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2096 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Edmondo, de Amicis
IL PRIMO GIORNO A PARIGI Parigi, 28 giugno 1878 Eccomi preso daccapo a quest'immensa rete dorata, in cui ogni tanto bisogna cascare, volere o non volere. La prima volta ci restai quattro mesi, dibattendomi disperatamente, e benedissi il giorno che ne uscii. Ma vedo che la colpa era tutta mia, ora che ci ritorno ¿. composto a nobile quiete, perchè guai a chi viene a Parigi troppo giovane, senza uno scopo fermo, colla testa in tumulto e col...

CHF 14.50

Elegie renane

Pirandello, Luigi
Elegie renane
Da lungi ancor la florida alba suprema de¿ freschi colli lombardi in vetta ridemi, Italia, in core. Àlacri i miei pensieri, com¿api ritornano a sciame a Te che il fiore delle contrade sei. Or di leggiadro riso che un¿eco di gioje ridesti, or di mestizia il volto diafano atteggiate, chiuse in un sogno vago, già fuor della vita e pur vive, per le tue terre, Italia, erran le mie memorie. Oh rosea in faccia ai primi, aerei giogh...

CHF 14.50


Bartolomeo, Capasso
La piazza del Mercato di Napoli, tanto memorabile nella nostra storia, fu rinchiusa nel perimetro della città coll'ampliazione Angioina circa il 1270 . Prima di una tal epoca tutta la contrada era un campo vasto ed inabitato, che dalle mura e dai fossati posti ad occidente ed a settentrione, dove ora trovasi S. Eligio ed il Monastero dell'Egiziaca a Forcella, distendevasi verso mezzogiorno ed oriente fino al lido del mare, ed alla chiesa ora p...

CHF 14.50

Der metallzeitliche Speicherplatz bei Weilerswist-Vernich

Tutlies, Petra / Kunow, Jürgen / LVR Amt für Denkmalpflege
Der metallzeitliche Speicherplatz bei Weilerswist-Vernich
Bislang für das Rheinland einzigartig ist der metallzeitliche Fundplatz Weilerswist-Vernich. Er bricht das für das Rheinland angenommene Siedlungsmuster mit Subsistenzwirtschaft betreibenden Hofplätzen aus Einzelhöfen auf. Die Autorin Petra Tutlies definiert drei gleichzeitig bewirtschaftete Speicherareale und führt den Begriff Speicherplatz für diese Fundplatzkategorie ein. Der Platz diente entweder zentral für das Lagergut umliegender Gehöft...

CHF 89.00

Ländliche Herrschaft lokaler Eliten im Wandel

Bremer, Timo / Claßen, Erich / LVR Amt für Denkmalpflege
Ländliche Herrschaft lokaler Eliten im Wandel
Kaum eine Denkmalgattung erhält so viel öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit wie Burgen. Das ist sicherlich der Fall, da ihre Anzahl in Deutschland beträchtlich ist und die Menge der schriftlichen Quellen zu ihnen kaum zu überblicken scheint. Archäologisch sind Burgen jedoch meist nur bruchstückhaft erforscht, was zu einer Diskrepanz zwischen dem physischen Phänomen der Burg und der historisch-sozialkulturellen Entwicklung führt. So wird die Burg meist ...

CHF 93.00

Glücksorte in und um Siegen

Propach, Susanne / Ullrich, Sabine
Glücksorte in und um Siegen
Wer in und um Siegen auf Glückssuche geht, kann nur gewinnen, denn die Stadt und ihr Umland haben einiges zu bieten. Susanne Propach und Sabine Ullrich entführen auf ihrer Entdeckungsreise an verwunschene Gewässer, laden zu außergewöhnlichen Gaumenfreuden ein und heben überraschende Schätze. Wer im Schatten gleich zweier Schlösser flanieren, sich vom Duft frisch gebackenen Kartoffelbrotes verführen lassen, ein Rendezvous mit Rubens erleben ode...

CHF 22.50

The Third Coming

Redgrave, Vincent
The Third Coming
In this dramatic religious mystery, U.S. government consultants Carrie Carter and Mo Yousaf work tirelessly to provide urgent insight into a series of world-changing events. A man, claiming to be the third prophet, arrives out of nowhere and works mind-boggling miracles, uniting the global population. However, Carrie and Mo find it increasingly unclear who is pulling the strings and why. And, as faiths unite, U.S. Christian radicals threaten e...

CHF 36.90

Fairest and the Frog

D'Arc, C. Rae
Fairest and the Frog
Waking up is only the beginning. Princess Aquamarine (Marin) was happily married to the most accomplished Naval Admiral of Rezhina Valley, but her life turned upside-down the night that her sister Emer was poisoned. On the run from an unknown danger, she never expected to fall under a similar poisonous trap. Like Emer, Marin dreams of a world beyond imagining: modern England. Marin must brave the dangers of the Atlantic to wake up and return h...

CHF 40.50

The Plant-Powered Athlete

Georgiev, Rami
The Plant-Powered Athlete
Are you looking to take your athletic performance to the next level while staying true to your plant-based principles? Look no further than The Plant-Powered Athlete. This comprehensive guide will show you how to build muscle and improve performance on a vegan diet with the power of plant-based protein powders. Discover the best vegan protein sources to fuel your workouts and recovery, and learn how to properly incorporate them into your diet....

CHF 23.90

The Girl Who Invented Dusty Springfield: The Story of Mar...

Campbell, Donella
The Girl Who Invented Dusty Springfield: The Story of Mary O'Brien
In 1960s Britain one girl pop singer towered over the rest. That girl was Dusty Springfield. Many biographies have been written about Dusty and her career as a singing star. But Dusty was an enigma, little is known about her before she was famous. This book seeks to show who Dusty was and where she came from. 'It was great to be reminded of all the times we spent with Dusty. It is only by reading all your facts that I realise just how much we ...

CHF 19.90

Cupid's Contract

Moor, S. N.
Cupid's Contract
Everlee McKinley hates Valentine's Day. It's the worst holiday made up by jewelry companies to trick you into spending money. It also doesn't help she is six months post breakup from the man she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with. After her best friend tricks her into going to a Cupid party at a new club in town, she catches the eyes of the owners, and realizes it may not be such a bad holiday after all. Cupid's Contrac...

CHF 23.50


Verga, Giovanni
Verso le quattro di una fra le ultime notti del carnevale, la marchesa Alberti, seduta dinanzi allo specchio, e alquanto pallida, stava guardandosi con occhi stanchi e distratti, mentre la cameriera le acconciava i capelli per la notte. «Che rumore è cotesto?» domandò dopo un lungo silenzio. «La carrozza del signor marchese.» «Cosí presto!» mormorò essa soffocando uno sbadiglio. La cameriera era per chiudere l'uscio del salottino che mette...

CHF 20.90


Ryner, Han
Da quante lune questa numerosa gioventù era in cammino? Era partita in primavera, proclamandosi da sè una primavera sacra. Trascinati da buoi o da pesanti cavalli, i suoi carri dalle ruote piene avevano abbandonato il paese così come si staccano dalla riva vascelli di gioia, di canzoni e d'avventure. Barcollando e rotolando, discendevano arditamente i tuoi altipiani, o Meru, padre degli uomini. Per tutta la mattinata i vecchi avevano, se...

CHF 20.90

Developing Feelings

Spencer, Sierra
Developing Feelings
Developing Feelings brings a creative and adoringly romantic twist to the world of academia while testing out the age-old question: can I fake it till I make it? After leaving academia on not-so-great terms, Harper Sinclair started her own business helping new faculty build their research labs (with some interesting part-time jobs in between). When Jonathan Hoffman, a new rising-star faculty at UCLA, solicits Harper's services, Harper expec...

CHF 21.90