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97 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 97.

She Came to Stay

Beauvoir, Simone de
She Came to Stay
Written as an act of revenge against the 17 year-old who came between her and Jean-Paul Sartre, She Came to Stay is Simone de Beauvoir's first novel - a lacerating study of a young, naive couple in love and the usurping woman who comes between them.

CHF 22.90

Feminist Writings

Beauvoir, Simone de / Simons, Margaret A. / Timmermann, Marybeth
Feminist Writings
Simone de Beauvoir (1908¿86) was a French existentialist philosopher who employed a literary-philosophical method in her works, including Ethics of Ambiguity (1947) and The Second Sex (1949). Margaret A. Simons is Distinguished Research Professor Emerita at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and the author of Beauvoir and The Second Sex: Feminism, Race, and the Origins of Existentialism. Marybeth Timmermann is a contributing translator ...

CHF 65.00

Una morte dolcissima

Beauvoir, Simone de
Una morte dolcissima

La malattia e la morte della madre. Questo è ciò che registra la scrittrice, in un diario che copre un mese di realtà ospedaliera. Con l'avanzare del male, il mondo esterno perde sempre più consistenza, fino a scomparire. Rimane solo la camera d'ospedale in cui tre donne, la madre e le figlie, continuano a combattere una guerra che è impossibile vincere. In questo microcosmo che attende l'imminente catastr...

CHF 17.50

Una donna spezzata

Beauvoir, Simone de / Fonzi, B.
Una donna spezzata

Monique ha sempre creduto nel suo matrimonio. Soprattutto, ha sempre creduto nel suo ruolo di moglie: muoversi sicura per casa, gestire la vita familiare, provvedere agli altri con la certezza di essere necessaria. Ma è bastata una frase di Maurice: "C'è una donna". E se Monique è tradita dal marito, la madre di Philippe lo è dal figlio, che al progressismo materno preferisce lo spirito pratico e conservatore del...

CHF 21.50

A Very Easy Death

Beauvoir, Simone De / Huber, Hillary / O'Brian, Patrick
A Very Easy Death
When her mother was in the hospital with terminal cancer, Simone had time to reminisce about her mother's early life, as Simone and her sister, Poupette, prepared to face the decision of whether to prolong a life when it is full of suffering. Like most people, they believed that it would be better to die than to continue to suffer, but their mother had a very different view of the matter. Francoise de Beauvoir had finally found happiness in he...

CHF 46.50

Diary of a Philosophy Student

Beauvoir, Simone de / Klaw, Barbara / Beauvoir, Sylvie Le Bon de / Simons, Margaret A. / Timmermann, Marybeth / Klaw, Barbara
Diary of a Philosophy Student
Revelatory insights into the early life and thought of the preeminent French feminist philosopher Dating from her years as a philosophy student at the Sorbonne, this is the 1926-27 diary of the teenager who would become the famous French philosopher, author, and feminist, Simone de Beauvoir. Written years before her first meeting with Jean-Paul Sartre, these diaries reveal previously unknown details about her life and offer critical insights i...

CHF 65.00

El existencialismo y la sabiduría de los pueblos

Beauvoir, Simone de / Pons, Horacio Óscar
El existencialismo y la sabiduría de los pueblos
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) ha sido uno de los intelectuales más influyentes en el pensamiento occidental. Desde muy joven emprendió una crítica a los valores y tradiciones de la clase social a la que él mismo pertenecía, la burguesía. Ya en sus primeros textos filosóficos, La imaginación (1936) y Bosquejo de una teoría de las emociones (1936) se percibe una originalidad de pensamiento que le conduce al existencialismo, cuyas tesis desarrolla...

CHF 21.50

L'età forte

Beauvoir, Simone de
L'età forte

L'età forte" narra la vita di Simone de Beauvoir a partire dalla sua emancipazione intellettuale e sentimentale. Rivivono le prime esperienze d'insegnante a Marsiglia, a Rouen, a Parigi, i lunghi viaggi attraverso la Spagna, la Grecia, l'Italia e il Marocco, gli incontri e le discussioni con gli intellettuali francesi, da Paul Nizan a Merleau-Ponty, da Camus a Queneau. In ognuna di queste esperienze, la Beauvoir ha vicino Sartre, l'u...

CHF 23.50

She Came to Stay

Beauvoir, Simone De
She Came to Stay
Set in Paris on the eve of World War II and sizzling with love, anger, and revenge, She Came to Stay explores the changes wrought in the soul of a woman and a city soon to fall. Although Françoise considers her relationship with Pierre an open one, she falls prey to jealousy when the gamine Xaviere catches his attention. The moody young woman from the countryside pries her way between Françoise and Pierre, playing up to each one and deviously ...

CHF 27.50

The Mandarins

Beauvoir, Simone De
The Mandarins
In her most famous novel, The Mandarins, Simone de Beauvoir takes an unflinching look at Parisian intellectual society at the end of World War II. In fictionally relating the stories of those around her - Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Arthur Koestler, Nelson Algren - de Beauvoir dissects the emotional and philosophical currents of her time. At once an engrossing drama and an intriguing political tale, The Mandarins is the emotional odyssey o...

CHF 28.50

Eine transatlantische Liebe

Beauvoir, Simone de / Le Bon de Beauvoir, Sylvie / Le Bon de Beauvoir, Sylvie / Klein, Judith
Eine transatlantische Liebe
1947 lernte Simone de Beauvoir den Schriftsteller Nelson Algren in Chicago kennen. Die beiden verliebten sich inein-ander - eine Liebe, die nur drei Jahre währte, denn der "Pakt", den die berühmte Autorin mit J.-P. Sartre schloss, verletzte und kränkte den Mann, der Simone de Beauvoir liebte und sie heiraten wollte. Die Liebesbriefe zeigen eine Frau, die unverstellt die Sprache der Liebe spricht, verletzlich, ausgeliefert und befreit vom Jargo...

CHF 22.50