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853 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Le suppléant

Le suppléant

Des révélations du second fils du roi Charles III et de Diana Spencer, princesse de Galles, sur sa vie et les leçons morales qu'il en tire. Depuis son apparition, avec son frère William, derrière le cercueil de leur mère en passant par les années qui ont suivi, et notamment ses années dans l'armée de 2005 à 2015, jusqu'à son mariage avec Meghan Markle et leur retra...

CHF 44.40

Topino e la vigilia di Natale

Harry, Rebecca
Topino e la vigilia di Natale

È la Vigilia di Natale e Topino deve trovare una casa prima che faccia buio. Nella foresta incontra Coniglietto, Orso e Volpe, che hanno bisogno di lui, ma, mentre li aiuta, il sole tramonta... Dove dormirà Topino la notte prima di Natale? Una storia che parla di generosità e di amicizia. Un libro con pagine decorate d'argento, perfetto per le feste di Natale! Età di lettura: da 4 anni.

CHF 22.00

Le merveilleux Noël de Plume

Harry, Rebecca
Le merveilleux Noël de Plume

En allant porter sa lettre au Père Noël, Plume, une petite lapine blanche, vient en aide aux animaux de la forêt et se fait plein d'amis. Des illustrations pastel rehaussées de paillettes argentées.

CHF 21.30

How Goes it With America

Harry Gael Michaels
How Goes it With America
As a retired school psychologist in the 1990s and juvenile probation officer before that in the 1960s, the author has seen, over the years, an increasing level of violence, escapism into drugs, aberrant lifestyles, and vicious bullying resulting in some fragile children committing suicide. School personnel and police officials will tell you that these are very anxious and depressing-and uncertain times for young people. They need our caring at...

CHF 32.50

Freedom From Anxiety

Harry Kroner
Freedom From Anxiety
This book explores the four phases in the holistic process of freeing yourself from anxiety: Understanding the nature of anxiety Shifting the boy's heart, mind, and soul. Reclaiming your power Developing a new sense of self. This book is based on the author's work with hundreds of clients suffering from the challenges of anxiety, fear, and phobia. Explaining his unique and effective approach to healing anxiety from its core. Treating the...

CHF 32.90

How Goes it With America

Harry Gael Michaels
How Goes it With America
As a retired school psychologist in the 1990s and juvenile probation officer before that in the 1960s, the author has seen, over the years, an increasing level of violence, escapism into drugs, aberrant lifestyles, and vicious bullying resulting in some fragile children committing suicide. School personnel and police officials will tell you that these are very anxious and depressing-and uncertain times for young people. They need our caring at...

CHF 19.50

Reptile Rag

Harry, Barbara
Reptile Rag
Barbara Harry's compositions always inspire students, and this early intermediate duet is no exception. Clever writing in a Dixieland ragtime band style will foster rhythmic skills and ensemble playing technique. Commissioned for the Arizona Music Teacher's Association, this piece can be performed on one piano or used for multi-piano events.

Vocational Psychology

Harry Levi
Vocational Psychology
The widespread interest in vocational psychology which has grown up in recent years, the eagerness with which even the most superficial and absurd systems of "character analysis" are being adopted and tried out, and especially the lack of references, offering conservative evaluation, to which inquirers may be directed, have made it seem advisable to publish the material in systematic form. The book is essentially a presentation of the proble...

CHF 23.90

How To Use Your Mind

Harry D. Kitson
How To Use Your Mind
The kindly reception accorded to the first edition of this book has confirmed the author in his conviction that such a book was needed, and has tempted him to bestow additional labor upon it. The chief changes consist in the addition of two new chapters, "Active Imagination, " and "How to Develop Interest in a Subject", the division into two parts of the unwieldy chapter on memory, the addition of readings and exercises at the end of each ch...

CHF 22.50