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Make Your Last Relapse The Last - Create Your Own Relapse Prevention Plan!

Rehabcenters, Usdrug

Make Your Last Relapse The Last - Create Your Own Relapse Prevention Plan!

You are not a statistic! There isn't any research that shows all individuals relapse. This book focuses on the positive and negative influences on lapse and relapse that are within an individual's control. It gives practical examples and information on how to make life changes that increase the probability of leaving addiction behind. By completing the relapse prevention planning exercises in this book, you will be working on many fronts to put the odds in your favor. Our relapse prevention training method combines learning to change both behavior and thinking. It is an approach that emphasizes self-management and rejects labels like alcoholic or drug addict. Learn mastery skills in all areas of your life! - Gain control of stress - Reduce risk factors for relapse - Change addictive behaviour patterns - Learn real world steps to increase your motivation!

CHF 35.90


ISBN 9780980937640
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag US Drug Rehab Centers
Jahr 20170320


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