Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

Estampas bostonianas y otros viajes

Montero, Rosa

Estampas bostonianas y otros viajes

To travel is to confront the fleetingness of time. Those of us who love to trek around the world have a lot in common with the servant of a fabled Middle Eastern tale who, after meeting Death in the market goes to his master and asks to borrow his fastest horse to flee to Basra just to find that his attempts to dodge the Grim Reaper were for naught in other words, we usually try to elude our own shadows and outrun time while heading blindly to that final frontier.

CHF 16.90


ISBN 9788466321211
Sprache spa
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Punto de Lectura, S.L.
Jahr 2008


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