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Computer Animation: Theory and Practice

Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia / Thalmann, Daniel

Computer Animation: Theory and Practice

Computer SCIence Workbench is a monograph series whtch wIll provIde you wIth an m-depth working knowledge of current developments m computer technology. Every volume m thIS senes wIll deal wIth a tOPIC of Importance m computer SCIence and elaborate on how you yourself can buIld systems related to the main wIll be able to develop a vanety of systems, mc1udmg computer theme. You software tools, computer graphIcs, computer ammatlon, database management systems, and computer-aIded desIgn and manufactunng systems. Computer SCIence Workbench represents an Important new contnbution m the field of practical computer technology. Toslyasu L. Kunn Preface Computer Ammatwn Theory and PractIce IS the first book to attempt to present all aspects of computer anImation As vanous subjects are treated m this book, it IS mtended to be an mtroduction for desIgners and anImators, a reference book for profeSSIOnals m computer graphIcs as well as a manual for UnIVerSIty teachers m computer graphIcs and computer anImatIon. As stated m the tItle, both theoret­ Ical and practIcal aspects are presented m detaIl. Computer anImation IS treated usmg concepts famIlIar to those workmg m tradItIonal anImatIOn. These people wIll read about technIques mvolved m computer-assIsted anImatIOn such as key­ frame mterpolatIOn and colonng and pamtmg technIques. The reader will also fmd a great deal of mformatIOn concernIng the state-of-the-art m computer anImatIOn and complete hIstory of anImatIon systems and languages. The book also mcludes a complete lIst of computer-generated fIlms from 1961 to 1984.

CHF 109.00


ISBN 9784431700050
Sprache eng
Cover Fester Einband
Verlag Springer Verlag Gmbh
Jahr 1985


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