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640 Ergebnisse - Zeige 481 von 500.

Robert Tries To Help

Pearson, Mike
Robert Tries To Help
Mental health care bear Robert finds himself balancing the role of a responsible public servant, while having feelings for his colleague Rosealea. Along the way, the two face many picaresque situations, including a romantic break to the East Coast, a complicated river cruise, and Robert's later life as a British secret agent. A literary adult comedy, Robert Tries To Help is a hilarious read intended for a mature audience. This is the large pri...

CHF 41.50

Wintertraum in Smaland (Wandkalender 2023 DIN A3 quer)

Gerken, Jochen
Wintertraum in Smaland (Wandkalender 2023 DIN A3 quer)
Smaland ist ein Gebiet in Südschweden. Im Winter verwandelt sich die Landschaft mit ihren Seen und Wäldern zu einem wahren Wintertraum: stille, verschneite Wege, vereiste Bäume und dazwischen die typisch roten Holzhäuser. Mit etwas Glück kann man auch einen der ca. 300.000 Elche beobachten.

CHF 44.90

Destination image and customer loyalty in medical tourism

Rahila U, Joseph Mary
Destination image and customer loyalty in medical tourism
INTRODUCTION 1.1. MEDICAL TOURISM - AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE Medical tourism (MT) is a rapidly growing sector, which involves traveling across international borders in order to obtain complete healthcare. India is recognized as a medical tourism destination hub that attracts, medical travelers /tourists mostly from other places. A few reasons for medical travel are world-class medical care at considerably low cost(based on 2002 data, an inpatient...

CHF 44.50

Société et Solitude

Emerson, Ralph W.
Société et Solitude
Au cours de mes voyages, je me suis trouvé avec un humoriste qui avait chez lui un modelage de la Méduse de Rondanini, et qui m'assura que le nom sous lequel cette grande ¿uvre d'art figurait dans les catalogues était inexact , il était convaincu que le sculpteur qui l'avait taillée la destinait à représenter la Mémoire, mère des Muses. Dans la conversation qui suivit, mon nouvel ami me fit quelques confidences extraordinaires. Ne voyez-vous p...

CHF 23.50

I KNOW That Bird!

Blevins, Mauverneen
I KNOW That Bird!
I KNOW That Bird helps children learn to identify birds they see every day - in their yards, in the park, or wherever they might see birds. Illustrated with charming photos by this award-winning photographer, the short rhyming verses about each bird capture a child's attention as they learn to recognize the birds and learn to read on their own. A great gift for budding young birdwatchers and readers.

CHF 29.50

Motorräder am Jochpass (Wandkalender 2023 DIN A3 quer)

Käufer, Stephan
Motorräder am Jochpass (Wandkalender 2023 DIN A3 quer)
Motorräder polarisieren. Oldtimer Motorräder werden geliebt. Ihr Motorengebrüll ist für viele Musik. Rennveranstaltungen sind Publikumsmagneten. Die Technik, das mechanische Zusammenspiel ist sichtbar, schnörkellos. Anschauungsunterricht pur. Eines der letzten Bergrennen, das Jochpass-Oldtimer-Memorial in Bad Hindelang, ist beliebt bei Fans, Fahrern und Begeisterten. Von Ihm berichten die Fotos.

CHF 44.90

Baseball Power (Premium, hochwertiger DIN A2 Wandkalender...

Roder, Peter
Baseball Power (Premium, hochwertiger DIN A2 Wandkalender 2023, Kunstdruck in Hochglanz)
Der Fotokünstler Peter Roder hat eindrucksvolle Bilder dieser weit verbreiteten Sportart gestaltet. Ein farbenprächtiger Kalender für alle Baseball-Fans und ein schöner Begleiter für das ganze Jahr. PREMIUM-LINIE mit Kunstdrucken im Hochglanzformat in Museumsqualität. Stabile Rückwand mit 2 innovativen Einstecktaschen für eine optimale Präsentation an der Wand EINZELFERTIGUNG mit hochwertigen Materialien in Deutschland (Made in Germany) Damit ...

CHF 99.00

Sojourn on a River

Yates, Terry
Sojourn on a River
On Thanksgiving 2018, my wife of 37 years, suggested a project. To take all of those pages in the back filing cabinet and make a book. Three copies, spiral bound at Staples in time for Christmas as gifts for my sons ( one copy for myself). A short deadline, but one I met. Lee Pennington, my college mentor who I had a chance reunion with after some 33 years, saw what I was calling "The Prototype" the following Spring and convinced me to share m...

CHF 21.90

The Montessori Movement in Interwar Europe

Quarfood, Christine
The Montessori Movement in Interwar Europe
This book explores how the Montessori movement developed a cultural critique and gained momentum during the interwar years of political turbulence. Drawing on archival sources, press material and Montessori's literary output, the book provides a multifaceted analysis of this significant educational movement. The first two chapters presents the scientific background, how Montessori's innovative method offered new solutions to age-old problems o...

CHF 146.00

The 100 Greatest MSDOS Games

Crossland, Tom
The 100 Greatest MSDOS Games
MS-DOS games encompassed the 1980s and 1990s and are regarded to be a golden era for home gaming. How could it not be a golden era with games like Doom, Quake, The Secret of Monkey Island, Star Wars: X-Wing, and so on? The DOS era left behind enough happy gaming memories to last a lifetime. So let's go ahead now and explore the 100 greatest games of the beloved DOS era!

CHF 20.90