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502 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Blackberry Crumble

Kilpack, Josi S
Blackberry Crumble
Local "celebrity" Sadie Hoffmiller has been involved in a number of unfortunate situations that have taken her to crime scenes from London, England, to Miami, Florida, and even in her own backyard of Garrison, Colorado. But is she truly an unwitting bystander in all these investigations? Or is she something more? Is she, perhaps, even the cause ...?

Journey Between the Walls

Ostrum, Teresa
Journey Between the Walls
Hannah specializes in wiring buildings skillfully in the Kingdom. She and her partner must work as a team for the purpose of bringing power to both the ministry as well as this building. In order to accomplish this, the main switch needs to be found and connected. For this to occur, they must climb their way up between the walls and the rafters toward the attic. The braces and brackets which hold the frame together are very unstable so each st...

CHF 22.90

A Bold Faith

Murphy, Shawn
A Bold Faith
Faith is a true gift from God. It guide us toward the many blessings that God has planned for each of us by helping us to walk in the ways of his son Jesus Christ. In this book, Shawn Murphy (Host of The Strong Christian podcast) takes us through the five key focus areas of the Circle of Faith, Belief, Freedom, Passion, Discipline and Gratitude. By focusing our growth and development in each of these focus areas Shawn demonstrates how we can ...

CHF 28.50

Amore e rivoluzione Quarta edizione revisionata ed ampliata

Contilli, Cristina
Amore e rivoluzione Quarta edizione revisionata ed ampliata
Come ha tenuto a precisare la stessa autrice, i suoi libri fanno parte di un genere che sta tra Historical romance e il romanzo storico. Il motivo é presto detto: i suoi protagonisti sono personaggi realmente esistiti mentre la componente romantica é molto presente e non ha uno spazio marginale. Gran cura per la ricerca storica e ottime capacità di mescolare sapientemente fatti realmente accaduti con la sua fervida fantasia. L'aggiunta di fot...

CHF 26.50

Erin and Teddy in Supernatural Adventures

Burgee, T. J.
Erin and Teddy in Supernatural Adventures
This Erin and Teddy Supernatural Adventure is the second book of the series designed to increase the confidence and comprehension of its readers. These books are intended for young or new readers who want a interesting story with a cool subject. Enjoy it yourself or give it as a gift to inspire reading.

CHF 13.50

School of Out-of-Body Travel

Raduga, Michael
School of Out-of-Body Travel
Please, check the newest version of this book: "The Phase. Shattering the Illusion of Reality" . Now, out-of-body experience is accessible to everyone. It is now known how to easily master it and apply it effectively. It is new way for obtaining information, influencing the physiology, meeting the deceased, visiting any place in the universe etc. This guidebook is the result of ten years of ex...

CHF 43.90

Galactic Marshal

Coleman, Michael
Galactic Marshal
Adventures of Galactic Marshal John Harper as he tracks down fugitives. In so doing, he encounters aliens and a planet of only women.

CHF 27.50

The Forensic Digest Winter-Spring 2010

The Forensic Digest Winter-Spring 2010
The Forensic Digest is the official multidisciplinary publication of the International Academy of Forensic Professionals (IAFP), and the sister organization, the Academy of Forensic Nursing Sciences . The Digest provides practicing forensic clinicians with reports of research, case studies, current events, interview with forensic professionals, anecdotal and clinical analysis articles relating to forensic nursing and the forensic sciences, rep...

CHF 52.50

Preso del sí

González Saura, Jose Carlos
Preso del sí
Con solo pequeñas incursiones en alguna tertulia poética y apariciones muy puntuales en revistas y diarios locales José Carlos González Saura se lanza a la publicación de su primera obra de poesía. Con una métrica libre y ajena a formalidad alguna en "Preso del si", se entremezclan realidad autobiográfica surgida de los sentimientos más intimos del autor y recuerdos oníricos de un paisaje idealizado en un viaje abstracto entre la angustia, ...

CHF 14.90

Trudowoj potencial migrantow

Shurupowa, Anna
Trudowoj potencial migrantow
V monografii rassmotreny naibolee prioritetnye faktory migracii, formy, metody wozdejstwiq na nih w smeshannoj äkonomike s uchetom specifiki sowremennyh social'no-äkonomicheskih uslowij Rossii, opredeleny social'no-äkonomicheskie i demograficheskie uslowiq, okazywaüschie negatiwnoe wliqnie na sostoqnie trudowogo potenciala w agrarnom sektore i w to zhe wremq obuslawliwaüschie suschestwowanie wakantnyh rabochih mest pri nalichii skrytoj bezrabo...

CHF 88.00

Zakonomernosti dinamicheskoj ustojchiwosti peschanyh i gl...

Funikowa, Viktoriq
Zakonomernosti dinamicheskoj ustojchiwosti peschanyh i glinistyh gruntow
Problema nadezhnoj ocenki dinamicheskoj ustojchiwosti dispersnyh gruntow wes'ma aktual'na w swqzi s powsemestnym razwitiem w sfere inzhenerno-hozqjstwennoj deqtel'nosti cheloweka peschanyh i glinistyh porod, ispytywaüschih dinamicheskie nagruzki ot raznoobraznyh istochnikow. Dannaq monografiq poswqschena resheniü wazhnoj zadachi, swqzannoj s issledowaniem wliqniq parametrow dinamicheskoj nagruzki, prirodnogo naprqzhennogo sostoqniq i sostawa p...

CHF 102.00

Diabeticheskaq polinejropatiq

Ewtühin, Roman
Diabeticheskaq polinejropatiq
Porazhenie nerwnoj sistemy pri saharnom diabete qwlqetsq odnoj iz wazhnyh problem sowremennoj mediciny. Jeto swqzano s tem, chto kolichestwo bol'nyh saharnym diabetom neuklonno rastet. Naibolee rannim i chastym oslozhneniem saharnogo diabeta qwlqetsq diabeticheskaq polinejropatiq. Interes k diabeticheskoj polinejropatii neuklonno rastet, poskol'ku ee razwitie okazywaet suschestwennoe wliqnie na kachestwo zhizni, trudosposobnost' i social'nuü a...

CHF 64.00

Politicheskij regionalizm w Vostochnoj Azii

Sheblo, Olesq
Politicheskij regionalizm w Vostochnoj Azii
Politicheskij regionalizm - äto nabor strategij i taktik po preobrazowaniü kakogo-libo geograficheskogo prostranstwa w kategoriqh administratiwnoj, ideologicheskoj i woenno- strategicheskoj swqznosti. Politicheskij regionalizm w Vostochnoj Azii nachinalsq w ramkah sistemy bipolqrnogo protiwostoqniq cherez sozdanie ASEAN. Poskol'ku hozqjstwennoe sotrudnichestwo aziatskih stran bylo zapuscheno regionalizaciej qponskoj äkonomiki, to ono nasledowa...

CHF 88.00

"Hor wody i nebes"

Alexandrowa, Anna
"Hor wody i nebes"
Dissertacionnoe issledowanie A. Alexandrowoj poswqscheno analizu mifopoäticheskogo myshleniq nobelewskogo laureata, russkogo poäta i amerikanskogo ässeista Iosifa Brodskogo. Izwestno, kakuü slabost' poät pital k wode, "k ee skladkam, morschinkam, rqbi", sebq zhe Brodskij izobrazhal to ryboj, to qstrebom, wsegda - podchinqüschimsq stihiqm i wozduha (qzyka), i wody (wremeni), i wsegda - suschestwom stradaüschim. Bytie liricheskogo geroq Brodskog...

CHF 102.00

Neftqnoe zagrqznenie w wodnyh äkosistemah

Kuznecow, Andrej / Fedorow, Jurij
Neftqnoe zagrqznenie w wodnyh äkosistemah
Neft' i nefteprodukty otnosqtsq k chislu naibolee rasprostranennyh i opasnyh zagrqznqüschih weschestw. V naibol'shej stepeni ih wozdejstwiü podwerzheny wodnye ob#ekty sushi, pribrezhnye i wnutrikontinental'nye morskie akwatorii, ustojchiwost' kotoryh podderzhiwaetsq tol'ko blagodarq wysokoj aktiwnosti processow samoochischeniq. Nastoqschaq rabota poswqschena analizu rezul'tatow mnogoletnih nablüdenij za izmeneniem urownq i sostawa neftqnogo za...

CHF 88.00

Prigranichnye OOPT Kaliningradskoj oblasti

Nowowa, Elena Ewgen'ewna
Prigranichnye OOPT Kaliningradskoj oblasti
Kaliningradskaq oblast' - äxklawnyj region Rossii, granichaschij s Pol'shej i Litwoj. Mnogie naibolee interesnye s prirodnoj i kul'turno-istoricheskoj tochki zreniq ob#ekty (Kurshskaq i Vislinskaq kosy, Vishtyneckoe ozero i dr.) raspolozheny w prigranichnyh rajonah, chast' - w predelah osobo ohranqemyh prirodnyh territorij (zakazniki, nacional'nye parki). Tol'ko Kurshskaq kosa imeet status nacional'nogo parka, kotoryj po swoim normatiwnym funk...

CHF 102.00