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696 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

East Asia Before the West

Kang, David (University of Southern California)
East Asia Before the West
Focusing on the role of the "tribute system" in maintaining stability in East Asia and in fostering diplomatic and commercial exchange, Kang contrasts this history against the example of Europe and East Asian states' skirmishes with nomadic peoples to the north and west. Although China has been the unquestioned hegemon in the region, with other political units considered second, the tributary order has entailed military, cultural, and economic...

CHF 139.00

Antichrist 666

Sutton, William Josiah / Anderson, Roy Allan
Antichrist 666
From the time of our first parents, Satan has sought to turn men from the worship of the true God to the worship of created things, by his invention of a counterfeit system of worship. From the garden of Eden to the second coming of Christ, this in-depth study will lead you through the progressive battle between Christ and Satan as played out in the drama of human history.

CHF 42.90

Benny Baker

Tarnofsky, Peter
Benny Baker
One week to bake a loaf the size of a building... When Benny started working for his uncle, he wasn't expecting to be challenged to save the bakery itself. A converted windmill, scuba diving and too much dough later, they might just make it if they can stop the birds eating the bread. And what is the Otvoss?

CHF 25.90

Minimalista. La vida con menos cosas

Barros, Morelos
Minimalista. La vida con menos cosas
En tiempos en los que cada centavo cuenta y el tiempo libre es cada vez más escaso, es necesario tomar una pausa para reagruparse y pensar. ¿Realmente necesitamos tantas cosas? ¿Cómo hacer para elegir lo que queremos saber ante el mega flujo de información al que estamos sometidos? Minimalista responde a estas preguntas de manera amable y muy divertida, en una colección de artículos cortos tomados, revisados y expandidos, del blog

CHF 19.90

The Dowager

Anderson, Dallen
The Dowager
Helen received a large inheritance after her husband's death. Her heart turns cold from mourning. Memories of her previous life are her only companion. As a young girl Helen Wilkinson is at the top of society, money, power, and prestige comes with the family name. When her mother decides to stay in the country for summer, everything changes. Will Helen be forced to follow family traditions? Or will Helen find her own path of truth, love, and ...

CHF 30.50

Rekombinantnye interferony

Karabel'skij, Alexandr Vladimirowich
Rekombinantnye interferony
Kniga napisana na osnowe materialow dissertacii, poswqschennoj sozdaniü s pomosch'ü metodow gennoj inzhenerii shtamma drozhzhej producenta gibridnogo belka Al'burona16, sostoqschego iz interferona-al'fa16 cheloweka, kowalentno swqzannogo s osnownym belkom plazmy krowi - al'buminom. V knige podrobno rassmatriwaütsq funkcii interferonow-al'fa, prichiny ih uspeshnogo klinicheskogo ispol'zowaniq, wozmozhnye puti modifikacii interferonow dlq uluchs...

CHF 77.00

Autentichnost': sistemnoe kachestwo äkzistencii lichnosti

Ragulina, Marina
Autentichnost': sistemnoe kachestwo äkzistencii lichnosti
Autentichnost' - odin iz fenomenow psihologii, kotoryj prakticheski newozmozhno werificirowat' s pomosch'ü tradicionnyh dlq klassicheskoj psihologii metodow issledowaniq. Awtor, opiraqs' na sistemno - sinergeticheskij podhod, ispol'zuq opisannye w nauke modeli autentichnosti, predstawlqet issledowanie fenomena autentichnoj ustanowki ili gotownosti k autentichnomu powedeniü kak sistemnogo kachestwa lichnosti. Jeto kachestwo qwlqet soboj ämerdzh...

CHF 88.00

Rossiq i Amerika w zerkale nemeckoj pressy

Faizowa, Anna / Voronenkowa, Galina
Rossiq i Amerika w zerkale nemeckoj pressy
Kniga poswqschena oswescheniü wyborow w Rossii (2 marta 2008 g.) i Amerike (4 noqbrq 2008 g.) w älektronnoj wersii nemeckogo ezhenedel'nogo zhurnala «Stern». Proanalizirowano bolee sotni materialow o hode predwybornoj kampanii, lichnostqh i politicheskih programmah kandidatow, otnoshenii grazhdan obeih stran k smene wlasti, posledstwiqh wyborow i perspektiwah otnoshenij Rossii i SShA s drugimi stranami. Osnownaq zadacha diplomnoj raboty - na o...

CHF 64.00

Polemicheskoe wzaimodejstwie sub#ektow obucheniq

Rqbchikow, Vadim
Polemicheskoe wzaimodejstwie sub#ektow obucheniq
V nastoqschee wremq formiruetsq otnositel'no nowoe naprawlenie w naukah ob obrazowanii - pedagogika wzaimodejstwij, kotoraq izuchaet osobennosti, principy i metody wzaimoswqzi, wzaimowliqnij w obrazowatel'nom prostranstwe. V nauchnyh rabotah ubeditel'no obosnowywaetsq, chto pedagogicheskoe wzaimodejstwie wystupaet ne prosto sredstwom dostizheniq opredelönnyh obrazowatel'nyh celej, no i imeet samocennost', tak kak qwlqetsq osnownym sposobom kon...

CHF 88.00


Guschin, Jurij Vqcheslawowich
V predlagaemom wnimaniü chitatelej sbornike zadanij po nejropsihologii predstawleny fragmenty protokolow nejropsihologicheskogo obsledowaniq bol'nyh s lokal'nymi porazheniqmi golownogo mozga, wzqtye iz klassicheskih otechestwennyh rabot. Analiz simptomow i sindromow pozwolqet w kazhdom iz priwedennyh sluchaew, ispol'zuq faktornyj (sindromnyj) analiz, opisat' mehanizmy narusheniq psihicheskih funkcij i opredelit' weroqtnuü lokalizaciü ochaga po...

CHF 64.00