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143 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

How to Write Ads That Get The Sale!

Worstell, Robert C.
How to Write Ads That Get The Sale!
While the Masters of Marketing Secrets series had already been mined for the history of Advertising, and Salesmanship classics, I still hadn't told anyone which were the key books out of that dozen which held the core datums where a person could learn the "rainmaking" skill of copywriting. From this book series, I've created this collection which specifically selected only the books which deal best with copywriting itself. The other two col...

CHF 55.50

John David Rippberger, Last Comrade of Stoddard Post G.A.R

Rippberger, Damian V.
John David Rippberger, Last Comrade of Stoddard Post G.A.R
John D. Rippberger (1844 -1928) was a Bugler in the 17th Illinois Cavalry during the American Civil War. Born in Germany, He traveled with his family to the US in 1847, settling in Elgin, Cook County Illinois. This short biography was put together from many years of research, and the gathering of records from many distant relatives all around.

CHF 51.90

Miriam's Presence at Christmas

Cutpurse, Molly
Miriam's Presence at Christmas
Miriam's Presence at Christmas covers the last days of 2009 at the old house that Miriam, Roy and Rafa used to own. It is now Christmas and Miriam's now middle-aged youngest daughter, Florence and her two adult daughters, Faith and Betty are preparing for Christmas amid one of the worst snowstorms to befall London in recent years. There are incidences aplenty, Rafa to be visited in a care home, a disaster or two, headstrong children, a husband...

CHF 19.90


Fidelis, Imeje
Without an established relationship with the Creator the life of Man on earth and beyond is futile. A man was once given the choice of choosing between the wealth, riches, and fame of the earth and a narrow path that led to a mysterious destination beyond. Led by faith and clothe with humility he choosed the narrow path. That rough narrow path eventually led him to a haven of eternal bliss. There his wealth, riches, and fame knew no bounds and...

CHF 19.50

Creek Creature

Brumbaugh, Tami
Creek Creature
Run for your lives! Protect your pets! Guard your Oreos! A mysterious creature has claimed the creek as its home. It's up to the Creekers to discover what it is and where it belongs. In the process, they stumble upon a family in a desperate situation after a job loss. The Creekers must learn to expect less so they can give more.

CHF 11.90

A Twist of Fate

Simpson, Christa / Publishing, Black Widow
A Twist of Fate
Edwin Santora is the kind of man every woman wants to be "friends" with. He was Abigail's first love, the love of her life, but when the devastatingly handsome Edwin admitted he just wasn't ready to settle down and have kids, Abigail was left back at ground zero surrounded by the remnants of her shattered heart. Cameron Clarke is what dreams are made of. He was the man of Abigail's dreams and she was smitten. She hadn't actually expected him t...

CHF 20.50

Facing Mecca / Poems

Moore, Daniel Abdal-Hayy
Facing Mecca / Poems
As Muslims who pray the five obligatory prayers each day of our lives, when able we orient ourselves toward Mecca, located in what is now Saudi Arabia, from wherever we happen to find ourselves, farflung in some island fastness, or out in desert dunes, or in a New York hotel room. There are boat people who tie up and face Mecca right in their boats, saintly Moroccan merchants who fling their carpets down just behind the counter where they sell...

CHF 33.50

Become a Better You Journal

Osteen, Joel
Become a Better You Journal
No matter where you are in your life, you can be better! In Joel Osteen's bestselling book Become a Better You, he outlined seven principles that we should all live by in order to have a life that is more fulfilling, more meaningful, and filled with hope and purpose. In this seven-week companion, you will learn how to apply each of those principles to your everyday life and become the person that God uniquely created you to be. The lessons in ...

CHF 23.50

Police Sniper

Roberts, Craig
Police Sniper
From the coauthor of One Shot - One Kill comes this compelling and nerve-racking look into the lives of police snipers as they squint through rifle scopes directly into the eyes of frantic captors. When a desperate criminal takes innocent hostages, police SWAT teams must walk a tightrope of fear on their mission to seize the threat. But as patience, negotiations, and prayer often fall in the face of an irrational killer, the deadly cool of the...

CHF 28.50


Schlegl-Kofler, Katharina
Wenn Sie mit dem Clicker arbeiten, kann Ihr Hund selbst und ohne Zwang herausfinden, was Sie von ihm möchten. Das Tolle am Clickertraining: Es ist leicht umsetzbar und macht dem Hund Spaß, gibt es doch anfangs nach jedem Click eine Belohnung für richtiges Verhalten. Und mit der Zeit bekommt allein das Klick-Geräusch für Ihren Hund dieselbe Bedeutung wie das Leckerli. Also ran an das Erlernen dieser Zaubermethode, die Ihnen nicht nur bei der Er...

CHF 12.90


Schlegl-Kofler, Katharina
Aus Ihrem süßen Welpen soll ein gut erzogener Hund werden? Kein Problem! In diesem Ratgeber erklärt die erfolgreiche Hundetrainerin Katharina Schlegl-Kofler Schritt für Schritt, wie man seinen Hund richtig erzieht. Die Autorin erklärt, wie ein Hund lernt und wodurch man diesen Lernprozess positiv beeinflussen kann, was man unter Konditionierung versteht, welche Rolle die eigene Körpersprache und Stimme spielen und wie man einen Hund durch rich...

CHF 14.50


Fritzsche, Peter
Lassen Sie sich von ihrer Größe nicht täuschen! Zwerghamster können es mit ihren großen Hamsterkollegen locker aufnehmen. Die nachtaktiven Mini-Nager sind sehr flink und lebhaft und wahre Meister im Klettern, Buddeln und "Hamstern". Im GU Tierratgeber Zwerghamster erklärt der Hamster-Experte Dr. Peter Fritzsche, was die vier gängigen Zwerghamsterarten brauchen, um sich richtig wohlzufühlen. Dazu gehört neben artgerechter Unterbringung und ausg...

CHF 14.50

Unser Welpe

Schlegl-Kofler, Katharina
Unser Welpe
Was ein Hundekind in seinen ersten Lebensmonaten lernt, prägt sein ganzes Leben. Gestalten Sie diese wichtige Zeit so, dass aus Ihrem Welpen ein fröhlicher und folgsamer Hund wird. Wie das geht, erklärt die erfolgreiche Hundetrainerin Katharina Schlegl-Kofler im GU Tierratgeber Unser Welpe. Sie beantwortet alle wichtigen Fragen rund um das Wohlbefinden des Welpen: von der Ausstattung über die Ernährung, Pflege und Gesundheitsvorsorge bis hin z...

CHF 12.90