasn't until now, a decade after the invasion happened, that he finally decided to start drawing again. Creating art in the best of times is hard but crafting art during the zombie apocalypse feels nearly impossible. Winchester needs something to give him enough...

CHF 17.90

Thalia Reigns

Sharon, Fran
Thalia Reigns
Much of my recent writing has focused on the turmoil in today's world.. With THAILA REIGNS I have attempted to lighten up somewhat, and hopefully share a laugh or two with each of you.

CHF 27.50


Bennett, Paul J
A land on the brink of destruction! Determined to do everything they can to break the family's stranglehold over the Petty Kingdoms, Athgar and Natalia travel to the distant port of Korvoran. When outside interference causes the uneasy balance of power to crumble, the entire region is plunged into chaos. Can the northern kingdoms overcome their animosity to keep the peace, or will they forever be drenched in bloody conflict? Kargen, now ...

CHF 26.50


Vince K. Pula
The book includes easy recipes that will make preparing these exquisite dinners as fun as eating them. Prepare staples like baba ghanoush, hummus, falafel, and baklava, as well as more adventurous dishes like dolmades packed with rice, squid in ink, sour chicken with sumac and walnuts, and fig marmalade with grape molasses.

CHF 45.90

Prose and Verse, But 'Eavy It Ain't

Clay, Peter
Prose and Verse, But 'Eavy It Ain't
---- Murder, Mayhem, Stupidity and Karma are aplenty in the prose. A sense of humour is needed for the poetry because, as the title clearly states, 'Eavy it definitely A'int. Smiles guaranteed. ----

CHF 19.90

Project Management Planning

Abdomerovic, Muhamed
Project Management Planning
Project Management Planning explores the science and art of handling planned responsibility and unexpected conditions. The processes of planning contents (initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing) and the attributes of planning contents (scope, time, resources, cost, quality, risk, benefit, others) are generally common. For that reason, comprehensive project management planning applies across all types of projects and all kinds of...

CHF 73.00

Die Europäisierung des türkischen Privatrechts

Arici, Izzettin Kassam
Die Europäisierung des türkischen Privatrechts
Trotz zahlreicher politischer und gesellschaftlicher Umwälzungen bildet die Übernahme rechtlichen Gedankenguts aus Europa seit nunmehr fast zwei Jahrhunderten eine Kontinuitätslinie der türkischen Rechtsgeschichte. Die jüngste Phase dieser Entwicklung stellt der sogenannte autonome Nachvollzug europäischen Richtlinienrechts dar. Izzettin Kassam Arici unterzieht vor diesem Hintergrund den autonomen Nachvollzug europäischer Richtlinien im Bereic...

CHF 132.00

Study on Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese of Yunnan Or...

Chen, Jun
Study on Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Southeast Asia
This book is concerned with the historical fact of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese living in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos before 1949. Against the social background of acute class and ethnic conflicts in Yunnan in modern times, many Chinese people had immigrated. The immigration of overseas Chinese of Yunnan origin was influenced by the condition of transportation. There were economic and political reasons for the immigration, and ...

CHF 108.00


Haker, Andreas
Dieses Buch bietet unerfahrenen Einsteigern ins Pen & Paper Rollenspiel einen Leitfaden, um gemeinsam spannende Rollenspielabende zu veranstalten. Dabei werden nicht nur die absoluten Grundlagen des Rollenspiels vermittelt, sondern auch Tipps zur Auswahl des Systems und zur Gestaltung von gelungenen Rollenspielabenden gegeben. Sowohl für angehende Spielleiter, baldige Helden als auch für jene, die noch nicht wissen auf welcher Seite sie Platz ...

CHF 21.50

Once upon a time in Tinderwood

Singleton, Sandy
Once upon a time in Tinderwood
True Storys und sogar ein bisschen Sex, Love and Crime: Wie im Märchen ist es im modernen Liebesdschungel nicht immer. Davon kann die Autorin ein Lied singen: "Once upon a time in Tinderwood" ist ein wenig Plaudern aus dem Nähkästchen, Seelen-Striptease und echte Erlebnisse aus dem Onlinedating-Alltag/-Wahnsinn. Denn "It's a match" ist erst der Anfang! Dieser Satz öffnet auf Tinder nämlich die Tür, um "interessante" Menschen kennenzulernen, de...

CHF 20.90