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612 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Frank H. Knight in Iowa City, 1919 - 1928

Emmett, Ross B.
Frank H. Knight in Iowa City, 1919 - 1928
A collection that includes both refereed articles and review essays of books in the history of economic thought and methodology. It highlights research the historiography and methodology of the English Poor Laws, behavioural economics, and the socialist calculation debate, as well as AD Roy and portfolio theory.

CHF 169.00


Juan Navarro, Ramón
Existe un amplio consenso entre los historiadores respecto a que la batalla de Levante, pese a su importancia en la Guerra Civil española, no ha sido estudiada con profundidad, al nivel de otras batallas. Este libro trata de aportar un poco de luz sobre la misma, sobre su conclusión y el desarrollo de la misma en el frente de Viver, una zona clave en esta ocultada victoria defensiva republicana.

CHF 34.90

Enjoy. How To Make Life Worth Living By Taking Each Day A...

Nosnevo, Otilegna
Enjoy. How To Make Life Worth Living By Taking Each Day As It Comes
I've put together this little book as a set of ideas or reminders on how to enjoy your life right now - ways to get out of "later" and into "today." Most of it is just common sense, but - as the saying goes - the worst thing about common sense is that it's so uncommon. All of us need to be reminded now and then, or pointed in the right direction. And that's what ENJOY is for. You don't need to read this book from beginning to end, and you d...

CHF 25.90

The Devry Smith Frank LLP Guide to the Basics of Family Law

Schuman, John P.
The Devry Smith Frank LLP Guide to the Basics of Family Law
Are you separating? You have no idea what to expect? What does getting married really mean? The Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law is for non-lawyers who: are separating or divorcing, need to change an order or separation agreement, are involved with a children's aid society, are getting married or living "common law", or need to understand Ontario Family Law. It explains what to do after separating and then describes each step in the...

CHF 27.90

Bao Hiem Tam

Minh Thanh, Tg
Bao Hiem Tam
Hanh gia thuong thuc tap chanh niem ve Than Khau Y, ma trong do Y chinh la nguyen nhan chu yeu tao nghiep vi chi moi suy nghi thoi chua noi gi ca chua lam gi ca la da tao nghiep roi. Ma Tam chinh la doi tuong chu yeu tac dong len Y. Do vay khi thong hieu tien trinh sinh diet cua Tam thi hanh gia co the nhan biet duoc loai Tam nao dang hien dien de bao hiem cho Tam nghia la co chanh niem ve Tam de lam chu ve nghiep. Trong sach "Bao Hiem Tam"...

CHF 33.90

I've Been where You Are

Henderson, Chazaray
I've Been where You Are
I've Been Where You Are, is a book written in the midst of many trials, situations, encounters and experiences in my life. I wrote this book to extend a helpful hand to many different people, which are going through some rough times in life that others may not quite understand. I know what it's like to be misunderstood, angry, stressed, addicted, frustrated, locked up, and in bondage.

CHF 14.50


Hart, M.
Fortsetzung des Romans ¿Wintermond¿ - Nachdem Ben während der Geldübergabe von einem Schuss getroffen wurde, befindet er sich im Krankenhaus. Er hat überlebt. Seine Eltern, Exfreund Nick und Alex stehen ihm in der schwierigen Situation nach dem traumatischen Erlebnis bei. Doch viel Zeit bleibt Ben nicht, sich von dem Schock zu erholen. Schon bald gibt es neue Drohungen und die Lage verschärft sich. Als Ben deshalb die Polizei in die neuen Umst...

CHF 31.50

The Orb of Life

Brady, Tami
The Orb of Life
The Orb of Life makes use of purified life force energy to cleanse and release stagnant energy from the system. Once in place, the orb flows continuously. The orb can also be used to charge food, water, or objects. Included in this text: ¿ How to Use This Book ¿ What is The Orb of Life? ¿ Getting Attuned ¿ Creating Your Own Orb ¿ Using the Orb ¿ Advanced Uses- Charging Objects ¿ Attuning Others- In Person ¿ Attuning Others- Dist...

CHF 11.50

Professorskij institut

Karnauh, Nadezhda
Professorskij institut
Preemstwennost' w sfere obrazowaniq qwlqetsq odnim iz faktorow razwitiq obschestwa. Istoriq wysshej shkoly Rossii polna zamechatel'nyh primerow pedagogicheskogo masterstwa. Peredowoj pedagogicheskij ooopyt proshlogo, kak opyt, ispytannyj wremenem, akkumuliruet w sebe primery preemstwennosti ot Uchitelq-Mastera k Ucheniku, aprobirowannye mehanizmy ätogo processa. Vypuskniki Professorskogo instituta sostawlqli ser'eznuü konkurenciü inostrannym p...

CHF 77.00

Uchebnaq deqtel'nost' starsheklassnikow

Lekomcewa, Xeniq
Uchebnaq deqtel'nost' starsheklassnikow
Ot prawil'noj organizacii uchebnoj deqtel'nosti uchenika w uslowiqh srednej shkoly zawisit to, w kakoj mere on budet dejstwowat' w roli aktiwnogo sub#ekta poznaniq. V knige harakterizuetsq uchebnaq deqtel'nost' shkol'nikow po owladeniü chteniem na anglijskom qzyke kak sredstwom oposredowannoj mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii. Predstawlena struktura deqtel'nosti uchaschihsq, nacelennaq na aktiwnoe i samostoqtel'noe izwlechenie informacii iz texta. O...

CHF 77.00

Intellektual'naq älita w kul'turno-istoricheskom razwitii...

Gorchickaq, Elena
Intellektual'naq älita w kul'turno-istoricheskom razwitii obschestwa
V nastoqschee wremq älita predstawlqet real'nuü, slozhnuü social'nuü konstrukciü, ot nadezhnosti i funkcional'nosti kotoroj zawisqt tempy i naprawleniq obschestwennogo razwitiq. V predlagaemoj wnimaniü chitatelq knige predstawleny osnownye "teorii älit", sozdannye russkimi i zarubezhnymi filosofami w raznye istoricheskie periody. Dannye filosofskie teorii specificheski i samobytno traktuüt te ili inye storony obscheswennogo bytiq razlichnyh ti...

CHF 64.00

Istoriko-kul'turnye centry Respubliki Bashkortostan

Habibullina, Ajgul'
Istoriko-kul'turnye centry Respubliki Bashkortostan
V knige priwodqtsq materialy issledowaniq sowremennyh processow mezhätnicheskogo wzaimodejstwiq i stepeni ätnicheskoj identichnosti narodow w uslowiqh istoriko-kul'turnyh centrow Respubliki Bashkortostan. Takzhe proslezhena istoriq wozniknoweniq i osobennosti raboty istoriko-kul'turnyh centrow, rassmatriwaütsq istoricheskie predposylki i prawowye osnowy ih sozdaniq, ih rol' i mesto w nacional'no-kul'turnom razwitii narodow Bashkortostana. V gl...

CHF 102.00


Burdow, Valerij
V konce sentqbrq 2007 stali izwestny rezul'taty ezhegodnogo issledowaniq mezhdunarodnoj antikorrupcionnoj organizacii Transparency International. V obnowlennom rejtinge Rossiq zanqla «pochetnoe» 143 mesto, razdeliw ego s Gambiej, Indoneziej i Togo, chto swidetel'stwuet, chto dela s korrupciej w Rossii stali esche huzhe. V Rossii poteri ot korrupcii w 2010 godu sostawil 1 trln., pri walowom dohode pochti w 20 trln. rublej. Protiwodejstwie korru...

CHF 102.00

Specifika obscheniq doshkol'nikow

Kahnowich, Swetlana
Specifika obscheniq doshkol'nikow
Monografiq poswqschena woprosam izucheniq specifiki obscheniq doshkol'nikow w izobrazitel'noj deqtel'nosti. Aktual'nost' monografii opredelqetsq neobhodimost'ü sozdaniq optimal'nyh uslowij dlq naibolee polnogo raskrytiq potencial'nyh wozmozhnostej kazhdogo rebenka kak sub#ekta obscheniq i predmetno-prakticheskoj deqtel'nosti. Prakticheskaq i nauchnaq znachimost' prowedennogo issledowaniq w tom, chto ono pereorientiruet pedagoga s wnimaniq k di...

CHF 102.00

Riski w sel'skom hozqjstwe perehodnoj äkonomiki Rossii

Knqginina, Galina
Riski w sel'skom hozqjstwe perehodnoj äkonomiki Rossii
Monografiq poswqschena izucheniü riskow w agrarnom sektore perehodnoj äkonomiki Rossii. V rabote ispol'zowan institucional'nyj podhod k analizu neopredelennosti i riska. Priwedena shirokaq klassifikaciq riskow. Osnownoe wnimanie udeleno wwedeniü ponqtiq institucional'nyj risk, izucheniü ego prichin i naprawlenij snizheniq w agrarnom sektore äkonomiki. Rassmatriwaetsq wozmozhnaq klassifikaciq institucional'nyh riskow. Issledowana rol' gosudarst...

CHF 88.00

Istoricheskoe znanie w Zapadnoj Ewrope rannego Nowogo wre...

Bobkowa, Marina
Istoricheskoe znanie w Zapadnoj Ewrope rannego Nowogo wremeni
V knige doktora istoricheskih nauk Mariny Bobkowoj rassmatriwaütsq osnownye cherty nowoewropejskogo istorizma, dinamika ego zarozhdeniq i razwitiq. Hronologicheski issledowanie obrascheno k XV - XVIII ww., t.e. k periodu predindustrial'noj ciwilizacii, kogda w istorii istoricheskogo znaniq zapadnoewropejskogo obschestwa zawershaetsq process stanowleniq ob#ektiwistskogo mirowozzreniq. Awtor knigi opredelqet mehanizmy formirowaniq ocenki proshlo...

CHF 102.00

Koncepty uchebnogo texta i gumanitarizaciq obrazowaniq

Sherstobitowa, Irina
Koncepty uchebnogo texta i gumanitarizaciq obrazowaniq
Soderzhanie monografii naprawleno na reshenie aktual'noj pedagogicheskoj zadachi - resheniq problemy gumanitarizaciq soderzhaniq estestwenno-nauchnogo obrazowaniq w prakticheskoj deqtel'nosti uchitelq. V rabote prestawlena model' konceptual'nogo analiza uchebnogo texta, sposobstwuüschaq resheniü problemy gumanitarizacii soderzhaniq estestwenno-nauchnogo obrazowaniq. Metodologicheski obosnowana znachimost' konceptow kak sredstwa, sposobstwuüsch...

CHF 88.00