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1822 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Das Lichtbildrecht nach § 72 UrhG als Recht am eigenen Bl...

Heerwig, Svenja
Das Lichtbildrecht nach § 72 UrhG als Recht am eigenen Blick und Institut des Investitionsschutzes
Das Lichtbildrecht des § 72 UrhG erfasst alle nichtschöpferischen Abbildungen, die unter Einsatz bilderzeugender Strahlung entstanden sind, mithin einfache Amateuraufnahmen ebenso wie professionelle Produktfotografien, und wird in der Praxis häufig durch Dritte, die im Internet gefundene Aufnahmen unberechtigterweise für eigene Zwecke verwenden, verletzt. In Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum besteht zu der Frage, wie beispielsweise die Verwendung ...

CHF 65.00


Paolo, Bettoni
In un viottolo poco lungi dalla Piazza Castello in Milano avvi una casaccia coi muri qua e là screpolati e puntellati, una casaccia umida, o scura, immonda e dotata di tutte le qualità necessarie per destare ribrezzo in chiunque non abbia i sensi ottusi e grossolani affatto. Questa schifosa e pericolosa catapecchia è abitata da dieci o dodici inquilini, tutta gente miserabile, che sta in armonia col luogo, gente cenciosa, di cattivo odore e di...

CHF 14.50

Transparency or Opacity

Kuhlmann, Simone / De Gregorio, Fabrizio / Fertmann, Martin / Ofterdinger, Hannah / Sefkow, Anton
Transparency or Opacity
The datafication and digitalisation of business models and decision-making processes have led to calls for more transparency, but at the same time question of suitable concepts to address these issues are raised. The contributions collected in this volume, which address various areas of law, examine from a jurisprudential perspective whether and under what conditions transparency should or can be granted and to what extent already existing tra...

CHF 96.00

Der römische Gutshof WW 1994/0376 bei Jülich-Bourheim

Kunze, Felix / Claßen, Erich / LVR Amt für Denkmalpflege
Der römische Gutshof WW 1994/0376 bei Jülich-Bourheim
Die Jülicher Lössbörde zwischen Köln und Aachen zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Dichte archäologischer Fundplätze aus. Gerade durch die großflächigen Ausgrabungen im Vorfeld der Braunkohlentagebaue und darauf aufbauender wissenschaftlicher Forschungen wurde diese Region zur am besten erforschten Siedlungslandschaft der Römischen Kaiserzeit. Die Dissertation von Felix Kunze liefert mit der Auswertung des römischen Gutshofes WW 1994/0376 einen wei...

CHF 89.00

Guide to Venture Capital & Private Equity Firms, 2023

Grey House Publishing
Guide to Venture Capital & Private Equity Firms, 2023
The Guide to Venture Capital & Private Equity Firms, completely revised and enhanced for 2023, is designed to give librarians, entrepreneurs and others interested in the Venture Capital and Private Equity fields, the most essential and current information on the Venture Capital industry.

CHF 563.00

Lessons From An Angel

Torbert, Shalicia
Lessons From An Angel
Lessons from an Angel is a touching memorial that epitomizes the power and beauty of friendships. Pulling teaching points from a dear and steadfast friendship in a fun and interactive way, Author Shalicia Torbert breaks down the different components of friendship and what to look for in the often-underrated relationship between friends. Even the most intimate, healthy, and loyal friendships have ups and downs. Gather your friends for a jour...

CHF 57.90

Nevermore Bookstore: A Hot, Kink-Positive, Morally Gray, ...

Byrne, Kerrigan / St Aubin, Cynthia
Nevermore Bookstore: A Hot, Kink-Positive, Morally Gray, Grumpy-Sunshine Romcom
Cadence "Cady" Bloomquist knows two things for sure: First, shelving books at her shop, Nevermore Bookstore, totally counts as cardio. Second, staying late every Thursday night to take a certain mysterious customer's order is not the same as waiting by the phone for some man.Until.Until the calls with the man who identifies himself only as "Fox" last for hours, and become the highlight of her week. Which leaves her to wonder, if his jagged vel...

CHF 38.90

Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide

Reichental, Jonathan
Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide
THE ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO LEARNING EXACTLY HOW CRYPTOCURRENCY WORKS IN 2023 - INCLUDES EXCLUSIVE CRYPTO PORTFOLIO MANAGER WORKBOOK Cryptocurrency is more than just the future of money. Whether the market is up or down, cryptocurrencies are here to stay. It's no secret that the crypto landscape can be confusing to the uninitiated. In Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide, Dr. Jonathan Reichental draws from his decades of experience as a techno...

CHF 45.90

Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide

Reichental, Jonathan
Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide
THE ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO LEARNING EXACTLY HOW CRYPTOCURRENCY WORKS IN 2023 - INCLUDES EXCLUSIVE CRYPTO PORTFOLIO MANAGER WORKBOOK Cryptocurrency is more than just the future of money. Whether the market is up or down, cryptocurrencies are here to stay. It's no secret that the crypto landscape can be confusing to the uninitiated. In Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide, Dr. Jonathan Reichental draws from his decades of experience as a techno...

CHF 37.90

Il Nutrimente: libro istruttivo e divertente!

Frijio, Franco
Il Nutrimente: libro istruttivo e divertente!
Perché ho dato questo titolo al libro? La mente ha bisogno di essere "nutrita". Oggi si parla tanto di nutrizione del corpo: cosa va bene dare al corpo e cosa non va bene.Ma della mente cosa ne facciamo? Il cibo della mente sono i dati. La mente ha bisogno di dati per svolgere quella che è la sua attività primaria: risolvere i problemi della vita di tutti i giorni. I bambini hanno i loro problemi. Gli adulti hanno i loro problemi. Gli anziani ...

CHF 21.90


De Marchi, Emilio
Milano, la grande città del fracasso, dopo aver mandato a casa l'ultimo ubbriaco, si sprofondò nel silenzio grave delle piccole ore di notte. A San Lorenzo sonarono due tocchi languidi, rotti dalla neve, che cadeva a fiocchi larghi. Il Berretta, buttato l'ultimo pezzo di legno nel caminetto, fregandosi in fretta i ginocchi, brontolò in fondo alla gola: «Basta, finirà anche questa». Nella stanza vicina, dove malamente ardeva una candeluccia...

CHF 27.90