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2491 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Language and Identity

Mahendra Kishore Verma, Rama Kant Agnihotri
Language and Identity
Professor Robert B. Le Page was one of the pioneers to study the theoretical, structural and applied aspects of Sociolinguistics particularly in pidgin and creole studies. His interpretation of the roles that creoles play in our understanding of language is revolutionary and his works have influenced scholars to re-examine the notions of language in general, with special emphasis on Caribbean languages. This book is a collection of essays by L...

CHF 117.00

Only Vocal Tunes 2004-2016 (Digipak)

Only Vocal Tunes 2004-2016 (Digipak)
Die Nighthawks haben in der lange Spanne ihres Schaffens einige wunderbare Vocal Tunes geschaffen, die nun erstmalig und gebündelt auf der Produktion Only (Vocals Tunes 2004-2016) vereint sind. Seit ihren Anfängen hat die Band ausgewählte Sängerinnen und Sänger ins Studio geladen. So entstand ein breitgefächertes Klangbild, das durchaus auch den Sound der Band verändert hat, hin zu weltmusikalischen Klängen mit der großen polnischen Sängerin A...

CHF 29.50

Alles Ist Möglich

Alles Ist Möglich
Patrick John Hughes hat große Pläne für seinen erstgeborenen Sohn. Doch all seine Träume zerplatzen, als Patrick Henry schwerstbehindert auf die Welt kommt - ohne Augen und ohne die Aussicht, jemals laufen zu können. Für seine Eltern bricht eine Welt zusammen. Doch das Leben mit Patrick Henry hält Überraschungen bereit, denn der blinde Junge hat ein großes musikalisches Talent: das Klavierspielen. Und einen noch größeren Lebenstraum: einmal in...

CHF 12.50

Through the Eyes of a Slave - Written Accounts of America...

Through the Eyes of a Slave - Written Accounts of American Slavery
Through the Eyes of a Slave" contains a carefully-selected collection of famous, influential and moving American slave narratives from a variety of authors including Solomon Northup's "Twelve Years a Slave", which was adapted into the 2013 blockbuster film of the same name. These compelling, inspirational, and often harrowing real-life stories offer a unique insight into the travails of slave life in nineteenth-century America, and are highly ...

CHF 65.00

Royal Jelly

Zealous, Aalia
Royal Jelly
TEN BABIES WENT INTO THE CASTLE. SIX GIRLS CAME OUT. ONLY ONE WOMAN CAN SURVIVE TO BECOME QUEEN. ¿Royal Jelly When Queen Nasira must uphold the tradition of raising an heir, with the help of three Sages, she adopts ten baby girls. All of them born on a day deemed to be blessed by the Gods. As the servants file into the castle, each one carrying a small noisy bundle, Queen Nasira looks on in disdain. The Dwarf Queens. Her diplomatic ...

CHF 23.50

Can't Buy Health 7

Marrs, Yvonne
Can't Buy Health 7
With Austin and Yvette not yet recuperated from their trauma, Tom takes over Austin's idea for a weekend visit to an arboretum in autumn. It is a perfect getaway, and with his new partner Emily, Tom gets over his reluctance to be involved in another serious relationship after two previous heart breaks. After an unexpected hospitalisation, Austin has to resign from the Premiers for the good of his health. As Yvette's health also declines, the...

CHF 20.90