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468 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Balanced, Abundant Life

Brassfield, Samuel
The Balanced, Abundant Life
Author Samuel Brassfield has taken on the challenge to not only point out the seemingly insurmountable problems facing this 21st century, but bring a solution to the challenges the world at large and present church world faces in these uncertain times. National crisis due to economic meltdown created by recent earthquakes and tsunamis or wars that have erupted due to masses of humanity in abject poverty struggling for survival while toppling d...

CHF 20.90

Ethnic Conflicts, Civil War and Cost of Conflict

Caruso, Raul
Ethnic Conflicts, Civil War and Cost of Conflict
This volume of Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development includes some of the selected papers presented by scholars in a European Peace Science Network Meeting recently held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Chapters in this volume cover the conflicts in Maoist India, South America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The authors have employed highly sophisticated quantitative techniques and principles of Economics and Political S...

CHF 159.00

Pasiegos y Corsos

de Santiago Fernandez de Obeso, Jose . . .
Pasiegos y Corsos
En los Valles Pasiegos de La Montaña, formados por los ríos Pas, Miera y Pisueña, no saben lo que es Ecología, simplemente la practican. Desde hace más de 1.000 años su forma de vida ha sido autosuficiente. Mayor Independencia no cabe. Ajenos a la Globalización Neoliberal y a las políticas de la Unión Europea, su mayor enemigo. La Naturaleza que trabajan, cuidan y les permite sobrevivir no ha cambiado gran cosa. Las influencias foráneas parece...

CHF 42.90

El vuelo de las gaviotas

Giordano, Jaime
El vuelo de las gaviotas
This novella follows the spiritual journey of a searching soul from his infancy to his after death experience, a process in which he becomes involved in a mysterious Foundation.

CHF 23.90

Help Wanted

Reeves, Jason Alan
Help Wanted
Help Wanted: Spiritual Leaders Cannot Advance the Kingdom Alone" is a call to the body of Christ to serve as one to advance the kingdom of God. The ministry of helps and those called to serve as spiritual leaders must serve one another. Spiritual leaders are called to equipt the body of Christ for ministry, and the ministry of helps is called to serve and support spiritual leaders. One cannot succed without the other. Regardless of your functi...

CHF 21.50

Anatomy of Deception

Jarmuth, Mark
Anatomy of Deception
276 pages with table of contents, index and end notes. Book debunks the anti-Christian claims of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Chris Hedges and other skeptics. This is the book leaders of the New Atheism don't want you to read.

CHF 33.50


Burnham, Debra
Spring Lily the second addition to November Rose Rose and Ronnie's children Adahy, Adsila have grown to be the mythical superior children into adults. They have gone on a great journey to Romania to find their mother that the Morti Vii had taken. They will fight for their mothers life and their coven. You will grow as the family grows, you will meet new comers' as they enter into the family and coven. The happiness of a new world equal to our...

CHF 33.50

Transformational Words - Part 2

Hayes, Roger
Transformational Words - Part 2
There are 25 sermons in this book. The goal for this book is to keep a documented history of sermons that I have preached. This work follows the larger Transformational Words 30 Sermons book that was published in January of 2011. To anyone that reads these messages, may the Lord richly bless you. I pray that as you read and pray through these sermons, you will be reflective and authentic. I also hope that while reading the Bible alongside thi...

CHF 26.90


Kiser, Roger
The destruction of many young boy's and girl's lives was the final result of abusive treatment in many Florida reform schools and youth facilities. The bloody beatings, rapes, molestations and in some cases even the murder of young children became common-place.

CHF 25.90

A Short Introduction to Preferences

Rossi, Francesca / Walsh, Toby / Venable, Kristen Brent
A Short Introduction to Preferences
Computational social choice is an expanding field that merges classical topics like economics and voting theory with more modern topics like artificial intelligence, multiagent systems, and computational complexity. This book provides a concise introduction to the main research lines in this field, covering aspects such as preference modelling, uncertainty reasoning, social choice, stable matching, and computational aspects of preference aggre...

CHF 40.50

Adolf von Hildebrand - Ein Bildhauer über Kunst

Hildebrand, Adolf Von / Braunfels, Sigrid
Adolf von Hildebrand - Ein Bildhauer über Kunst
Adolf von Hildebrand (1847-1921) war einer der bedeutsamsten Künstler seiner Zeit und ist nicht nur wegen seiner Brunnen (er schuf unter anderem den Hubertus- und den Wittelsbacher Brunnen in München) weit über den deutschsprachigen Raum bekannt. Die vorliegende Auswahl an Essays zeigt Hildebrands Haltung zu allgemeinkulturellen und künstlerischen, in der Mehrzahl aber zu städtebaulichen Fragen. Obwohl kein studierter Architekt, versuchte er, ...

CHF 20.90

Baptizm w Sowetskom gosudarstwe

Alexandrow, Alexej
Baptizm w Sowetskom gosudarstwe
Kniga poswqschena prakticheski neizuchennoj problemerealizacii politiki Sowetskogo gosudarstwa wotnoshenii protestantskih cerkwej Bashkirii(ewangel'skih hristian i baptistow) w 1918-1943 gg.Issledowanie osnowano na unikal'nyh arhiwnyhdokumentah partijnyh i sowetskih organow, VChK-GPU-OGPU-NKVD. V knige ispol'zuütsq materialyperiodicheskoj pechati teh let, wospominaniq, fotografii, perepiska. Podrobno opisywaetsq sostoqniecerkwej ewangel'skih h...

CHF 102.00

Rabotosposobnost' korpusow reaktorow dlq podzemnyh AJeS

Muratow, Oleg
Rabotosposobnost' korpusow reaktorow dlq podzemnyh AJeS
Oswescheny woprosy sozdaniq podzemnyh AJeS, chto isklüchaet wydelenie radioaktiwnyh produktow w atmosferu pri zaproektnyh awariqh i obespechiwaet ih zaschischennost' ot lübyh wneshnih wozdejstwij. Rassmotreny tipy reaktorow dlq takih stancij i woprosy radiacionnoj hladnolomkosti konstrukcionnyh materialow korpusow reaktorow, kak odnogo iz wazhnejshih faktorow, opredelqüschih rabotosposobnost' i nadezhnost' reaktora w techenie dlitel'nogo sroka...

CHF 102.00

Natal'q Roschina. Kandidatskaq dissertaciq

Roschina, Natal'q
Natal'q Roschina. Kandidatskaq dissertaciq
Predstawlennoe w dannoj rabote komplexnoe, wsestoronnee izuchenie swojstw i klinicheskoj äffektiwnosti nowogo otechestwennogo stekloionomernogo cementa «Stomalit» poswqscheno odnoj iz wazhnyh problem sowremennoj stomatologii detskogo wozrasta: powysheniü äffektiwnosti lecheniq kariesa wremennyh i postoqnnyh zubow u detej.V rezul'tate issledowaniq materiala dokazana wysokaq äffektiwnost' plombirowaniq karioznyh polostej wremennyh i postoqnnyh z...

CHF 77.00