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Geschlechterkonzeptionen im extrem rechten Verschwörungsd...

Riedmiller, Laila
Geschlechterkonzeptionen im extrem rechten Verschwörungsdenken
In diesem Buch wird die ¿neurechte` Agitation gegen einen angeblichen ¿Großen Austausch` hinsichtlich der darin formulierten Geschlechterbilder analysiert. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, welche ideologische und strategische Rolle Geschlechterkonzeptionen in dem Verschwörungsnarrativ spielen und wie sie begründet werden. Bisherige Leerstellen in der Erforschung des Phänomens lassen sich, so das Ergebnis der Arbeit, auch auf einen Mangel an interdi...

CHF 71.00


Fornaciari, Raffaello
La Sintassi della lingua italiana offre, per essere ben trattata, difficoltà di gran lunga maggiori, che non l¿etimologia. Lasciando stare l¿immensa materia che essa comprende, i suoi costrutti hanno una instabilità e varietà più grande, che non abbiano le forme delle parole. E per verità in questa parte, più che altrove, l¿uso regolare introdotto dalle scritture, e l¿uso popolare cö suoi idiotismi differiscono sovente, e gli scrittori stessi,...

CHF 26.50


Fornaciari, Raffaello
Già nei preliminari alla prima parte della Sintassi spiegammo che cos¿è la proposizione, ne enumerammo gli elementi, e ne distinguemmo, in generale, le diverse specie, ed i modi con cui l¿una all¿altra si collega. Senza ripetere le definizioni date colà, vogliamo in questa parte seconda esporre primieramente l¿uso delle parti o degli elementi della proposizione in generale, e venir dipoi a insegnare l¿uso delle diverse proposizioni in pa...

CHF 26.50


Pascarella, Cesare
Si me ce so' trovata, sor Ghetano? Quanno vennero giù, stavo lì sotto! Faceveno er trapeso americano, Quanno quello più basso e traccagnotto,

CHF 20.90

Studi Intorno Alla Storia Della Lombardia Negli Ultimi Tr...

Belgioioso, Cristina
Studi Intorno Alla Storia Della Lombardia Negli Ultimi Trent Anni E Delle Cagioni Del Difetto D Energia Dei Lombardi
Chi abbia scorsa la Lombardia nella prima parte di questo secolo, chi abbia studiato la storia d'Italia, chi abbia militato al fianco degl'Italiani negli eserciti imperiali, ed in ispezieltà veduti i ventisettemila o che soldati partiti dall'Alta Italia o dal reame di Napoli perire tutti nelle gelide pianure della Russia o nei flutti della Beresina, spirare da valorosi con la spada in pugno, senza gemiti nè omei, cadere aggelati nell'atto di l...

CHF 20.90

Storia Della Decadenza E Rovina Dell Impero Romano Vol Xiii

Gibbon, Edward
Storia Della Decadenza E Rovina Dell Impero Romano Vol Xiii
Un Greco eloquente, padre delle scuole dell'Italia, ha paragonate fra loro e celebrate le città di Roma e di Costantinopoli . Il sentimento che Manuele Crisogoras provò alla vista dell'antica Capitale del Mondo, sede de' suoi antenati, superò tutte le idee che egli avea potuto da prima formarsene, nè biasimò d'indi in poi l'antico sofista che esclamava essere Roma un soggiorno non fatto per gli uomini, ma per gli Dei. Questi Dei e quegli ...

CHF 26.50

Storia Della Decadenza E Rovina Dell Impero Romano Vol Xii

Gibbon, Edward
Storia Della Decadenza E Rovina Dell Impero Romano Vol Xii
Lo scisma delle Chiese greca e latina seguì d'appresso la restaurazione dell'Impero d'Occidente da Carlomagno operata . Una nimistà nazionale e religiosa tiene tuttavia disgiunte le due più numerose comunioni del mondo Cristiano, e lo Scisma di Costantinopoli, inimicando i più utili confederati, irritando i più pericolosi nemici, l'invilimento e la caduta dell'Impero romano d'Oriente affrettò. Più d'una volta, e manifestamente, è appars...

CHF 26.50

Storia Della Guerra Della Independenza Degli Stati Uniti ...

Botta, Carlo
Storia Della Guerra Della Independenza Degli Stati Uniti Di America Volume Iv
1780. Io m'apparecchio a scrivere una ostinata guerra, la quale variata in numerosi affronti, e spesse battaglie dimostrò forse più, che in un'altra qualsivoglia, quanto siano incerte le operazioni dell'armi, ed instabili i favori della fortuna, e quanto tenaci siano le umane menti nel proseguire ciò, che posto hanno in cima dei desiderj loro. Le vittorie partorirono frequentemente i frutti delle rotte, e le rotte quei delle vittorie, i vincit...

CHF 26.50

Lust, Lies and Betrayal

Kiswana, Bu-Sha'
Lust, Lies and Betrayal
During the height of Freaknik in the early '90s, the city of Atlanta was thriving as a black cultural mecca, attracting college students from around the world for the annual spring break event. Crystal, a college student who moved to Atlanta to attend an HBCU, develops a close bond with her co-worker, Shakita. But Crystal's struggle with loneliness, low self-esteem, and the effects of childhood traumas have led her into numerous toxic relation...

CHF 18.90

Harnessing Your Inner Strength Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Publications, Book Wave
Harnessing Your Inner Strength Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Want to change your life and create friends with your strong mind? Simple techniques for releasing your inner potential will show you how to live a life full of immense joy. Have you ever questioned why so few people choose to pursue seemingly unattainable objectives while others choose for a life of average success? Do you ever experience stress or anxiety as a result of becoming trapped in some areas of your life despite your best efforts? A...

CHF 21.90

The ART of Life

Masters, Melissa
The ART of Life
A rich, valuable resource for art therapists, therapists, counselors, psychologists, and life coaches, especially those working in a school setting. The ART of LIfe book is a Professional"s Guide for helping youth build self-esteem, resilience, and feel empowered to navigate their lives. Forty "lessons" encompass a holistic exploration of the four domains of the self: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each lesson, (Nutrition, Sense...

CHF 92.00

Weather and Beasts and Growing Things

Suttee, Charlotte
Weather and Beasts and Growing Things
In 2079, Stevven Pane (they/them) operates an unsanctioned GreenRoof, an urban garden atop a condemned apartment on the coast of South Carolina. The city seeks to evict Stevven, along with nine-year-old Eli, "Earther" Gino, gossip magazine journalist Barbara, and BluBerry, a sentient plant. When this motley crew is forced to navigate a neoliberal cyberpunk urban landscape, miles of abandoned highways riddled with oil cults and cannibals, and s...

CHF 27.90

The First Gingerbread House

Hickson, T. B.
The First Gingerbread House
The First Gingerbread House-A classic Christmas folktale about the power of kindness. A beautifully illustrated, full-color picture storybook, set in Medieval times, this story captures the essence of the culture and time that gave birth to one of our most beloved holiday traditions. The story is fictional, but the lessons about hope, kindness, and the joy they bring, resonate with people of all times. In a land filled with troubles and bad-...

CHF 39.90

Angels Before Man

Nicolás, Rafael
Angels Before Man
Angels Before Man: Revised and Extended A Queer Retelling of Satan's Fall In an eternal paradise, the most beautiful angel, Lucifer, struggles with shame, identity, and timidity, with little more than the desire to worship his creator. It isn't until the strongest angel, Michael, comes into his life that Lucifer learns to love himself. Along the way, their friendship begins to bloom into something else. Maybe the first romance in the his...

CHF 21.90

AI Made Simple

Kapur, Rajeev
AI Made Simple
Generative AI is creating revolutionary change at a head-spinning pace that will touch nearly every aspect of our lives. It has already triggered a tidal wave of technological innovation that holds the potential to disrupt industries and organizations while creating new unforeseen opportunities for everyone. Are you intrigued by the power of AI and want to explore its creative possibilities? Or are you new to this world and feeling a bit ove...

CHF 43.90


Chapman, Rita
In this third book of a paranormal series, Liberty discovers the last of the sky dwellers. She brings them to the Castle, because she has been away and has returned with doubts about what she has seen and been told by those closest to her. Through a series of events, she is helped by Mother Nature, and discovers that the world is not what it seems. Liberty is threatened and forced to spend time on the Lower Levels, where her perspective is f...

CHF 28.90

Reckless Covenant

Roman, Lilith
Reckless Covenant
In another life, I used to love him. Now, I just need him.But will he break me all over again?For years, I made sure to keep the handsome, black-eyed devil out of my life. I never expected to be the one to pull him back in.What choice do I have when my own family betrays me?I was building a life for myself, and now I'm trapped. But I refuse to run. I don't want to hide. And I certainly will not submit.The only way to escape with my life is to ...

CHF 25.90

Conspiracy Theory "The Order"

Trent, Larz
Conspiracy Theory "The Order"
At the heart of the world we know, hidden in the shadows of society, lies a deep and disturbing secret. A secretive elite, known only as 'The Order, ' manipulates every aspect of human life. Its members dwell in the shadows, while controlling governments, corporations, and even people's faith. Edward Sinclair, a skeptical journalist, stumbles accidentally upon disturbing evidence of The Order's existence. During an interview at a psychiatric h...

CHF 21.50

Prophet Muhammad

Arqam, Al
Prophet Muhammad
Why should you read this book? The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the most influential, revolutionary human being - past, present, or future. If you fully emulate his actions and inspiring examples, it could provide a way out of the challenges you face and allow you to lead a life of even more peace and happiness. What differentiates this book from others in its genre? Most books on his life are like history texts, which have ...

CHF 26.50

Hello Halley

Vinyard, Tommy
Hello Halley
Take a tour of the solar system through the perspective of Halley the Comet. Most of her life is spent out in the outer reaches of the Kuiper Belt so she always looks forward to seeing her friends in the solar system every 75 years or so.

CHF 21.50