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100 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Sachanlagen nach IFRS

Tanski, Joachim S. / Kirchner, Sören
Sachanlagen nach IFRS
Dieses Praxisbuch stellt die IFRS-Regelungen für die Bewertung (Erstbewertung und Folgebewertung) von Sachanlagen nach IFRS dar. Dabei werden die praxisrelevanten "Knackpunkte" (Sonderfälle, Wahlmöglichkeiten) an konkreten Fällen herausgearbeitet. Die Berichtspflichten im Anhang werden ebenso thematisiert.Kapitel 1: EinleitungKapitel 2: Sachanlagen in den IFRSKapitel 3: ErstbewertungKapitel 4: Folgebewertung von Sach-anlagenKapitel 5: Wertmind...

CHF 48.90

The Turnabout Programme

Goldfus, Carol / Korn, Enid
The Turnabout Programme
The Turnabout Programme is a self-help book for the parents of children with dyslexia, attention deficit disorders and other serious learning difficulties. Throughout the book are the heartwarming stories of children and adults who had been given up as hopeless cases by educationalists and psychologists and who have achieved success through this programme. The basis of the book is a series of simple to administer games and exercises - with ful...

CHF 42.90

Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century

Leonard, Mark
Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century
Turning conventional wisdom on its head, this energetic book sets out a vision for a century in which Europe will dominate, not America. It explains what Europe is really about, what its relationship with the rest of the world is and how politics actually work.

CHF 30.50

Pure Fire

Strain, Christopher B.
Pure Fire
Pure Fire is a history of self-defense as it was debated and practiced during the civil rights era of the 1950s and 1960s. Moving beyond the realm of organized protests and demonstrations, Christopher B. Strain reframes self-defense as a daily concern for many African Americans as they faced the continual menace of white aggression.

CHF 89.00

A Day Gone by

Boughton, Roger
A Day Gone by
This novel is a picture, of the trials, tribulations, escapades, and adventures of a young man as he grows from a child, into a young man. It is a story of the happenings of daily life with a mother who did not love him, but who received lots of love from his grand-mother and one uncle. It is a tapestry, of humor, hard times, and happiness in the lives of the characters portrayed. It is a mosaic series of events in the life of this young man. ...

CHF 37.50

The Breastfeeding Cafe

Behrmann, Barbara L.
The Breastfeeding Cafe
This book should be a gift at every baby shower. Dr. Behrmann's wisdom, warmth, and information are heartwarming, reassuring, and practical."---Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" and "The Wisdom of Menopause" "The Breastfeeding Cafe" will become the book of choice for nursing mothers, and for anyone who wants to learn about the awesome experience of breastfeeding for mothers and their babies."-Marilyn Yalom, ...

CHF 39.90