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574 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Un nuevo comienzo

Morilla Massieu, Tomás
Un nuevo comienzo
Un nuevo comienzo"... nace tras dejar constancia de una etapa anterior, reflejada en el libro "Algún día"... Un nuevo comienzo nace justamente en la Transición que... La Humanidad está viviendo mientras el Sistema se desvanece, dando lugar a nuevos acontecimientos que... nos llevan a TODOS y a cada UNO a Trascender... experimentando la sensación de... Ser UNO tras el despertar que... trae con sigo el recuerdo de UNA Identidad Eterna y ahora...

CHF 43.90

Self and Society

Siddiqui, Saad
Self and Society
Self improvement is dependent on Dos and Donts you follow and norms you adopt. Self is a conductor of society and society is the derivative of self. Be your own inspiration!

CHF 36.50

Memories of a Teaching Life in Music

Korisheli, Wachtang Botso
Memories of a Teaching Life in Music
Wachtang Botso Korisheli was born in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, in 1921, the year in which his country was forcibly annexed to the Soviet Union. Raised in an artistic and cultured family, his life changed drastically when his father, a famous actor, was arrested in 1936 and executed as an enemy of the state. This cataclysm in the young man's life started a chain of circumstances which led him through the Soviet and German armies of World Wa...

CHF 28.50

Katy's Big Adventure

Cowan, Paul
Katy's Big Adventure
Join Katy as she embarks on an exciting journey through a wonderful land with Trolls, Trees, Pirates and Fluff. Will she rescue her Daddy from the clutches of the evil Zizom? If Katy has anything to do with it - she will! With her new friends Bernard and Perkins, Katy battles against the odds.

CHF 18.90


Bonucchi, Stefano
Il viaggio di un poeta in continua ricerca, la poesia lo guida, tra bene e male, tra odio e amore, non ponendosi limiti scrive la sua forma di poesia. Crea poemi legati al caos, alla morte, e al continuo dolore nell'anima e nel cuore, ma lasciando spazio anche a vita, rinascita, e amore.

CHF 9.50

The Unexpected

Nik, Hot
The Unexpected
15-year-old fast ass Brooklyn, New York native moves to Baltimore with her parents for economic reasons. Along her travels she humbly meets a 19-year-old drug master mind named Booney whom falls in love with her more than she would know. During the relationship Booney teaches her game that she learns and mastered after their split. Over the years Chi Cha had become a self-made beast and his only REAL competition after their separation. He w...

CHF 32.90

Poeta dall'inferno

Bonucchi, Stefano
Poeta dall'inferno
Il viaggio di un poeta in continua ricerca, la poesia lo guida, tra bene e male, tra odio e amore, non ponendosi limiti scrive la sua forma di poesia. Crea poemi legati al caos, alla morte, e al continuo dolore nell'anima e nel cuore, ma lasciando spazio anche a vita, rinascita, e amore.

CHF 19.90

Winter is so Co...Co...Cold!

Fox, Melodie
Winter is so Co...Co...Cold!
White blankets of coldness block windows and doors... Highways and driveways, mailboxes and more.. Winter is so!" You can almost feel the cold winds, the warm woolen sweaters and the roaring fire as this wonderfully scripted and beautifully illustrated book captures the memories of winter and brings the hope of spring to little ones of all ages.

CHF 38.90

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

Zack, Devora
Networking for People Who Hate Networking
Shows how the networking-averse can succeed by working with the very traits that make them hate traditional networking Written by a proud introvert who is also an enthusiastic networker Includes field-tested tips and techniques for virtually any situation Are you the kind of person who would rather get a root canal than face a group of strangers? Does the phrase working a room make you want to retreat to yours? Does traditional networking advi...

CHF 31.90

Wander Woman

Reynolds, Marcia
Wander Woman
Presents fresh research and powerful stories to give voice to a new generation of women driven by challenge and change Offers compelling advice on how to make wandering a life strategy, not just a series of unplanned events Includes probing questions and thought-provoking exercises to help readers find peace in life's chaos and confusion Theres a new generation of high-achieving women today - confident, ambitious, accomplished, driven. And yet...

CHF 39.50

The Female Vision

Helgesen, Sally / Johnson, Julie
The Female Vision
Groundbreaking new insights from the author of The Female Advantage Redefines what women have to offer to the world Provides a fresh and actionable perspective for organizations seeking to leverage womens best talents Women see the world through a distinctive lens. What they see is defined by what they notice, what they value and how they connect the dots. In this brilliant and strongly argued new book, Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson demonst...

CHF 33.50

Modelirowanie osnow grazhdanskogo obschestwa w mediasfere...

Venidiktow, Sergej
Modelirowanie osnow grazhdanskogo obschestwa w mediasfere Belarusi
Formirowanie grazhdanskogo obschestwa otnositsq k chislu zhiznenno wazhnyh interesow Respubliki Belarus' w politicheskoj sfere. Osobuü rol' w ätom processe prizwana sygrat' nacional'naq mediasfera. SMI, w osobennosti audiowizual'nye, qwlqütsq äffektiwnym institutom, konsolidiruüschim auditoriü, opredelqüschim obrazcy grazhdanskoj aktiwnosti, sposobstwuüschim formirowaniü obschestwennogo mneniq. V monografii na osnowanii issledowaniq praktiki t...

CHF 77.00

Jewolüciq kooperatiwnyh form organizacii agrobiznesa

Deshkowskaq, Nälli
Jewolüciq kooperatiwnyh form organizacii agrobiznesa
Nastoqschee issledowanie poswqscheno analizu razlichnyh teoreticheskih podhodow sel'skohozqjstwennoj kooperacii. Srawnenie ätih podhodow pozwolqet opredelit' wozmozhnosti primeneniq äkonomicheskoj teorii k kooperatiwnym issledowaniqm woobsche i perspektiwy mezhdisciplinarnogo analiza. Osweschaütsq woprosy genezisa, äwolücii, otraslewaq specifika i institucional'nye osobennosti kooperatiwnyh form organizacii agrobiznesa w uslowiqh tehnologiches...

CHF 102.00

Vospriqtie i izobrazhenie tret'ego prostranstwennogo izme...

Goncharow, Oleg
Vospriqtie i izobrazhenie tret'ego prostranstwennogo izmereniq
Osnownoe wnimanie w knige udeleno probleme izobrazheniq na ploskosti tret'ego prostranstwennogo izmereniq. Principial'naq nerazreshimost' dannoj problemy priwela k razwitiü razlichnyh sistem perspektiwnyh postroenij. S pomosch'ü special'nyh metodow issledowana wozrastnaq dinamika wospriqtiq perspektiwnyh otnoshenij. Pokazano, chto na opredelennom ätape razwitiq obratnaq perspektiwa zakonomerno otrazhaet osobennosti prostranstwennogo wospriqtiq...

CHF 102.00


Kruglikowa, Anastasiq
Biohirurgiq ili lichinochnaq terapiq - metod bezoperacionnogo lecheniq razlichnyh zabolewanij kozhi i mqgkih tkanej, osnowannyj na lechebnyh swojstwah hirurgicheskih lichinok. Osobenno shirokoe rasprostranenie biohirurgiq poluchila w period mezhdu I i II mirowymi wojnami. Odnako w poslednie gody interes k ätomu naprawleniü rezko wozros w SShA, Velikobritanii i rqde ewropejskih stran. Lichinochnaq terapiq uspeshno primenqetsq pri lechenii hroni...

CHF 64.00

Deqtel'nost' Rossii w OON po problemam okruzhaüschej sred...

Martynenkow, Denis
Deqtel'nost' Rossii w OON po problemam okruzhaüschej sredy (1991-2010)
V issledowanii delaetsq popytka wyqwit' istoricheskij aspekt mezhdunarodnogo prirodoohrannogo processa. Rassmatriwaütsq prichinno-sledstwennye swqzi mezhdu wnutri- i wneshnepoliticheskimi obstoqtel'stwami w kotoryh okazalas' Rossiq w postsowetskij period, i ee uchastiem w mezhdunarodnoj äkologicheskoj deqtel'nosti. Podcherkiwaetsq preemstwennost' mezhdu SSSR i Rossiej w reshenii global'nyh äkologicheskih problem i razlichiq w podhodah k dannym...

CHF 77.00

Dizajn fiskal'noj i monetarnoj politiki

Nikishin, D. V.
Dizajn fiskal'noj i monetarnoj politiki
V knige rassmatriwaetsq komplex wzaimoswqzannyh problem konstruirowaniq (dizajna) fiskal'noj i monetarnoj politiki w äxportoorientirowannoj äkonomike. Jexportoorientirowannyj harakter äkonomiki otrazhaet ne tol'ko otkrytost' äkonomiki i tot fakt, chto prowedenie fiskal'noj i monetarnoj politiki zawisit ot sostoqniq platezhnogo balansa, no i wyqwlqet specificheskie mehanizmy, harakternye dlq wzaimodejstwiq prawitel'stwa i central'nogo banka ime...

CHF 77.00