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856 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Down and Out in Paris and London

Orwell, George
Down and Out in Paris and London
A plongeur is a slave, and a wasted slave, doing stupid and largely unnecessary work. He is kept at work, ultimately, because of a vague feeling that he would be dangerous if he had leisure. And educated people, who should be on his side, acquiesce in the process, because they know nothing about him and consequently are afraid of him." "It is worth saying something about the social position of beggars, for when one has consorted with them, and...

CHF 45.90

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

Orwell, George
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough...

CHF 45.50


Orwell, George / Gröls-Verlag, Redaktion
The world is divided into the three hostile power blocs of Oceania, Eurasia and East Asia, which are at permanent war with each other. The action of the novel takes place in Oceania, which includes North and South America, the British Isles, Australia and southern Africa. In the dictatorial and totalitarian state, a party elite (Inner Party) led by Big Brother - who is never really visible - oppresses the remaining party members (Outer Party) ...

CHF 19.90


Orwell, George / Gröls-Verlag, Redaktion
The world is divided into the three hostile power blocs of Oceania, Eurasia and East Asia, which are at permanent war with each other. The action of the novel takes place in Oceania, which includes North and South America, the British Isles, Australia and southern Africa. In the dictatorial and totalitarian state, a party elite (Inner Party) led by Big Brother - who is never really visible - oppresses the remaining party members (Outer Party) ...

CHF 30.50

George Orwell

Orwell, George
George Orwell
This Collection of Poems from George Orwell has 13 Poems and it includes below poems. · A Dressed Man · A Little Poem · Awake! Young Men of England · Ironic Poem about Prostitution · Kitchener · On A Ruined Farm Near The 'His Master's Voice Gramophone Factory' · Our Minds Are Married, But We are Too Young · Poem from Burma · Romance · Sometimes In The Middle Autumn Days · Summer-Like · The Lesser Evil · The Pagan

CHF 18.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
Novella by George Orwell called Animal Farm is sarcastic and allegorical. A bunch of farm animals rebel against their human farmer in this tale. The rebellion is ultimately put down, and the farm is left in an even worse condition than it was before.Two young pigs named Snowball and Napoleon take over Manor Farm in Willingdon, England, in the novel Animal Farm. They adopt the "All Animals Are Equal" commandment, which is the most important of ...

CHF 22.90

Animal Farm / Farm der Tiere (mit Audio-Online) - Starter...

Orwell, George / Frank, Ilya / Wittmann, Ulrike
Animal Farm / Farm der Tiere (mit Audio-Online) - Starter-Set
Easy Start mit EasyOriginal! Starter-Set für "Animal Farm": + Lesemethode von Ilya Frank - Teil 1 (erste 6 Kapitel) + Readable Classics - Unabridged english edition with improved readability, easy to read font and comfortable font size. High-quality print and premium white paper. Mit dem EasyOriginal Starter-Set können Sie problemlos und ohne großen Zeitaufwand in "Animal Farm" auf Englisch eintauchen. Dank der revolutionären Lesemethode vo...

CHF 50.90

Paris Ve Londrada Bes Parasiz

Orwell, George
Paris Ve Londrada Bes Parasiz
Dünya edebiyatinin basyapitlari Iletisim Klasikleri dizisinde Iletisim Yayinlari, MuratBelge yönetiminde edebiyat klasikleri yayimlamaya devam ediyor. Iletisim Klasikleridizisinden cikan kitaplar, edebiyata karsi sorumlulugu okuma zevkiyle bulusturanbir anlayisla hazirlaniyor. Eserler orijinal dillerinden ve tam metin cevirileriyle yayimahazirlanirken, ana metne eslik eden ve yetkin isimlerin yazdigi önsöz ve sonsözlereyer veriliyor. Ayrica he...

CHF 16.90


Orwell, George
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian social science fiction novel and cautionary tale by English writer George Orwell. It was published on 8 June 1949 by Secker & Warburg as Orwell's ninth and final book completed in his lifetime. Thematically, it centres on the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance and repressive regimentation of people and behaviours within society.

CHF 41.50

1984 (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)

Orwell, George
1984 (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)
Winston Smith follows the Party line, rewriting history to meet the Ministry of Truth's demands. Winston begins to despise the Party that pursues power for its own sake and persecutes individuals who dare to commit thoughtcrimes with each lie he writes. Winston can't avoid the fact that Big Brother is always monitoring as he begins to think for himself... 1984 is a striking and unsettling work that establishes a perfectly plausible imagined un...

CHF 30.50

Down and Out in Paris and London

Orwell, George
Down and Out in Paris and London
In 'Down and Out in Paris and London, ' Orwell follows the life of an impoverished English writer living in two great European cities during the early 1930s. In this classic partly autobiographical literary work on poverty and its impact on the human condition, Orwell explores several of the classic themes evident in most of his writing--man vs. society, social injustice and the plight of ordinary people at the hands of oppressive and exploita...

CHF 23.50

Animal Farm (Italian)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Italian)
La famosa satira della rivoluzione russa di George Orwell è una tale parte della nostra società attuale che spesso dimentichiamo chi ha scritto i versi originali. È il piano di come la fattoria del signor Jones' Manor Farm viene trasformata in Animal Farm, una società totalmente democratica fondata sulla convinzione che tutti gli animali sono creati uguali. In una lenta evoluzione che porta una inquietante familiarità, i maiali Napoleon, Squea...

CHF 35.50

Um Pouco de Ar, Por Favor (Portugese)

Orwell, George
Um Pouco de Ar, Por Favor (Portugese)
UM POUCO DE AR, POR FAVOR! George Bowling, um homem de meia-idade insatisfeito com seu trabalho, em crise conjugal e aflito pela aproximação da Segunda Guerra Mundial, conta sua história. Bowling decide gastar uma quantia inesperada de dinheiro em uma viagem à cidade onde cresceu, com o objetivo de recapturar as memórias felizes de sua infância. No entanto, a realidade com a qual somos confrontados é muito mais difícil e deprimente do que se p...

CHF 43.90

Burmese Days

Orwell, George
Burmese Days
George Orwell's first novel is an honest and evocative assessment of empire's debasing effect on both the occupied and the occupier. Burmese Days is about a group of Englishmen who meet at the European Club to drink whisky and talk about the profound and unacknowledged loneliness of life in 1920s Burma, where Orwell worked as an imperial policeman. One of the men, a lumber merchant named James Flory, has softened, realising the futility of Eng...

CHF 43.50

Animal Farm (Portuguese)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Portuguese)
A famosa sátira da Revolução Russa de George Orwell é tão parte da nossa sociedade atual que muitas vezes esquecemos quem escreveu as linhas originais. É o andar de como Mr. Jones' Manor Farm é transformado em Animal Farm, uma sociedade totalmente democrática fundada na crença de que todos os animais são criados iguais. Em uma evolução lenta que traz uma familiaridade inquietante, os porcos Napoleão, Garganta e Bola de Neve emergem como lídere...

CHF 35.50

Notes on Nationalism

Orwell, George
Notes on Nationalism
Uncertainty about what is truly going on makes it simpler to hold to irrational views.' From the man who wrote more about his country than anybody, razor-sharp thoughts on patriotism, bigotry, and power. Penguin Modern is a collection of fifty new books that celebrate the legendary Penguin Modern Classics series' pioneering spirit, with each giving a concentrated dosage of the series' contemporary, worldwide flavour. From Kathy Acker to James ...

CHF 32.90

Na Pior em Paris e Londres (Portugese)

Orwell, George
Na Pior em Paris e Londres (Portugese)
Na Pior em Paris e Londres, é um livro de memórias do período mais marcante da vida do George Orwell e a sua primeira obra. Depois de trabalhar como policial do Império Britânico na Birmânia, George Orwell resolveu saber como era a vida, o modo de ser e de pensar da população pobre e foi viver como um deles. Orwell viveu na mendicância por um bom tempo antes de conseguir trabalho como lavador de pratos em um hotel e todas as experiências vivi...

CHF 27.50

Homenaje a Cataluna (Spanish)

Orwell, George
Homenaje a Cataluna (Spanish)
Aos 33 anos, o escritor britânico George Orwell embarcou à meia-noite de 25 de dezembro de 1936 em uma estação de trem de Paris com destino à Barcelona. Os vagões estavam cheios de voluntários europeus, que rumavam para lutar contra os fascistas na Guerra Civil Espanhola. Ao longo de seis meses, Orwell participou de treinamentos militares com adolescentes espanhóis, quase morreu de tédio nas trincheiras, atirou contra soldados franquistas, mon...

CHF 25.90