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Stop the Warbiz

Peri, Ben

Stop the Warbiz

In 1991, an eminent American member of the New World Order secretly declared "The supranatural sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries." Ben Peri has methodically followed the link that exists between this declaration of war on democracy, the rigged American elections of 2000 and 2004, 9/11, orchestrated terror, and the "preventive" wars that followed. The central thesis for the book came as a bolt from the blue from Major General Smedley Butler: "War is a racket." He knows whereof he speaks. He survived two devastating wars as a staff officer in the U. S. Army. He witnessed the real "business" of war with its reckless investors, profiteers, think tanks, propaganda disseminators, and public opinion manipulators. Ben Peri debunks step by step the lies of the U. S. government, the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI.about 9/11, the WTC demolition, the false Pentagon attack, fake organized terror, total suppression of our liberties, and the outrageous propaganda about our values, freedom, and democracy. All the while, the mainstream media, according to former chief of staff of The New York Times play "intellectual prostitutes." [presstitutes? - per Mike Rivero]But, a thousand men loaded with liescannot withstand one man armed with the truth. The "hundred-year war" looks more and more like a "hundred-year extremely rewarding business", at a time when free trade capitalist systems show signs of great collapse. It is a business where the margins are often 100 times more important than the most profitable traditional businesses. While WARBIZ spreads death among totally innocent civilians (over 150, 000 so far, including 40, 000 kids and babies), as well as U. S. and coalition troops, and depleted uranium (DU), which causes cancer, degenerative diseases, paralysis, and birth deformities. As a consequence of the Gulf War (1991), 50 percent of American soldiers (more than 350, 000) suffer from exposure to DU, which has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Specialists estimate that the uranium contamination in the present Iraq War is 250, 000 times the contamination resulting from the atom bomb on Nagasaki. This book contains all the information you need to form your own opinions and become familiar with the major WARBIZ players and jumping jacks, Skull and Bones members, Bilderberg, the Trilateral and the politicians sustained by the WARBIZ. The author finally suggests a colorful strategy for ending WARBIZ and ridding the world of WARBIZ mongers.

CHF 52.50


ISBN 9781420853407
Sprache eng
Cover Fester Einband
Verlag Authorhouse
Jahr 20050608


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