Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

History & Contemporary

Murali, Konda

History & Contemporary

The Racharla fort flourished during the rule of the vassal kings of Kakatiya kingdom. Singamaraju, the vassal king ruled the fort for many years. The historical evidence revealed that Singamaraju was the contemporary of the king, Prathaparudra-II. He built the Racharla fort in the 14th century

Lockdown stories are all fictional. In each short story, it is chosen as the most famous application and the stories are knitted around those applications. All the fictional stories are related to the lockdown period. In every short story the Covid-19 lockdown comes as the backdrop. Since the students affected the most during this time, the students and the studies are chosen as the main elements in the book.

CHF 22.90


ISBN 9798887832357
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Notion Press
Jahr 20220810


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