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475 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Markets On Trial

Hirsch, Paul M. / Lounsbury, Michael
Markets On Trial
This book brings together some of the very top scholars in the world in economic and organizational sociology to address the recent global financial crisis and concomitant debates and struggles around how to organize economies and societies around the world. The books consists of original contributions in theory and empirical settings and results

CHF 140.00

CMM Solutions - Field Guide

Sostrin, Jesse / Pearce, Barnett / Pearce, Kimberly
CMM Solutions - Field Guide
CMM Solutions is the latest release from Barnett Pearce, Jesse Sostrin and Kimberly Pearce. The new CMM Solutions Field Guide and companion Workbook are a must read for coaches, consultants and other thoughtful practitioners who seek dynamic methods of practice that can address the increasingly complex issues and interdependencies they (and their clients) confront in the workplace. Drawn from years of research and reflective practice with c...

CHF 50.50

Bodaciously You

Lyons, Michelle J.
Bodaciously You
Love story based on one woman`s trials of having two failed relationships and the decisions she would have to face when a lone stranger walked in her life, educating her and encouraging her.

CHF 39.50


Lyons, Michelle j.
Blind Obsession Rebuttal is a Rebuttal to Blind Obsession in regards to putting someone in his place for what he said to me. This book takes you on a spiritual and physical journey towards the truth about God and religion especially the bible and why it was written. If you are the faint and weak at heart then this book is not for you because it is filled with controversy and so much more. If you are looking for the truth and the purpose of lif...

CHF 46.90

Do you See This Woman?

Sherrell, Elizabeth
Do you See This Woman?
As we look around us and listen to the news and social media we are jolted by the violence, cruelty, and viciousness in all areas of our society. There is a clear assault against the very core of heart, spirit, and soul of the family which God intended to be an expression of His love. In particular, women are targeted, every nine seconds a woman is abused! Fifty percent of women who leave an abusive relationship are killed by their abuser!"Do ...

CHF 12.90

Hot Flashes

Rose, Daniel
Hot Flashes
Catalina McGregor is a hefty middle aged English professor who is living in fear that she will perish before she publishes. She is either a boat in search of a dock or a cat in search of a catalyst. She finds both in the form of Cody Kingfisher, an aging hipster, who has moved into the office next door to her at the small community college where she teaches. Over designer coffee and cheesecake, they become partners in crime in the excavation o...

CHF 30.90

Canti per le Domeniche di Quaresima

Modaro, Bernardo Vincenzo
Canti per le Domeniche di Quaresima
La presente raccolta di Canti per le Domeniche di Quaresima (anno A, B, C) nasce dalla intensa collaborazione tra il M° Bernardo V. Modaro, autore delle musiche, e don Raimondo Frattallone, scrittore dei testi letterari ispirati al messaggio liturgico di ogni domenica La fedeltà al messaggio liturgico specifico per ogni domenica è garantita dal fatto che si è scelto l'attuale testo ufficiale del Lezionario per i canti d'ingresso, i salmi respo...

CHF 17.90

Mezhdunarodnoe prawo i bezwizowyj rezhim mezhdu Rossiej i ES

Kiselewa, Ekaterina / Abashidze, Aslan
Mezhdunarodnoe prawo i bezwizowyj rezhim mezhdu Rossiej i ES
Ustanowlenie bezwizowogo rezhima - äto politiko-prawowoj akt dwuh sub#ektow mezhdunarodnogo prawa i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. Ego prawowaq sostawlqüschaq issledowana w nastoqschej monografii. V rabote predprinqta popytka dat' otwety na sleduüschie wazhnye woprosy: kakie principy i normy mezhdunarodnogo prawa primenimy k resheniü woprosow w#ezda lic na territoriü gosudarstwa? Kak sformirowalis' sootwetstwuüschie normy i kakowy sowremennye tend...

CHF 102.00

Dizajn politicheskogo resheniq

Zobnin, Alexej / Shmelöwa, Swetlana
Dizajn politicheskogo resheniq
V nauchnom izdanii predlagaetsq nowyj metodologicheskij podhod k analizu politiko- uprawlencheskogo processa (procesa prinqtiq politicheskogo resheniq) na stadii implementacii. Razrabatywaütsq teoreticheskie osnowy dizajna politicheskogo resheniq w organah gosudarstwennoj i municipal'noj wlasti Rossijskoj Federacii. Analiziruütsq precedenty dizajna politicheskogo resheniq w praktike gosudarstwennogo i municipal'nogo uprawleniq Iwanowskoj oblas...

CHF 64.00

Matematicheskaq podgotowka buduschih äkonomistow w wysshe...

Sergeewa, Tat'qna / Chuqko, Elena
Matematicheskaq podgotowka buduschih äkonomistow w wysshej shkole
V knige rassmatriwaetsq process proektirowaniq matematicheskoj podgotowki buduschih äkonomistow w wysshej shkole na osnowe obucheniq professional'no orientirowannoj matematicheskoj deqtel'nosti. Raskrywaütsq osobennosti strukturirowaniq soderzhaniq obucheniq, metody i formy ego oswoeniq, sistema mnogostupenchatyh zadach, obespechiwaüschaq poätapnoe owladenie buduschimi äkonomistami priemami resheniq professional'nyh zadach s ispol'zowaniem mat...

CHF 64.00

Modelirowanie tehnogeosistem

Sungatullin, Rafaäl'
Modelirowanie tehnogeosistem
Monografiq poswqschena razrabotke i aprobirowaniü metodiki integral'nogo izucheniq i prognoza sostoqniq tehnogenno-preobrazowannogo geologicheskogo prostranstwa, osnowannoj na komp'üternom modelirowanii. Predlozheny metodicheskie priemy formalizacii i ranzhirowaniq kachestwennyh harakteristik sred tehnogeosistemy. Razrabotany kriterii identifikacii tehnogennyh anomalij s pomosch'ü metodow mnogomernoj matematicheskoj statistiki i realizowana me...

CHF 102.00

My Big Gay Italian Wedding

Wilkinson, Anthony
My Big Gay Italian Wedding
ISBN 978-0-573-69927-6 Anthony J. Wilkinson Original Music composed by David Boyd Comedy Characters: 10 male, 6 female Andrew and Anthony are getting married - and everyone wants to "help"! My Big Gay Italian Wedding spins into a hysterical fiasco as everyone tries to have their way. From a saboteur ex-boyfriend to a loud, opinionated, outspoken Italian mother, personalities and culture collide in a music and dance-filled extravaganza. "...

CHF 22.50

Kissing Fish

Wolsey, Roger
Kissing Fish
Christianity receives a lot of attention in the media, but the most frequently discussed version represents a type of Christianity that sometimes turns people away from the Church. Kissing Fish presents a postmodern systematic theology of progressive Christianity, a growing movement that reclaims the radical message of the Gospel. This informative, contemplative, and entertaining book will guide you through the beliefs that inspire us to love ...

CHF 47.90