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830 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Smith Wigglesworth's Keys to Power

Madden, Peter J
Smith Wigglesworth's Keys to Power
Secrets of God's Power Revealed God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth's ministry through powerful signs and wonders. These included the restoration of hearing and sight, the creative formation of missing limbs, the disappearance of cancerous growths, the recovery of mental wholeness by the violently insane, and the raising of several people from the dead. What changed an ordinary plumber, who suffered from stage fright, into one of the most compell...

Wie mächtig sind Archive?

Schenk, Dietmar / Hering, Rainer
Wie mächtig sind Archive?
Im Oktober 2011 war die Vertretung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein beim Bund Gastgeberin der Tagung ¿Macht und Ohnmacht der Archive¿. Kultur- und Archivwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler, Archivarinnen und Archivare debattierten über Auftrag und Nutzen, Verantwortung und Leistung der Archive in einer weithin digitalisierten Wissensgesellschaft. Die Archivwissenschaft in Deutschland ist auf die Herausforderung, die durch das von Kulturwiss...

CHF 34.50

Lettera a Margherita Hack

Marrucci, Luciano
Lettera a Margherita Hack
Il Big Bang, introdotto da alcuni scienziati per spiegare l'emergenza della materia dal nulla e il suo successivo evolversi verso la realtà cosmica, di fatto s'identifica con l'impulso creativo di Dio, capace di operare l'abissale passaggio tra il niente e l'ente, tra il caos e il cosmo. Quanto al Bosone di Higgs, esso si configura come un'evidente, permanente impronta con cui il Creatore ha firmato la sua opera.

CHF 17.50

The Official Doctor Who Fan Club Vol 2

Miller, Keith
The Official Doctor Who Fan Club Vol 2
This is the second in a two volume set which features set reports from Carnival of Monsters, The Three Doctors, Planet of the Spiders, Genesis of the Daleks, Terror of the Zygons and Masque of Mandragora, with a full set of the very first Doctor Who fanzine, and facsimilies of the actual letters between the stars and production team of the show. "Not only essential reading for the countless Doctor Who fans who have followed in Keith's foot...

CHF 35.90

El Libro de los Salmos y las Profecias de los Tiempos del...

Pérez, Juan Bautista
El Libro de los Salmos y las Profecias de los Tiempos del Fin
Un día, como otras veces, abrí mi Biblia al azar, para recibir algún mensaje de Dios, es una costumbre bien conocida entre los cristianos. Leí el último capítulo de Lucas y puse mi atención en el versículo 44 y me pregunté: ¿Qué es lo que está escrito en los Salmos acerca de Cristo? Los Salmos son cánticos, alabanzas, la historia cantada de un pueblo, un pueblo hostigado y perseguido por siglos. Me di a la tarea de leer con cuidado todas las e...

CHF 40.50

Wireless Networking in the Developing World

Authors, Wndw
Wireless Networking in the Developing World
Wireless Networking in the Developing World version 3, the Green Book, teaches you how to build wireless networks connecting you and your community to one another and to the global Internet to stimulate education and social development, as well as enable communication and website access locally, nationally and internationally, all of which will greatly enhance the life of your community. This one is the Black and White print version.

CHF 52.90

The Nine Lives of Private Burke

Burke, Mark
The Nine Lives of Private Burke
This book chronicles the wartime experiences of a militia man in the 7th battalion , 50th division of the Green Howards Regiment , 1939 - 1944. These are the memories of Walter Burke as he fought through France, North Africa and Italy, reimagined by his grandson and supplemented with research on the Green Howards.

CHF 17.50

Nightshade's Silver

Vigue, Gabrielle
Nightshade's Silver
This ghostly adventure is sure to keep the reader at the edge of their seat. This book is the beginning of a gripping paranormal trilogy.

CHF 15.90

Parole nel Vento

Benetti, Paolo
Parole nel Vento
Il libro Parole nel vento di Paolo Benetti è un'Odissea Patagonica è la storia di un Nostos, un ritorno. Tragico, avventuroso, violento, passionale, ripercorre le tappe dell'Odissea in chiave moderna dove per esempio Polifemo è un nano del circo con un occhio solo, ma altrettanto crudele. Il tono epico, anche nelle sue ripetizioni aediche, ad esempio i roghi in cui bruciano gli eroi, o anche l'immagine della nave/suv nera che fende le pi...

CHF 28.50

Il Business del Forex Trading

Schenato, Arduino
Il Business del Forex Trading
Semplicità, ordine e gestione del rischio sono le basi per restare lucidi nell'attività di trading. Nel libro viene dimostrato come poter operare serenamente e senza stress! Nessun oscillatore o indicatore per supportare la mia operatività. Per questo il metodo descritto non soffre di momenti di non utilizzo perchè si basa sull'interpretazione delle dinamiche del prezzo. All'interno descrivo come darsi obbiettivi per poter ottenere la propri...

CHF 112.00

Words on a Crumpled Page

Muir, Margaret
Words on a Crumpled Page
While some short pieces are blatantly flippant and ambiguous, others are meant to prick the conscience, tease the imagination or touch the heart. Love and loss, joy and sadness all included in these garbled musings. The author believes that rhyme and reason have their place in most poetry books, but in this inconsequential mix, literary theory has been tried, tested and, in most cases, cast aside. WORDS ON A CRUMPLED PAGE is an eclectic mix of...

CHF 13.90

Außergewöhnliches Halloween

Gränitz, Siegfried
Außergewöhnliches Halloween
Beinahe einer Geisterparty ähnelt das Treffen eines Romanautors mit fünfundzwanzig seiner ehemaligen Wegbegleiterinnen um Mitternacht in einem alten Dorfgasthaus. Die anfängliche Euphorie aller anwesenden Mädchen und Frauen vermischt sich allmählich mit kleinen Anfeindungen und wird auch zu einer Ansammlung von Vorwürfen dem einzigen männlichen Anwesenden gegenüber. Aber zum Glück gibt es auch erneute Liebes- und Treueerklärungen ...

CHF 9.50

Walking Christendom Volume 4 We Fight the Universe

Naybor, Dave
Walking Christendom Volume 4 We Fight the Universe
Vassely Kopurnicus and Shin Li continue the quest for the Seven Chakras of the World. This chapter brings them across the sea to Malta, where they meet Mo'dinga, the King of the Mole People, Shin gets kicked from a bar and Vassely finds love.

CHF 23.50