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4512 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Trotzdem & Überhaupt

Ntephe, Helga
Trotzdem & Überhaupt
Katalog und Werkverzeichnis zur Retrospektive im Kunstverein Schieder-Schwalenberg, 2022. Mit einem Vorwort von Charlotte Heitland M.A. und Gedichten sowie einen Text über die Potsdamer Strasse von Helga Ntephe. Trotzdem & überhaupt" - der Ausstellungskatalog zur großen Retrospektive von Helga Ntephe im Kunstverein Schieder-Schwalenberg - erlaubt die längst überfällige Würdigung eines Werkes, das im Kunstbetrieb viel zu lange im Schatten stan...

CHF 34.50

Bildersprache - Sprachbilder

Miska, Orsolay
Bildersprache - Sprachbilder
Einführung in die Struktur der ungarischen Sprache Das prägendste Element eines Landes bzw. Ortes ist die lokal übliche Sprache, denn die Menschen denken und sprechen in einer Sprache, die ihren Gedankengang bestimmt. Auf diese Weise ist sie nicht nur ein Kommunikationsmittel, sondern sie speichert Gedanken und Erkenntnisse über Jahrtausende hinweg, also sie ist gleichzeitig das älteste Sprach-, Geschichts- und ethnographische Lexikon. So auc...

CHF 25.50

Das Frauenbild im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Friedrich S...

Das Frauenbild im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Friedrich Schleiermachers
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Theologie - Historische Theologie, Kirchengeschichte, Note: 1, 0, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (Institut für Kirchengeschichte), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwiefern die Traupredigt für das Ehepaar von Beyme von 1823 Schleiermachers Frauenbild, das er 25 Jahre zuvor in seiner ¿Idee zu einem Katechismus der Vernunft für edle Frauen¿ formuliert hat, widersp...

CHF 22.50

Uses of Fuel Efficient Stoves to improve Health Condition...

Asfaw Wakene, Yohannes
Uses of Fuel Efficient Stoves to improve Health Conditions of Women and Children in Ethiopia
Document from the year 2022 in the subject Health - Public Health, , language: English, abstract: This research report aimed at identifying the problem that women and girls/children encounter during collection of much biomass fire wood and face health risk at indoor activities when cooking. The research gives awareness for the community to use fuel saving stove that minimize fuel and reduce smoke that hazard their health. Many house hold fro...

CHF 24.90

When You Think About Quitting, Think About Why You Started

Schmidt, Thomas A.
When You Think About Quitting, Think About Why You Started
Being in any business is hard. There are a lot of obstacles you need to go through. Despite that, you are more than what you think you are. There are a lot of challenges that come with being in business. It can be difficult to keep up with the competition, find and retain employees and customers, while generating profits. Given the challenges and obstacles that get in your way, it is possible for you to succeed. So, if you're feeling like...

CHF 50.50

Arsiz Yesillik

Labatut, Benjamin
Arsiz Yesillik
Ne zaman dünyayi anlamayi biraktik Hirosima ve Nagasakiyi yerle bir eden atomlari bir generalin yagli parmaklari degil, elinde bir avuc denklem olan bir grup fizikci parcalamisti. Insanligin sonunu insanligi kurtarmayi amaclayan fikirler mi getirecek Silili yazar Benjamn Labatut Arsiz Yesilliki meydana getiren metinlerde dünyanin gidisatini degistirirken insanligi ucurumun kiyisina getiren bilimcilerin beklenmedik esin kaynaklarina, ucsuz buca...

CHF 15.50

Candide ya da Iyimserlik Voltaire

Candide ya da Iyimserlik Voltaire
Fransiz edebiyatinin belki de en cok okunan bu eserini, Leibnizin mümkün dünyalarin en iyisinde yasadigimiz felsefesine, Popeun her sey iyidir düsüncesine bir karsilik olarak yazar Voltaire. Bir pikaresk roman olarak yazilan Candidede iyilik, erdem, özgürlük gibi kavramlar sorgulanir, farkli ülke, hükümdarlik, kral ve toplumlari elestiren, yer yer hicveden bir üslupla ele alinir. Iyimser düsüncelerle yasamini sürdüren genc Candide, bir gönül m...

CHF 16.90

Kendime Düsünceler

Aurelius, Marcus
Kendime Düsünceler
Bati felsefesinin tek filozof-imparatoru Marcus Aurelius, günümüzde hem politikaci hem de düsünür kimligiyle adindan söz ettiren Roma hükümdarlarindan biridir. Savaslarla gecen yasami boyunca hayranlikla felsefe metinleri okumus, Germen kavimleriyle savastigi sirada cephede yazdigi Kendime Düsüncelerle dünya felsefe tarihine önemi yadsinamaz bir eser kazandirmistir. Bugün hala Stoaci felsefenin en önemli metinlerinden biri olarak okunan Kendim...

CHF 14.50


O'Brien, Edna
Bir zamanlar bir kiz cocuguydum ama artik degilim. Bir gece vakti, uykusundan silah sesleriyle uyandirilan Maryam, okul arkadaslariyla birlikte Boko Haram örgütü tarafindan kacirilir ve ormanin derinliklerinde, tamamen erkeklerin egemenlik kurdugu bir kampta her türlü barbarligi, dehseti deneyimler. Militanlardan biriyle zorla evlendirilir, hamile kalir. Nihayet oradan kacip tehlikelerle dolu bitmek bilmez bir yolu astiktan sonraysa kendisini ...

CHF 16.90

Wordplay: 10 Lessons To Become A Better Writer

Taylor, Dashawn
Wordplay: 10 Lessons To Become A Better Writer
As a writer, you understand the profound significance of the written word. Your literary works have the power to inspire, transform, and impact lives. But let's face it, writing is not for the faint of heart. It's a daunting task that can leave you feeling lost, frustrated, and isolated. You need a powerful source of motivation and inspiration to keep you going, to help you overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of your writing dreams. I...

CHF 14.50

A Gift From God &#1076,&#1072,&#1088,&#1091,&#1085,&#1086...

Lemon, Tahirih / Stetskovych, Lusya
A Gift From God &#1076,&#1072,&#1088,&#1091,&#1085,&#1086,&#1082, &#1074,&#1110,&#1076, &#1041,&#1086,&#1075,&#1072
Допитлива дитина дізнається, що вона є дарунком від Бога.Чарівна історія про дівчинку, в якої виникає багато запитань, аджевона хоче зрозуміти хто такий Бог. Книга в простий спосіб знайомитьнайменших дослідників з думками про Бога.A curious child learns the truth about her being a gift from God. A charming story exploring one child's endless questions regarding God. An ideal book to introduce the concept of God to young children. Short childre...

CHF 18.50

Mr. Blue

Connolly, Myles
Mr. Blue
J. Blue is a mysterious man. Charming and carefree, he goes from rags to riches after the inheritance of an unexpected fortune, only to forgo money and power for the love of Lady Poverty. This life of service leads him to embrace fully his Christian faith-loving the unlovable, instructing the ignorant, and remembering that it is by grace that we are saved. In this new edition of Connolly's 1928 novel, which features a special Preface by the au...

CHF 49.50

Taschenlexikon Erstkommunion

Kokschal, Peter / Harper, Ursula
Taschenlexikon Erstkommunion
Das Grundwissen für Erstkommunionkinder ist in diesem unentbehrlichen Nachschlagewerk übersichtlich und besonders kindgerecht zusammengefasst. 200 Begriffe zu Themen wie Eucharistie, Kirche, Glauben, Bibel, heilige Messe, Kirchenjahr u. v. m. werden darin leicht verständlich erklärt. So kann das Wissen der Kinder zur Erstkommunion und in den Jahren danach gefestigt werden und mitwachsen. Ein praktisches und nachhaltiges Geschenk, das junge Chr...

CHF 8.90

Anthropocene Days

Dargavel, John
Anthropocene Days
Is that the nub of the world's environmental crisis: that in the business of everyday, we pass by with our connections unacknowledged? Anthropocene Days gathers 27 easy-to-read short essays about the environment and climate change in everyday life. While the world and governments are beset by the great woes of changing climate, deforestation, species extinction, air pollution, fouling oceans and so on, we go about individually and locally as b...

CHF 78.00