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3184 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

It's an Inside Job, Kid: A memoir of trauma, alcohol and ...

Moffe, Stephen Nicholas
It's an Inside Job, Kid: A memoir of trauma, alcohol and drug addiction, mental illness, and love
Resilience lies within each of us "It's an Inside Job Kid" is the newly updated and revised edition of the previously titled book "Time to Go." It was written for and is dedicated to those who struggle with trauma, mental illness, and substance abuse, and for their loved ones who struggle to understand and support them. Like so many others who learned to cope with their traumas through alcohol, drugs or sex-and doing whatever else it took to f...

CHF 21.90

La rigenerazione

Svevo, Italo
La rigenerazione
EMMA, vestita tutta di nero, lavora al tavolino su un panno anch'esso nero. ANNA pur essa vestita di nero guarda dalla finestra. Poi RITA. ANNA (urla) Rita! Rita! Ma vieni dunque. (Si sporge per veder meglio.) Presto! Presto! Oh, la maledetta bestia! Li ha già tutti in bocca. È finita. (Va velocemente verso la porta di fondo, ma prima di arrivarci s'arresta.) Già non arrivo in tempo. (Ritorna alla finestra.) Povere bestiole! La colpa è mia, ...

CHF 20.90

Photo- und elektrochemische CO¿-Reduktion mit Rheniumtric...

Paul, Alexander Lucas
Photo- und elektrochemische CO¿-Reduktion mit Rheniumtricarbonyl- und Gruppe 8 Hydridkomplexen
Die chemische Industrie basiert auf der Verwendung fossiler Rohstoffe wie Öl und Gas, welche jedoch nur begrenzt verfügbar sind. Über die Reduktion von CO¿ ist es möglich Basischemikalien wie CO oder Formiat ausgehend von dem im Prinzip unbegrenzt verfügbaren Treibhausgas CO¿ zu erhalten. Um CO¿ zu reduzieren, werden Katalysatoren, die zu selektiver Produktbildung führen sowie Energie benötigt. Potentiell nachhaltig verfügbare Energiequellen s...

CHF 58.50


Barnes, Rodney / Alexander, Jason Alexander / Nct, Luis
Als ein Kleinstadtpolizist nach Hause kommt, um seinen ermordeten Vater zu beerdigen - den beliebten Philadelphia-Detective James Sangster Sr. - stolpert er über ein Geheimnis, das ihn auf den Pfad des Schreckens führt.Die Stadt, die einst das Symbol für Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit war, ist der Korruption, der Armut, der Arbeitslosigkeit und der Brutalität zum Opfer gefallen ... und Vampiren.Aber das Mysterium geht noch weiter, als Jimmys Ermi...

CHF 51.90

Nuove storie d'ogni colore

Emilio, de Marchi
Nuove storie d'ogni colore
¿Com'è andata?¿ecco, ve la conto in poche parole. Tant'è, la cosa è fatta e non ho proprio nessun motivo di pentirmene. Col povero Battista Batacchi eravamo amici vecchi, cresciuti, si può dire, insieme, quantunque io fossi innanzi di lui qualche anno. S'era giocato colle stesse trappole ai tempi della buona zia di Valmadrera, che gli voleva un bene dell'anima come a un suo figliuolo. A quei tempi i topi si lasciavano ancora pigliare¿.

CHF 14.50

In The End

Rodgers, Sarah
In The End
In autumn 2016, as Lexie Scotland approaches her 37th birthday, she stumbles across a letter written by her estranged father 27 years earlier. Still reeling from the loss of her childhood sweetheart, Luke, and the recent death of her Nan, the letter reignites a fire within her to find her father. With the help of her best friend AJ, that possibility becomes a reality. However, beneath the surface, Lexie is plagued by nightmares that threat...

CHF 24.90


Pirandello, Luigi
Le fanciulle trojane, quand'erano fidanzate, andavano a bagnarsi nello Scamandro e gli si offrivano dicendo le seguenti parole: « Ricevi, o Scamandro la mia verginità! » Ora Eschine racconta che un suo amico e compagno di viaggio, ateniese, invaghitosi d'una giovane trojana, per nome Calliroe, nel giorno in cui essa, fidanzata, doveva bagnarsi nel fiume, andò a nascondersi nelle macchie che erano su la riva, e si circondò la testa di giunchi e...

CHF 14.50

L'arte di prender marito

Paolo, Mantegazza
L'arte di prender marito
Era un mattino di marzo, e un sole impaziente s'era alzato troppo presto, spargendo per l'aria azzurra e già calda l'oro della sua luce, il tepore del suo fiato. La stazione era molto vicina alla casa di Emma, e a piedi era andata coi suoi ad augurare il buon viaggio ad un cugino ingegnere, che sposo da solo un mese doveva fare per l'ufficio suo un lungo viaggio e lasciar sola la sposa per qualche settimana. Cugini e cugine e zii erano arrivat...

CHF 14.50

Kremmling, Granby Map

National Geographic Maps
Kremmling, Granby Map
National Geographic's Trails Illustrated Maps are the most detailed and up-to-date topographic recreation maps available for US National Parks, National Forests and other popular outdoor recreation areas. A necessity for exploring the outdoors, each map is printed on waterproof, tear-resistant material. They also contain key safety and contact information, GPS and compass coordinates, Leave No Trace ethical guidelines and hundreds of points-of...

Alice¿s Adventures in Wonderland

Carroll, Lewis
Alice¿s Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is an iconic work in classic British literature. Carroll's unique blend of whimsy, absurdity, and clever wordplay have made it one of the most widely read and loved Lewis Carroll books. In this fantastical narrative, readers follow Alice, a young girl who falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland, a realm of outlandish characters and nonsensical rules. The novel's vibrant and imaginative setti...

CHF 12.90

Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure

Glannon, Joseph W
Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure
Everyone comes to law school with some idea of what a contract is or the meaning of assault and battery, but who ever heard of supplemental jurisdiction, impleader, or res judicata? Abstract concepts such as these make civil procedure the most unfamiliar and intimidating of the basic law school courses. However, civil procedure can also be fascinating if you can get by the initial strangeness. Many of the topics covered in the course appear ba...

CHF 101.00

Training im Christentum

Gibson, Jean / Güthler, Peter
Training im Christentum
Ein Training hat immer das Ziel, etwas zu verändern. Gewichtheben zum Beispiel soll die Muskeln aufbauen, Laufen die Ausdauer erhöhen. Dieser Kurs ist ein Training im Christentum. Er erweitert dein Wissen über die Bibel. Er hilft dir, das Gelernte anzuwenden. Und auch er will etwas verändern: dein Leben. Paulus schreibt in Epheser 4, 13-14, dass wir »alle hingelangen« sollen »zur vollkommenen Mannesreife, zum Maß der vollen Größe des Christus...

CHF 11.50


Kutscker, Thomas
In seinem aktuellen Künstlerbuch "Blickwinkel/ Points of View" bricht Thomas Kutschker mit der klassischen Erwartungshaltung. "Der Titel als Sinnstifter der Bilder" Wenn der Bildtitel "Colosseum", "Reichstag" oder "Rialto Brücke" verspricht, zeigt der Künstler nicht etwa die millionenfach abfotografierte Sehenswürdigkeit. Er zeigt vielmehr eine diametral-entgegengesetzte Ansicht, mit dem insta-tauglichen Hotspot im Rücken. Durch die Versch...

CHF 37.90

Türkisch als Fremdsprache lehren

Erol, Hasan Fehmi / Zellerhoff, Rita
Türkisch als Fremdsprache lehren
Eine Studie zu den Lehrmethoden fu¿r den Unterricht In unserer globalisierten Welt ist das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache längst unumgänglich geworden. Länder haben es sich deshalb zur Aufgabe gemacht, auch Nicht- Muttersprachlern die Mo¿glichkeit zu bieten, in der jeweiligen Landessprache unterrichtet zu werden. So gewann Tu¿rkisch fu¿r Ausländer ziemlich schnell internationale Anerkennung. Institutionen, die Tu¿rkisch unterrichten, verfassen...

CHF 34.50

Dig Two Graves: A Thriller

Engell, Sarah
Dig Two Graves: A Thriller
A series of sinister crimes disturbs a sleepy town in northern Denmark, testing a grieving woman's limits, in this literary psychological thriller.Eva Hegner is doing her best to hold it together. She recently gave birth to a stillborn daughter, and shortly after that, her once athletic husband became inexplicably paralyzed from the neck down. The past twelve days have been filled with visits to the hospital and the cemetery and with taking ca...

CHF 23.50