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891 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Tomes of Time

Towle, Bernard
Tomes of Time
Starting High School is hard enough add to that that your father who is suppose to be dead may be alive and that this information comes to you from a total stranger who by the way is hitting on the girl you love and have just gotten the nerve to tell her so and now high school seems impossible.

CHF 35.90

Legacies of Christ

George Akalonu, Apostle
Legacies of Christ
Table of Contents Great Legacies Bequeathed to Saints Introduction 1 The Power of the Blood of Jesus 2 The Authority of His Name 3 The Grace of God 4 The Holy Spirit and His Church 5 The Word of God 6 The Gift of Righteousness and Justification 7 The Gift of the Kingdom of God 8 Christ our Jubilee 9 Christ is our Wisdom 10 Only Jesus is Qualified to Open the Scroll of Your Destiny 11 The Great Door and Many Adversaries Ou...

CHF 24.50


Gavilan, David
SurrealiTales is a collection of twelve short stories with a mixture of science-fiction and hilarious non-sense. A man with a mental black hole, a woman who creates a universe, cats with human feelings, and other strange people are a few of the characters you will find in here. All the characters in these stories are somehow connected one to another in misterious ways, across centuries and all over the universe and beyond. A universe older t...

CHF 19.90

The Long Search

Jarvis, Terry
The Long Search
Terry Jarvis thought he knew where he was going. With every new country visited, every new face encountered, he felt one step nearer his goal. But happiness eluded him. The hippy scene was a hollow one, drugs did not satisfy, and friends let him down. Desperation came close, but the search went on. Gradually, Terry realised he was looking for God. Terry's quest takes him across continents before finally reaching its end in an old country ch...

CHF 23.90

A Medley of Ruminations

Maxwell-Batten, Charmiene
A Medley of Ruminations
A Medley of Ruminations' is a compilation of real-life, thought-provoking and philosophical narrations that highlight our collective and human challenges as we attempt to make sense of a deeper and more reflective journey through life. These topical and poignant insights will touch the collective spirit in us all. The author's journalistic and truth seeking observations make for interesting and meaningful reading.

CHF 29.90

A Saint Taking a Sinner's Advice

Skyers, Tennesha
A Saint Taking a Sinner's Advice
A book of Poetry about guilty pleasures. Covering hidden subjects of sinful acts, this book indulges in infidelity, fantasies, drugs, infatuation, and everything people are taught to avoid. Bringing out the pervert inside all of us, these poems fulfill every lurking nasty thought in your mind. Poetry embracing your inner freak and secret temptations.

CHF 14.50

The Lyons Wellness Detoxification Guide, 2012 Edition

Lyons, Christy
The Lyons Wellness Detoxification Guide, 2012 Edition
Welcome to the Lyons Wellness Detoxification Guide! This guide is a food- and beverage- based detoxification manual. It is intended for real people with real jobs, real lives, and everyday stresses. Contents: ¿ A comprehensive guide-using a "real" person's schedule-on how to detoxify ¿ Multiple easy-to-follow plans, including day-by-day calendars ¿ Real-world advice for how to maintain your social life while detoxing ¿ Simple recipes stra...

CHF 29.50

All the Flowers in Shanghai

Jepson, Duncan
All the Flowers in Shanghai
For every young Chinese woman in 1930s Shanghai, following the path of duty takes precedence over personal desiresFor Feng, that means becoming the bride of a wealthy businessman in a marriage arranged by her parents. In the enclosed world of the Sang household—a place of public ceremony and private cruelty—fulfilling her duty means bearing a male heir. The life that has been forced on her makes Feng bitter and resentful, and she plots a terri...

CHF 23.90

Shadows of Azathoth - Horrific Tales of Vampiric Darkness

Ford, Michael
Shadows of Azathoth - Horrific Tales of Vampiric Darkness
Shadows of Azathoth - Horrific Tales of Vampiric Darkness by Michael W. Ford Three haunting tales of vampire-rituals and sorcery which unveil a world of otherworldly darkness and the insatiable appetite for human blood. Within the pages you will find vampiric rituals to evoke the hungry dead, ancient Babylonian sorcery ripping away the veil of the world of fantasy and reality. In SHADOWS OF AZATHOTH, the rites of chaos invoke a coven of Seve...

CHF 26.90

Vozbuzhdenie ugolownyh del tamozhennymi organami

Rumqncewa, Marianna
Vozbuzhdenie ugolownyh del tamozhennymi organami
Vozbuzhdenie ugolownogo dela po-prezhnemu ostaetsq odnoj iz naibolee problemnyh stadij ugolownogo processa. Ezhegodno wyqwlqetsq ogromnoe kolichestwo narushenij, dopuskaemyh upolnomochennymi organami pri prieme, registracii, prowerke i razreshenii soobschenij o prestupleniqh. Ob#qsnqetsq dannoe polozhenie del, w tom chisle, i otsutstwiem zakonodatel'noj reglamentacii ugolowno-processual'noj deqtel'nosti na stadii wozbuzhdeniq ugolownogo dela. ...

CHF 88.00

Rechewaq struktura personazha w massowom texte

Potsar, Anna
Rechewaq struktura personazha w massowom texte
Izobrazhenie cheloweka - odna iz glawnyh zadach slowesnosti. Osmyslenie ätoj mirowozzrencheskoj kategorii opredelqet äwolüciü literatury na protqzhenii wsej ee istorii. Sowremennyj chelowek znachitel'no chasche obraschaetsq k textam, porozhdennym w massowoj kommunikacii, chem k textam literaturnym. Nastoqschee issledowanie utochnqet granicy ponqtiq "massowaq slowesnost'", wyqwlqq suschnostnye swojstwa massowogo texta. Massowaq slowesnost' sozd...

CHF 102.00

Stanowlenie lichnostnoj identichnosti studentow sowremenn...

Starodubec, Ol'ga
Stanowlenie lichnostnoj identichnosti studentow sowremennogo wuza
V monografii predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq fenomena i dinamiki lichnostnoj identichnosti studentow sowremnnogo Rossijskogo wuza, kotoryj sostawlqet socal'nuü situaciü razwitiq ünoshi. Vyqwlneny osobennosti strukturnyh komponentow lichnostnoj identichnosti studentow gumanitarnogo i estestwenno-nauchnogo naprawlenij podgotowki na protqzhenii wsego perioda obucheniq. Rabota soderzhit faktornuü model' identichnosti studentow, postroennuü na...

CHF 88.00

Gosudarstwennoe regulirowanie regional'noj promyshlennosti

Gapsalamow, A. / Kashbiewa, R. / Vasil'ew, V.
Gosudarstwennoe regulirowanie regional'noj promyshlennosti
V knige predstawleny osnowy gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq promyshlennosti regiona w kontexte istoricheskih osobennostej ego razwitiq, strukturnyh harakteristik i urownq äkonomicheskoj bezopasnosti. Rassmotreny preimuschestwa i nedostatki komandno-administratiwnogo uprawleniq promyshlennost'ü. Priwedeny rezul'taty uprawleniq proizwodstwennym sektorom na osnowe rynochnyh principow hozqjstwowaniq i klasternogo podhoda. Vyqwleny osnownye regional...

CHF 102.00

Rol' mentaliteta w nauchnom poznanii

Pashkowskaq, Tat'qna
Rol' mentaliteta w nauchnom poznanii
Vopros ob osnowaniqh poznawatel'noj deqtel'nosti qwlqetsq odnim iz osnownyh problem w sowremennoj filosofii. V nastoqschee wremq uzhe ochewidno, chto poznawatel'nyj process obuslowlen ne tol'ko chisto kognitiwnymi faktorami, no i wozdejstwiem mental'nyh struktur, osoznano, chto real'noe poznanie sowershaetsq w antropologicheskoj srede, wklüchaüschej "zhiwoj opyt" w ego neotreflexirowannom wide. V knige rassmatriwaütsq filosofskie koncepcii, ko...

CHF 88.00

Formirowanie i wospriqtie obraza dzhentl'mena w qzyke i k...

Zalesowa, Natal'q
Formirowanie i wospriqtie obraza dzhentl'mena w qzyke i kul'ture SShA
Nastoqschaq rabota poswqschena issledowaniü obraza dzhentl'mena w qzyke i kul'ture SShA. Analiz dannoj edinicy soznaniq osuschestwlqetsq cherez strukturirowanie koncepta «gentleman», chto pozwolqet wyqwit' ne tol'ko inwariantnoe predstawlenie ob obraze dzhentl'mena w lingwokul'ture SShA, no i wossozdat' ego warianty i nacional'nuü specifichnost'. V hode analiza proizwedenij amerikanskoj hudozhestwennoj literatury wosemnadcatogo-dwadcatogo weko...

CHF 102.00

Doktrina kak forma i istochnik formirowaniq prawowoj poli...

Puzikow, Ruslan Vladimirowich
Doktrina kak forma i istochnik formirowaniq prawowoj politiki
V nastoqschej monografii delaetsq popytka uqsneniq roli i znacheniq üridicheskoj doktriny w prawowom regulirowanii w celom, i w processe formirowaniq i realizacii prawowoj politiki w chastnosti. Awtor otstaiwaet poziciü o neobhodimosti priznaniq prawowoj doktriny kak formy i istochnika formirowaniq prawowoj politiki. V rabote analiziruetsq ponqtie i suschnost' doktriny, ee mesto w prawowoj zhizni obschestwa, istoriq zarozhdeniq i ätapy stanowl...

CHF 102.00

Organizaciq äxperimental'noj deqtel'nosti w pedagogichesk...

Akimenko, Valentina
Organizaciq äxperimental'noj deqtel'nosti w pedagogicheskom wuze
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq teoreticheskie i prakticheskie woprosy organizacii opytno-äxperimental'nyh issledowanij w pedagogicheskom wuze, nachinaq ot konceptual'nyh podhodow, principow i tehnologii organizacii äxperimental'noj deqtel'nosti pedagogicheskogo wuza do wnedreniq s obosnowaniem form raboty prepodawatelej i studentow pedagogicheskogo wuza, a takzhe pedagogow-praktikow shkol'nyh i doshkol'nyh obrazowatel'nyh uchrezhdenij. Prednazna...

CHF 64.00