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1253 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Philosophical Leadership

Asimakopoulou, Barbara
Philosophical Leadership
An incredible source of leadership." Dr Marshall Goldsmith "Much more than a typical book on coaching or leadership. " Dave Wondra Embrace the wisdom of the ages to become an exceptional leader. Within these pages lies the path to understanding your true potential and creating a lasting legacy of greatness. The Internationally renowned coach of Greek Origin, Barbara Asimakopoulou, invites you to explore the profound connection between cla...

CHF 68.00

Philosophical Leadership

Asimakopoulou, Barbara
Philosophical Leadership
An incredible source of leadership." Dr Marshall Goldsmith "Much more than a typical book on coaching or leadership. " Dave Wondra Embrace the wisdom of the ages to become an exceptional leader. Within these pages lies the path to understanding your true potential and creating a lasting legacy of greatness. The Internationally renowned coach of Greek Origin, Barbara Asimakopoulou, invites you to explore the profound connection between cla...

CHF 79.00

The Final Judgement

Jesua Eyowa
The Final Judgement
After a long journey in search for my true self, i have found my true self through the most darkest times I am here now in this moment to present Heavenly Order I am here now in this moment to present the New World Order I am here now in this moment to present the Highest Good I am here now in this moment to present Judgement Day You and your soul will be Judged We will bring everybody home Finding Home Time Has Come (This book is wri...

CHF 50.90


Ekoloji Online
Ekoloji Dergisi Gezegenimizdeki dogal olmayan ve insan eliyle meydana gelen degisiklikler nedeniyle ekosistemlerimizin dengesi bozulmakta ve siddetli firtinalar, seller, kasirgalar, buzullarin erimesi gibi felaketler meydana gelmektedir. Dünya Meteoroloji Örgütü, insan kaynakli isinma ve El Niño iklim düzeninin etkisiyle sicakliklarin önümüzdeki bes yil içinde rekor seviyelere yükselmesinin muhtemel oldugunu bildiriyor. Çevrenin korunmasi iç...

CHF 47.90

O pequeno extraterrestre que queria viver em Calico

António P. C. Vale
O pequeno extraterrestre que queria viver em Calico
Decorria o ano de 1899, quando uma nave extraterrestre se despenha nas montanhas do deserto Mojave, próximo da cidade de Calico. O seu único ocupante ¿ um pequeno extraterrestre ¿ é salvo por um habitante, que o leva para a cidade. Porém, a população não vê com bons olhos a presença da estranha criatura, que se vê obrigada a regressar ao espaço sideral, mas não sem antes consertar a sua nave. Entretanto, o extraterrestre faz novos amigos e con...

CHF 12.90

Imray Chart Y18

Imray Chart Y18
This edition includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys. The chart has been fully revised throughout.

CHF 42.50

Imray Chart Y14

Imray Chart Y14
This edition includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys. The chart has been fully revised throughout.

CHF 31.50

Imray Chart C9

Imray Chart C9
This edition includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys. The chart has been fully revised throughout.

CHF 45.90

Imray Chart Y7

Imray Chart Y7
This edition includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys. The chart has been fully revised throughout. 1:120 000 WGS 84

CHF 31.50

Imray Chart C8

Imray Chart C8
This edition includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys. The chart has been fully revised throughout.

CHF 45.90

Genç Gökku¿a¿¿, KED¿LER¿N Renkleri

Roy, Rainbow
Genç Gökku¿a¿¿, KED¿LER¿N Renkleri
Genç beyinleri büyülerken ayn¿ zamanda onlar¿ canl¿ renk spektrumuyla tan¿¿t¿rmak için tasarlanm¿¿ e¿itici bir çocuk kitab¿ serisi olan "Genç Gökku¿ä¿: Kedilerin Renkleri" nin büyüleyici dünyas¿na ho¿ geldiniz. Çocuklar her sayfada kedilerin çär¿¿¿m¿ yoluyla renklerini ö¿renecekler. Çocuklar renkleri gerçek dünyadaki konularla ili¿kilendirerek çe¿itli beceriler ö¿renirler, bälamsal ö¿renme, haf¿za güçlendirme, çoklu duyusal ö¿renme, dil ve ...

CHF 21.50

Junior Mavrica, Barve Ma¿ke

Roy, Rainbow
Junior Mavrica, Barve Ma¿ke
Dobrodo¿li v o¿arljivem svetu "Junior Mavrica: Barve Mäke", pou¿ne serije otro¿kih knjig, ki je namenjena o¿aranju mladih umov in jih seznanja z ¿ivahnim spektrom barv. Na vsaki strani bodo otroci skozi asociacijo mäk spoznali njihove barve. S povezovanjem barv s predmeti iz resni¿nega sveta se otroci u¿ijo razli¿nih ve¿¿in, kontekstualno u¿enje, izbolj¿anje spomina, ve¿¿utno u¿enje, jezikovni in kognitivni razvoj in kar je najpomembneje .....

CHF 21.50

Junior Regnbåge, Färger av Katter

Roy, Rainbow
Junior Regnbåge, Färger av Katter
Välkommen till den förtrollande världen av "Junior Regnbåge: Färger av Katter", en pedagogisk barnboksserie designad för att fängsla unga sinnen samtidigt som de introducerar dem till det livfulla spektrumet av färger. På varje sida kommer barn att lära sig sina färger genom föreningen av katter. Genom att associera färger med verkliga ämnen lär sig barn en mängd olika färdigheter, kontextuell inlärning, minnesförbättring, multi-sensorisk i...

CHF 21.50

Edge of Smoke

Tomms, Karlyle
Edge of Smoke
In the Pruitt Igoe slums of St. Louis in the 1960s, a heroin-addict mother breaks her son's dolls and screams, "You are not a girl!" However, no one can convince Stephanie to live as Stephen. Her mother pimps her out to a man who rapes her and takes pictures of her as others rape her. After finding her mother brutally murdered, she is placed in Christian foster care, where they also try to convince her to accept being male. Her mother's lover ...

CHF 40.50


Buxbaum, Sabine
Jenna Brooks hat gerade die Ausbildung zum US-Marshal abgeschlossen und soll einen Gefangenentransport begleiten. Auf der Fahrt zum Flughafen wird der Transporter überfallen und Jenna als Geisel genommen. Den brutalen Tätern hilflos ausgeliefert, drohen ihr Folter und Tod. Ihre einzige Chance, dem Massaker zu entkommen, besteht darin, mit dem Serienkiller Mason Baxter zu fliehen. Nicht ganz freiwillig folgt sie ihm in die Rocky Mountains, wo e...

CHF 18.50

Verschlossene Türen Schatten der Vergangenheit

Landmesser, Karin
Verschlossene Türen Schatten der Vergangenheit
Nachdem ihr Schwager mit seinem Privatflugzeug ums Leben gekommen ist, entschließt sich Jaclyn Saunders ihren fünfjährigen Neffen Dane zu sich nach London zu holen. Bereits vier Jahre zuvor hatte Dane seine Mutter bei einem Autounfall verloren, was Jaclyn, die eine besonders enge Bindung zu ihrer Schwester hatte, in eine tiefe Depression stürzte, von der sie sich nie vollständig erholt hat. Mit Danes Ankunft in London scheinen Jaclyns unterdrü...

CHF 19.90

Bruno feiert Weihnachten

Leo, Alexandra
Bruno feiert Weihnachten
Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg. Bruno freut sich schon sehr auf Weihnachten. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden erklärt er dem jungen Stofflöwen Charlie, was Weihnachten ist. Doch die Spielzeuge machen sich Sorgen, ob das Fest überhaupt stattfinden kann, denn Mama Tina liegt krank im Bett. Spontan beschliessen Bruno und seine Freunde, ihr unter die Arme zu greifen, indem sie das Wohnzimmer dekorieren. Dann schlägt Plüschhäschen Hasi vor, Plätzc...

CHF 23.90

Edge of Smoke

Tomms, Karlyle
Edge of Smoke
In the Pruitt Igoe slums of St. Louis in the 1960s, a heroin-addict mother breaks her son's dolls and screams, "You are not a girl!" However, no one can convince Stephanie to live as Stephen. Her mother pimps her out to a man who rapes her and takes pictures of her as others rape her. After finding her mother brutally murdered, she is placed in Christian foster care, where they also try to convince her to accept being male. Her mother's lover ...

CHF 53.50