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683 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Pioneer Mission

Farmer, Peter J / Nash, Tim
Pioneer Mission
Pioneer Mission is a rediscovery of one of the most important yet most overlooked aspects of Jesus's teaching. It cuts through centuries of evangelistic and missional endeavour to reveal exactly how Jesus intended his church to make disciples of all nations. Through a mix of practical teaching, discussion and hands-on experience, this guide offers a potent pioneer process that Jesus himself taught and modelled. So brace yourself for the adv...

CHF 22.90

The Slumber of Death

Jennings, Zachary
The Slumber of Death
A circle broken and laid at your feet, accident, perhaps? A part suspects the circle broken intentionally to represent a broken trust. No sooner than the word normal escapes lips, a new threat takes its place. An evil fog covers the world, slowly taking shape and grasping for small amounts of power it can find. New bonds mend and new hostilities break with no end in sight. A broken path appears on the edge of our heroes minds but they will not...

CHF 41.90

The Pendulum Swings

Berry, Christopher
The Pendulum Swings
Jason, Guibbette, Stilton and Rebby are four best friends who are about to have the biggest adventure of their lives. A race of creatures called the Deep-End-Ents attack their village and steal all the Grandfather Clocks. The four friends have to get the clocks back and save the kingdom from the creatures and an even more terrible villain who has returned from the darkness.... "The Pendulum Swings" is an exciting tale of monsters, mysteri...

CHF 24.50


Grant, Michael
It's been eight months since all the adults disappeared. Gone.They've survived hunger. They've survived lies. But the stakes keep rising, and the dystopian horror keeps building. Yet despite the simmering unrest left behind by so many battles, power struggles, and angry divides, there is a momentary calm in Perdido Beach.But enemies in the FAYZ don't just fade away, and in the quiet, deadly things are stirring, mutating, and finding their way ...

CHF 22.90

Girls Like Us

Lloyd, Rachel
Girls Like Us
A deeply moving story by a survivor of the commercial sex industry who has devoted her career to activism and helping other young girls escape "the life"At thirteen, Rachel Lloyd found herself caught up in a world of pain and abuse, struggling to survive as a child with no responsible adults to support her. Vulnerable yet tough, she eventually ended up a victim of commercial sexual exploitation. It took time and incredible resilience, but ?nal...

CHF 30.50

Más de mil años

Errante, Alma
Más de mil años
Navega en los Drakkars y siente el fragor de las batallas. Escucha las sentencias de los míticos dioses del Valhala, descubre la magia y los encantamientos de sus hechiceros y transita el origen de muchas costumbres ancestrales. Este es el relato de una vida anterior, en una época convulsa con otros parámetros éticos. Su lectura es una gran aventura.

CHF 43.50

Fin-Shape Thermal Optimization Using Bejan's Constuctal T...

Lorenzini, Giulio / Conti, Alessandra / Moretti, Simone
Fin-Shape Thermal Optimization Using Bejan's Constuctal Theory
The book contains research results obtained by applying Bejan's Constructal Theory to the study and therefore the optimization of fins, focusing on T-shaped and Y-shaped ones. Heat transfer from finned surfaces is an example of combined heat transfer natural or forced convection on the external parts of the fin, and conducting along the fin. Fin's heat exchange is rather complex, because of variation of both temperature along the fin and conve...

CHF 69.00

Adwentiwnaq flora Amurskoj oblasti

Aistowa, Elena
Adwentiwnaq flora Amurskoj oblasti
V nastoqschej rabote priwodqtsq dannye po adwentiwnoj flore Amurskoj oblasti. Rassmotrena istoriq ee izucheniq s 1855 g. po 2005 g. Sostawlen konspekt, w kotorom otobrazheny sposoby immigracii, rasprostranenie i stepen' naturalizacii adwentiwnyh widow w oblasti. V nastoqschee wremq w adwentiwnoj flore Amurskoj oblasti naschitywaetsq 126 naturalizowawshihsq widow iz 94 rodow i 27 semejstw. Otdel'naq glawa poswqschena karantinnym widam. Issledow...

CHF 88.00

Formirowanie shtatow professorsko-prepodawatel'skogo sost...

Yakunin, Jurij
Formirowanie shtatow professorsko-prepodawatel'skogo sostawa wuza
Slozhiwshaqsq dwuhurownewaq sistema raspredeleniq shtatnyh edinic w wuzah wliqet na politiku kafedr, fakul'tetow i wuza w celom pri formirowanii shtatnogo raspisaniq. Takoe raspredelenie takzhe wliqet na process uchebnogo planirowaniq i na sam uchebnyj process i tem samym wliqet na kachestwo podgotowki specialistow. V wuzah raznye special'nosti imeüt raznuü trudoömkost' podgotowki specialistow, poätomu kafedry, poluchaüschie nagruzku po bolee ...

CHF 64.00

Torgowlq wolatil'nost'ü na rossijskom fondowom rynke

Glaznica, Sergej
Torgowlq wolatil'nost'ü na rossijskom fondowom rynke
V knige predlozhen metod torgowli wolatil'nost'ü s ispol'zowaniem f'üchersow i opcionow, osnowannyj na tendencii wolatil'nosti wozwraschat'sq k swoemu srednemu znacheniü. Byli pokazany zakonomernosti, kotorye prisuschi wolatil'nosti na wseh rynkah w celom. Posle ätogo dannye swojstwa wolatil'nosti byli prowereny na rossijskom fondowom rynke. Takzhe byla ob#qsnena ideq torgowli wolatil'nost'ü. Bylo pokazano, kak sostawit' portfel', kotoryj bude...

CHF 64.00

Primenenie matematicheskih metodow w psihologii i medicine

Vorob'öw, Andrej Viktorowich
Primenenie matematicheskih metodow w psihologii i medicine
Prakticheski lüboe issledowanie w swoih wywodah baziruetsq na primenenii matematicheskih metodow. To, naskol'ko horosho äto sdelano, wo mnogom obuslawliwaet uspeh wsej raboty. Korrektnoe i tworcheskoe ispol'zowanie matematicheskogo apparata pozwolqet issledowatelü reshat' shirokie i masshtabnye zadachi bez ispol'zowaniq dopolnitel'nyh resursow, a kachestwo rezul'tata (tochnost' prognoza ili urowen' dokazatel'nosti) pri ätom wozrastaet. V nashe...

CHF 102.00

Spektral'nye razlozheniq korrektnyh-nekorrektnyh nachal'n...

Shaldanbaew, Amir
Spektral'nye razlozheniq korrektnyh-nekorrektnyh nachal'no-kraewyh zadach
Predlagaetsq nowyj metod issledowaniq nachal'no-kraewyh zadach, pozwolqüschij reshat' i nepoluogranichennye zadachi. Vse rezul'taty qwlqütsq nowymi: . polucheno «spektral'noe» razlozhenie resheniq zadachi Koshi dlq sistemy obyknowennyh differencial'nyh urawnenij, i na ego osnowanii-formula asimptoticheskogo predstawleniq resheniq singulqrno wozmuschennoj zadachi Koshi dlq sistemy obyknowennyh differencial'nyh urawnenij, . postroeno «spektral'n...

CHF 88.00

Istoriq Vtoroj mirowoj wojny w otechestwennyh i zarubezhn...

Kowrigin, Vadim
Istoriq Vtoroj mirowoj wojny w otechestwennyh i zarubezhnyh uchebnikah
Monografiq poswqschena odnoj iz sud'bonosnyh weh istorii wsego mira - Vtoroj mirowoj wojne, ocenki sobytij kotoroj neodnoznachny kak w istoricheskoj nauke, tak i shkol'nyh uchebnikah. Awtor rassmatriwaet osnownye traktowki wojny w otechestwennoj i zarubezhnoj istoriografii, analiziruet ih otrazhenie w shkol'nyh uchebnikah Rossii, SShA, Anglii i Germanii. Aktual'nost' issledowaniq obuslowlena, prezhde wsego, tendenciqmi unifikacii soderzhaniq o...

CHF 77.00


Korolewa, Larisa / Korolew, Alexej
V knige priwedeny rezul'taty mnogoletnih issledowanij awtorow praktiki, specifiki i metodow deqtel'nosti religioznyh musul'manskih obschin, ih wzaimootnoshenij s wlast'ü w period s 1940 po 2000 gg. na regional'nom urowne - w Srednem Powolzh'e Monografiq sostoit iz pqti glaw. V perwoj glawe analiziruütsq osnownye social'no-demograficheskie parametry kontingenta posledowatelej musul'manskogo kul'ta tatarskogo naseleniq Srednego Powolzh'q - pol, ...

CHF 102.00

Ranneürskij wulkanizm Sewero-Vostoka Rossii

Shepelewa, Yana / Kolodeznikow, Igor'
Ranneürskij wulkanizm Sewero-Vostoka Rossii
V rabote wypolneno opisanie geologicheskogo stroeniq i sostawa ranneürskih osadochno-wulkanogennyh porod Verhoqno-Kolymskoj skladchatoj sistemy (Yakutiq), proanalizirowany ih petrohimicheskij i geohimicheskij sostawy. Na osnowanii nowyh dannyh wypolnen i priweden facial'nyj analiz tolsch unikal'noj abonskoj osadochno-wulkanogennoj serii, w rezul'tate kotorogo ustanowleno, chto otlozheniq serii byli obrazowany w rezul'tate strombolianskogo tipa...

CHF 64.00


Kachalow, Dmitrij
Var'iruq urownqmi wozmozhnyh wozdejstwij na klaster mozhno ocenit' izmenenie äffektiwnosti innowacionnyh proektow po gruppam pokazatelej (indikatorow): prqmyh mikroäkonomicheskih, wklüchaq ocenki: indexa rentabel'nosti innowacionnogo proekta, soprqzhennogo äffekta operacionnogo i finansowogo rychaga, koswennyh mikroäkonomicheskih, wklüchaq ocenki: rosta äffektiwnosti organizacionnyh shem uprawleniq, rosta kadrowogo potenciala, prirosta nauchno...

CHF 102.00

Regeneraciq nejronow spinnomozgowogo uzla

Raginow, Iwan
Regeneraciq nejronow spinnomozgowogo uzla
Trawmy perifericheskih nerwow, chasto oslozhnqüschiesq newropatiqmi, harakterizuütsq tqzhelym techeniem, narusheniem dwigatel'noj, chuwstwitel'noj i wegetatiwnoj funkcij, soprowozhdaütsq bolewym sindromom. Nesmotrq na shirokoe primenenie hirurgicheskih podhodow i fizioterapewticheskih metodow lecheniq, urowen' inwalidizacii u bol'nyh s powrezhdeniqmi perifericheskih nerwow ostaetsq dostatochno wysokim. Intensiwnoe nakoplenie faktow po mezhklet...

CHF 88.00