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7845 Ergebnisse - Zeige 7821 von 7840.


Canetti, Elias
Dünya edebiyatinin basyapitlarindan biri oldugu tartismasiz kabul edilen Körlesme, Almanyada edebiyatin, politikanin kirli gölgeleri altinda yitip gitmeye yüz tuttugu bir dönemde yazilmistir. Ancak, Elias Canetti kurguladigi zaman ve mekan, kullandigi dil ve üslup, karakterlerindeki soyutlamanin isabetliligi ve bunlari aktarmadaki basarisi sayesinde sinirlari asmis, evrenselligin en üst boyutlarina ulasmistir. Coktandir kendi fildisi kulesine ...

CHF 24.90

Bookchair (Standard) | Schwarz | Buchständer aus Holz | L...

Bookchair (Standard) | Schwarz | Buchständer aus Holz | Leseständer | Für Bücher, E-Reader und Tablets | Lesehilfe | Tablethalter | freihändig Lesen | aktives Sitzen | ergonomisches Lesen | Geschenk für Leser & Buchliebhaber
Der Bookchair ist ein hochwertiger Buchständer für viele Lesesituationen. Der Clou: zwei Holzstege halten das Buch offen, so dass die Hände beim Lesen frei bleiben. Der Bookchair lässt sich auf drei Lesewinkel einstellen und nach Gebrauch flach zusammenklappen. Mit dem STANDARD Bookchair sind sie auf der sicheren Seite. Dieser Buchständer ist auch für große Schulbücher, Kochbücher, Bildbände oder ihre DIN A 4-Manuskripte geeignet. Auch Aktenor...

CHF 48.50

Bookchair (Medium) | Schwarz | Buchständer aus Holz | Les...

Bookchair (Medium) | Schwarz | Buchständer aus Holz | Leseständer | Für Bücher, E-Reader und Tablets | Lesehilfe | Tablethalter | freihändig Lesen | aktives Sitzen | ergonomisches Lesen | Geschenk für Leser & Buchliebhaber
Der Bookchair ist ein hochwertiger Buchständer für viele Lesesituationen. Der Clou:zwei Holzstege halten das Buch offen, so dass die Hände beim Lesen frei bleiben. Der Bookchair lässtsich auf drei Lesewinkel einstellen und nach Gebrauch flach zusammenklappen.Der MEDIUM Bookchair ist handlich genug, um in jede Tasche zu passen und bietet Platz für die meistenBücher: Hardcover, Taschenbücher, Schulbücher und Kochbücher. Der Allrounder unter den ...

CHF 39.50

What Lives in the Sea?

Cowley, Joy / Park, Yeong-Jin
What Lives in the Sea?
3 books in a series which teaches basic science principles through illustrated stories. Each includes questions and an activity at the end to expand on the main ideas and encourage independent thinking.

CHF 14.50

Simyaci - Özel Baski Ciltli

Coelho, Paulo
Simyaci - Özel Baski Ciltli
Paulo Coelhonun 25 yil önce kaleme aldigi ilk romani Simyaci, ceyrek asirlik macerasini tamamladi. Kitabin ABDdeki basiminin ardindan tam 271 hafta boyunca New York Timesin cok satanlarinda kalarak esi görülmemis bir rekora imza atan Simyaci, tüm dünyada oldugu gibi Türk okurlari da sasirtacak bir sürprizle dogum gününü kutluyor.25. yila özel, ciltli ve kutulu baskisi yapilan Simyaci Cikti..

CHF 35.50

Wisdom of Jesus & the Yoga Siddhas

Govindan, Marshall
Wisdom of Jesus & the Yoga Siddhas
This book is addressed to serious Biblical students, Christians who are interested in comparing Eastern spiritual teachings with those of Christianity, and students of spiritual Yoga, otherwise known as Classical Yoga and Tantra, as well as students and practitioners of meditation and other spiritual disciplines. The discoveries of ancient manuscripts, and their analysis by independent critical scholars using scientific methods, provide much i...

CHF 24.90

Women Racers

Fordham, Glenda
Women Racers
The doors to the ''good ole boys'' club of auto racing have been broken down, and women drivers now have full membership privileges. But their triumphs wouldn't be possible without the groundbreaking efforts of their sisters in speed going back nearly 100 years. Cinderella drives her own coach now--very fast! - Current media darling Danica Patrick became the first woman to lead the Indy field, and she is a regular guest on the David Letterman ...

CHF 14.50

Quarks and Gluons: A Century of Particle Charges

Han, Moo-Young
Quarks and Gluons: A Century of Particle Charges
The major development in atomic, nuclear particle and quark physics are presented in this text. It provides a brief history of particles, charting the discovery of electrons and photons, antimatter, atomic nuclei, strong and weak forces, and quarks and gluons.

CHF 33.90

Bir Keloglan Bir de Esegi

Avci cakman, Koray
Bir Keloglan Bir de Esegi
Gökten üc elma düsmüsBu kitaptaki masallar bilmedigimiz diyarlardan bilmedigimiz zamanlardan sesleniyor bizlere. Her masalda oldugu gibi bu kitaptaki masallarda da iyilerle kötüler bir araya geliyor, adalet yerini buluyor.

CHF 15.50

Eldivenlerimi Kim Caliyor

Özlem Sezer, Melek
Eldivenlerimi Kim Caliyor
Eldivenler nereye giderMoli, büyükannesinin ördügü eldivenleri kullanmayi cok seviyor. Ancak eldivenlerin teki sürekli kayboldugu icin hep yeni eldiven istemek zorunda kaliyor. Kayip eldivenlerinin pesine düstügündeyse bir sürprizle karsilasiyor.

CHF 15.50

Das Zahlenbuch

Konkow, Monika
Das Zahlenbuch
Wer hat Angst vor dem Zahlenmonster? Schüler mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf, die mit diesen Materialien lernen, sind über solche Schrecken erhaben. Denn ein kleines Monster ist ihr treuer Begleiter durch den Zahlendschungel. Es hilft ihnen, Zahlen zu erkennen, zu schreiben und den Mengen zuzuordnen, und motiviert die Kinder, sich ein eigenes Zahlenbuch zusammenzustellen, in dem jedes bearbeitete Üungsblatt den individuellen Lernfortschri...

CHF 37.90

Astrology of Personality

Rudhyar, Dane
Astrology of Personality
A modern classic, as potent today as when first written in 1936. Rudhyar integrates modem concepts of psychology with elements of both Western and Oriental philosophies. He succeeds in presenting Astrology as a symbolic language by reformulating its basic concepts and focusing on viewing the chart as a whole.

CHF 44.90

Zebra mit Bratkartoffeln

Hasselbacher, Werner
Zebra mit Bratkartoffeln
Dreizehn phantasievolle Zoogeschichten: Überschüssige Zootiere werden dem Zoopersonal bei einem Betriebsfest als Braten serviert, ein Orang-Utan zeigt seinem Pfleger, wer der Herr im Hause ist, der Transport eines Nilpferdes kann Kopfschmerzen bereiten, einem Zoodirektor erscheinen seine Zöglinge nachts im Traum ... Das Ganze versehen mit einem kräftigen Schuss Humor und einer Prise Sarkasmus.

CHF 16.50

Garden Bugs of Alberta

Fry, Ken / Macaulay, Doug / Williamson, Don
Garden Bugs of Alberta
People too often only perceive bugs as unattractive alien species that should be crushed or sprayed with toxins. However, many common bugs found in your garden are essential predators, necessary to keep plant-attacking insects under control. Learn about the good guys and the bad guys of the Alberta garden in this entertaining and informative book.

CHF 29.90

Hz. Muhammed ve Evrensel Mesaji

Saricam, Ibrahim
Hz. Muhammed ve Evrensel Mesaji
ÖnsözBurada calismamizi hazirlarken basvurdugumuz kaynaklar ve takip ettigimiz metot hakkinda, ayrintiya girmeksizin, ana hatlariyla bilgi vermek istiyoruz. Kaynaklarimizin basinda Kuran-i Kerim gelmektedir. Hz. Peygamberin hayati, Kuran-i Kerimden bagimsiz düsünülemez. Onda Peygamberimiz dönemindeki savaslar, antlasmalar, yahudilerle, hristiyanlarla, münafiklarla ve bedevlerle iliskiler, hicret, Hz. Peygamberin hayati ve esleri, beser yönü, p...

CHF 18.50

Dangerous Animals

Einstein, Gerry
Dangerous Animals
Facts about dangerous animals that kids will enjoy reading and learning: -The poison dart frog is only the size of a toonie, but the toxin on its skin is enough to kill 10 men -A yawning hippo shows its huge teeth as a warning, and with its strong jaws it can bite of a person's arm -Bull sharks head-butt their prey before they attack it -The komodo dragon will eat anything it can catch, including other komodo dragons.

CHF 11.90

Aluminium Toxicity In Infants' Health And Disease

Zatta, Paolo / Alfrey, Allen C
Aluminium Toxicity In Infants' Health And Disease
Aluminium is the most abundant metal ion in the biosphere and we are continuously exposed to it in our everyday life through food, beverages, pharmaceutical products, etc. This book is a current and comprehensive review of the biochemistry, metabolism and toxicity of aluminium undertaken by an international group of authors, many of whom are outstanding authorities in their respective fields. In contrast with previous books on this topic, much...

CHF 171.00

Spark the Creative Flame

Stankard, Paul J
Spark the Creative Flame
This is a resource that strives to inform, inspire, and motivate all who work in craft and wish to improve the creative expression of their work. While the book features flameworked glass and a selection of the leading artisans who do this work, the insights and recommendations presented transcend material and speak to broader issues relevant to all creative craftspeople. The book is made up of three parts, presented in engaging and accessible...

CHF 65.00