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Schätz mal! Ekel Edition

Schätz mal! Ekel Edition
Schätz mal! Das Quiz mit Lach- und Staungarantie . Wie viel Prozent unserer Kopfkissen sind Milben und Milbenkot? . Wie viele Tage können Kakerlaken ohne Kopf überleben? . Wie viel Prozent aller deutschen Frauen popeln in der Nase? Verrückt, unterhaltsam, mitreißend: Endlich ein Quiz, bei dem Nichts-Wissen auch nichts macht! Wer ist näher dran? Sehr wahrscheinlich wird niemand die richtige Antwort wissen, sondern es geht darum, ih...

CHF 14.90

Schätz mal! Kids Edition

Schätz mal! Kids Edition
Schätz mal! Das Quiz mit Lach- und Staungarantie . Wie lang ist die längste Pommes der Welt? . Wie hoch ist der Lichtschutzfaktor von Nutella? . Bis zu wie oft kackt ein Elefant am Tag? Verrückt, unterhaltsam, mitreißend: Endlich ein Quiz, bei dem Nichts-Wissen auch nichts macht! Wer ist näher dran? Sehr wahrscheinlich wird niemand die richtige Antwort wissen, sondern es geht darum, ihr durch Schätzen und Raten möglichst nahe zu k...

CHF 14.90

Blutwerte ganzheitlich interpretieren

Ursinus, Lothar
Blutwerte ganzheitlich interpretieren
Das Standardwerk zur ganzheitlichen Blutdiagnostik Laboranalysen von Blutproben sind ein gängiges Mittel, den Gesundheitszustand von Patienten besser zu verstehen. Doch bedeutet ein und derselbe Wert - beispielsweise Cholesterin, Harnsäure oder Cortisol - nicht immer das Gleiche. Er muss im Gesamtzusammenhang der Befunde und des ganzen Menschen betrachtet werden. Erst dann können die wahren Ursachen von Erkrankungen etwa im Stoffwechsel, Lebe...

CHF 42.90

Schätz mal! Holiday Edition

Schätz mal! Holiday Edition
Schätz mal! Das Quiz mit Lach- und Staungarantie . Aus wie vielen Hauptinseln besteht Hawaii? . Wie viele Galerien haben die Vatikanischen Museen? . Wie viel Liter Treibstoff passen in den Tank des A380? Verrückt, unterhaltsam, mitreißend: Endlich ein Quiz, bei dem Nichts-Wissen auch nichts macht! Wer ist näher dran? Sehr wahrscheinlich wird niemand die richtige Antwort wissen, sondern es geht darum, ihr durch Schätzen und Raten m...

CHF 14.90

Drawing Investigations

Casey, Sarah / Davies, Gerry
Drawing Investigations
Using close visual analysis of drawings, artist interviews, critical analysis and exegesis, Drawing Investigations examines how artists use drawing as an investigative tool to reveal information that would otherwise remain unseen and unnoticed. How does drawing add shape to ideas? How does the artist accommodate to challenges and restraints of a particular environment? To what extent is a drawing complementary and continuous with its subject ...

CHF 47.90

Cannabis Drinks

Evans, Jamie
Cannabis Drinks
Welcome to the future of beverages! Infusing cannabis into drinks can be done in a variety of ways. Learn all about it as you craft delicious cocktails, smoothies, lattes, and spirit-free mixed drinks.  Maybe you’re curious about CBD or perhaps you’ve tried a store-bought sparkling cannabis drink already. Either way, you’re here because you’re ready to learn the ins and outs of making deliciously infused drinkables. This guide, written by Jami...

CHF 28.50

The Book of Unveiling

Gillon, Fârès
The Book of Unveiling
I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies. The Kitab al-Kashf is one of the earliest Ismaili texts to have reached the present day. Transmitted by the Tayyibi Ismaili tradition, it is composed of six treatises, most of which, as this open access study and first English translation argues, go back to the early years of the Fatimid rule. The importance of this work is predicated upon the unique insight it offers on the e...

CHF 125.00

The Book of Unveiling

Gillon, Fârès
The Book of Unveiling
I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies. The Kitab al-Kashf is one of the earliest Ismaili texts to have reached the present day. Transmitted by the Tayybi Ismaili tradition, it is composed of six treatises, most of which, as this open access study and first English translation argues, go back to the early years of the Fatimid rule. The importance of this work is predicated upon the unique insight it offers on the ea...

CHF 43.50

Migration, Terrorism, and the Future of a Divided Europe

Deliso, Christopher
Migration, Terrorism, and the Future of a Divided Europe
A fundamental resource for anyone interested in the long-term ramifications of the European migration crisis, this book objectively assesses how Europe's future course will be impacted by the key security, political, and economic trends and events stemming from the migration crisis. The November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks marked the definitive moment when the migration crisis became associated with terrorism, stoking an increasingly hea...

CHF 49.90

Presidents and Mass Incarceration

Mancillas, Linda K.
Presidents and Mass Incarceration
Taking an innovative approach to the subject, this book looks at how U.S. presidents and their administrations' policies from the late 1960s to 2017 have led to rampant over-imprisonment and a public policy catastrophe in the United States. Mandatory minimum sentencing, "three-strikes-and-you're-out" legislation, harsher sentences and less parole and probation. The result of draconian criminal justice policies in the last six decades is that ...

CHF 49.90

The Power of Will in International Conflict

Hall, Wayne Michael / Hughes, Patrick M.
The Power of Will in International Conflict
This comprehensive work provides a treasure trove of ways to seek, find, and use the power of will to gain an advantage over one's opponents in mental conflicts. Will has been-and always will be-the basis for succeeding in any conflict or competition. To win in a conflict or competition, decision-makers must comprehend the meaning and implications of will and successfully transform theories about it into practice. In the 21st century, it is e...

CHF 49.90

America's Gun Wars

Campbell, Donald J.
America's Gun Wars
This book examines the controversies surrounding gun control, which are less about whether it "works" and more about whether the nation should prioritize traditional values of rugged independence or newer values of communitarian interdependence. America's Gun Wars contends that an understanding of America's gun controversy cannot be found in statistics documenting the rise (or fall) of violent crime, or in examining trade-offs between societa...

CHF 49.90

Geisterbahn, voll abgefahren!

Mauz, Christoph / Blankenhagen, Jürgen
Geisterbahn, voll abgefahren!
Bela Fröschel alias der Gruselassistent hat viel um die Ohren! In der Schule gibt es Stress und die Geisterbahn der Familie Fröschel mitsamt ihren liebenswerten, lustigen und schrägen Monstern soll geschlossen werden. Aber Bela heißt nicht ohne Grund auch der Gruselassistent - mit Geduld, Spuk und der Hilfe von ein paar Monstern startet er seine Mission, um die Geisterbahn zu retten. Gruselig lustig mit einer monströsen Portion Spannung!

CHF 19.50

Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook Pro and MacBook Air

Hart-Davis, Guy
Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook Pro and MacBook Air
Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something and enable you to skip the long-winded explanations? If so, this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 140 tasks on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air running macOS Sonoma. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on your MacBook in no time....

CHF 39.90

The European Roots of the Lex Sportiva

Duval, Antoine / Krüger, Alexander / Lindholm, Johan
The European Roots of the Lex Sportiva
This open access book explores the complexity of the lex sportiva, the transnational legal regime governing international sports. Pioneering in its approach, it maps out the many entanglements of the transnational governance of sports with European legal processes and norms. The contributors trace the embeddedness of the lex sportiva within national law, European Union law and the European Convention on Human Rights. While the volume emphasize...

CHF 139.00

Innovation–Development Detours for Latecomers

Lee, Keun
Innovation–Development Detours for Latecomers
Drawing on extensive empirical studies of firms and industries around the world, this book presents a rich menu of development pathways, including a new role by a Schumpeterian state to initiate detours and leapfrogging in not only manufacturing but also resource or IT- service sectors.

CHF 39.90

Innovation–Development Detours for Latecomers

Lee, Keun
Innovation–Development Detours for Latecomers
Drawing on extensive empirical studies of firms and industries around the world, this book presents a rich menu of development pathways, including a new role by a Schumpeterian state to initiate detours and leapfrogging in not only manufacturing but also resource or IT- service sectors"--

CHF 115.00