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1476 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Last Wanderer

Hull, Ronald W.
The Last Wanderer
The Last Wanderer. An unnamed young college professor goes on a summer adventure in northern Canada alone when the highly interdependent world comes apart and he is unable to return to find his sister and uncle after two years of fires and nuclear meltdown leading to nuclear winter and the death of almost all the inhabitants of the earth that he has known. The unnamed wanderer returns to the Indianhead country of Wisconsin and finds no trace o...

CHF 65.00

Enjoying Food Peace

Giller, Bonnie R.
Enjoying Food Peace
Eat the Food You Love Without Guilt If you've been dieting for decades or even just weeks, you know the drill. Eat what the diet tells you to eat, not what you desire. Dieting takes the pleasure out of your meals, and worse yet, causes you to feel guilty if you finish a meal and say "wow, that was delicious". It doesn't have to be this way. Enjoying Food Peace will provide you with tasty recipes and unconditional permission to eat what you ...

CHF 76.00

R & R: A Sex Comedy

Schorb, E. M.
R & R: A Sex Comedy
A young poet living with his activist mother is a copywriter for a womens' magazine. His boss, Ms. Battle, the "Battle of Britain, " hails from "Swinging London, " and is out to deflower him. He's writing a novel where the Dongs are in revolt.

CHF 34.90

Divining Tarot

Patterson, Nancy-Lou / Auger, Emily E. / Croft, Janet Brennan
Divining Tarot
278 pp., bibliography, index, 2 appendixes. Editors Emily E. Auger and Janet Brennan Croft. Cover illus. by Patrick H. Wynne, inside illus. by Sarah Beach and Bonnie Callahan, and numerous illus. of Tarot cards. Essays include "The Triumph of Love: Interpretations of the Tarot in Charles Williams's The Greater Trumps, " "The Jewels of Messias: Images of Judaism and Anti-semitism in the Novels of Charles Williams, " and "Charles Williams." Nan...

CHF 48.90

El Peregrino y la Alquimia del Silencio

Arduino Pavón, Manuel
El Peregrino y la Alquimia del Silencio
Este libro reúne dos textos de Manuel Arduino Pavón: "La Misión de un Peregrino" es una novela iniciática que se remonta a la Rosacruz primigenia con un especial énfasis en la alquimia R+C. "La Alquimia del Silencio" discurre sobre el famoso Ora et Labora del Ars Magna, clásica desde su praxis hasta sus facetas menos transitadas y planteando sus relaciones con otras prácticas hermanas del arte real, haciendo foco en la manifestación del si...

CHF 63.00

Gay as Gabriel

de Leon, Sarah
Gay as Gabriel
Gabriel is gay and has a new crush on a boy he thinks is way out of his league. Jeffry is confident, but sweet and kind to those close to him. He's openly gay, unlike Gabriel who has only ever told his best friend, Mason, about his secret. Mason is straight, but has never been very good friends with anyone unless they're either gay or bi. She doesn't like most straight people. Her only exception is a boy she hasn't seen in two years, but still...

CHF 24.90

ODISSEA DI PAROLE - Viaggio intorno all'uomo e dentro il ...

Sarrica, Michele
ODISSEA DI PAROLE - Viaggio intorno all'uomo e dentro il cuore -
Anche le parole hanno la loro "odissea". A scriverne il poema, o meglio, il poemetto, è Michele Sarrica, poeta e autore di testi teatrali ed ora cantore della grande avventura del linguaggio, che è l'"eroe" dal "multiforme" aspetto, dalle infinite risorse, che procede tra cadute, impennate ed alti voli al servizio e al passo dell'uomo "quasimodiano", il quale non ha mai preso le distanze dal remotissimo passato, dal tempo della pietra e della ...

CHF 14.50

In The Blood

Mercer, A. A.
In The Blood
Ileana escaped from a family cult and now hunts the members one by one. Now someone is hunting her.

CHF 31.50


Jennings, Jett
Sorrel is young, determined and in-over-her-head, as she works hard to learn magic and become a full-fledged witch

CHF 20.90

Significant Actions by the Presidents

Navarro, Bob
Significant Actions by the Presidents
From 1774 to the present, presidential actions have altered the history of America. Many of these acts are significant as they have determined the path on which the United States is on.

CHF 18.50

La doctora Charlotte Lapierre

Dediego, Maria Ximena
La doctora Charlotte Lapierre
La doctora Charlotte es una mujer mayor que trabajo en un hospital de New England en los Estados Unidos lleva varios años esperando que el gobierno darle su jubilación, al principio pasa muchos problemas de dinero con su esposo y además de ello carga con la pérdida de su hijo, la desesperación encaminarlos a emprender un negocio de telas, ropa y joyería teniendo un éxito en la ciudad que convertirlos en una familia con caudal. En su locura la ...

CHF 23.90