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2364 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Lessard, Charles S. / Hutton, Jason
A little girl named Jeanine writes a heartfelt letter to Santa Claus seeking a one-of-a-kind toy. Santa and his trusted elf, Benevolent Ben, answer her plea with a forgotten item utilized as a door stop. Jeanine's love is immediate as she unites with the Piffleduck on Christmas morning.

CHF 21.50

Art Nouveau Graphic Masterpieces

Guedy, Henry
Art Nouveau Graphic Masterpieces
These decorative full-color graphics originally appeared in a now-rare Parisian periodical. Designers and collectors of the rarest and best Art Nouveau material will rejoice in 100 plates in a hardcover landscape format.

Jackass Letters

Jorgensen, Christopher L.
Jackass Letters
In the tradition of the Lazlo Letters and the Henry Root Letters comes Jackass Letters, a collection of hoax correspondence with corporations, celebrities, and politicians that consistently pushes the boundaries of good taste and polite decorum, always with hilarious results. Now, these irreverent gems are available in a multi-volume book series. Real people, real letters, real jackass.

CHF 15.50

Vicious Dogs

Brock, Henry
Vicious Dogs
Down-and-out P.I. Derek Lasker hopes his luck has taken a turn for the better when he lands a case with Bob Linehan, a client who believes his potentially psychotic teenage son, Bob Jr., is the culprit of a heinous crime. Lasker follows the teen into Toronto's dark underworld of violence and crime, realizing too late that he's got his eye on the wrong psychopath. It's a grave mistake that could cost him dearly. But will it cost him everything?

CHF 19.90

Sfinksens gåte

Evjen, Knut
Sfinksens gåte
Sfinksens gåte er en skjebnesvanger reise i fire deler. Den dveler ved skjebnens uunngåelighet, og tar utgangspunkt i greske tekster, fordi vi her finner en glimrende problematisering av menneskets skjebne som pålagt av gudene. Gudene anerkjennes som mektigere, samtidig som menneskets individualitet også målbæres. Således ser man at det i gresk mytologi faktisk blir stilt spørsmål til hvorvidt gudenes vilje alltid er til menneskets beste. Bok...

CHF 37.50

Creating and Preserving Wealth

Stanback, C. Foster
Creating and Preserving Wealth
This book provides the sound, time-tested principles for producing and protecting wealth that are so often neglected today. Within its pages you will not find get-rich-quick schemes, but rather a rational and methodical approach to prosperity based on hard work, skill development, and making investments that will provide safety and income in an era of economic turmoil.

CHF 18.90

Vår moder Isis

Evjen, Knut
Vår moder Isis
Vår moder Isis er en erkjennelsesreise i fem deler. Den dveler ved søkenen etter kunnskap, og tar utgangspunkt i egyptisk mytologi. Dog er mangelen på en utfyllende antropogoni påfallende, og derfor presenteres her en nyskrivning av den såkalte Osirismyten med en egenkomponert fortsettelse. I dette arbeidet er det brukt en gnostisk ramme, samt lånt materiale fra greske myter og kristne tekster.

CHF 37.90

E se Champollion avesse sbagliato?

Portunato, Andrea
E se Champollion avesse sbagliato?
Descrizione della ricerca sulle relazioni tra il geroglifico ed il sanscrito. In questo testo viene presentata la teoria che riconduce l'antica lingua degli Egizi al gruppo indoeuropeo. In particolare, è descritta una nuova modalità di traslitterazione e traduzione dei geroglifici sulla base del sanscrito indiano.

CHF 19.90

Den forbudne frukt

Evjen, Knut
Den forbudne frukt
Den forbudne frukt er en eksistensiell reise i tre deler. Den tar utgangspunkt i den gammeltestamentlige fortellingen om Adam og Eva i Edens hage, og av jødisk folklore om Adams første kone, Lilit. Dette er en trilogi som dveler ved valgets kvaler. Beretningen om den forbudne frukt går rett til kjernen av valgfriheten som en del av det å være menneske. Riktignok omtales fortæringen av den forbudne frukt i negative ordelag, som et opprør mot G...

CHF 37.90

The Book of Financial Wisdom

Stanback, C. Foster
The Book of Financial Wisdom
The Book of Financial Wisdom is a collection of sayings from some of the greatest minds in history. Avoid the financial traps that so many people fall into by sitting at the feet of these sages. Learn how to make money, how to spend it, and how to become a better investor.

CHF 18.50

Reality or Religion

Castillo, Joseph
Reality or Religion
Reality or Religion invites you to take a deeper look into the subject of faith from a fresh perspective. Think how exciting it would be to discover a book that bridged the gap between science and religion. Where reality is infused with purpose at the discovery of a higher calling, and learn facts that bring meaning into your life be it mundane or monstrous. In this book you will learn: Do science and the Bible contradict itself? Are you r...

CHF 26.50

Exploring Careers in Art

Fortune, Tracy
Exploring Careers in Art
You will want this book if you are a creative person researching possible careers in art, an art teacher looking for ways to help your students connect their art learning to art careers, a substitute teacher looking for fun lessons to have "in your back pocket, " or a home-school parent looking for new ways to encourage your son or daughter in art. It is a great resource for anyone looking for a user-friendly guide to different art careers. ...

CHF 29.90