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810 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Cultivating Data-Based Decisions in Higher Education

Mantie, Ph. D. Scott J.
Cultivating Data-Based Decisions in Higher Education
American postsecondary institutions are faced with a growing financial crisis that threatens the quality, availability, and economics of the higher education system. Within this climate of economic uncertainty and decline, higher education is under pressure to restructure and reform its processes and contributions to society and to provide evidence of return on investment while using as few institutional resources as possible. In an effort ...

CHF 69.00

YouTube Partner Program. Branding e Advertising 2.0

Trepiccione, Massimiliano
YouTube Partner Program. Branding e Advertising 2.0
Dalla creazione nel 2007, il Partner Program di YouTube conta oggi più di ventimila membri da ventidue Paesi in tutto il mondo, molti dei quali ogni anno ottengono un fatturato a sei cifre. Un ruolo essenziale è giocato dalla qualità dei contenuti proposti, ma buona parte della loro popolarità è conseguenza di un utilizzo (magari inconscio) di alcune delle più moderne ed efficaci strategie di marketing e advertising "social". Possiamo trattare...

CHF 35.90


Sierra Sánchez, Esneda Eugenia
Con este 2o. poemario doy por terminado mi período en El Rincón de la Poesía II del Grupo de Poesía de Emagister, lugar donde me sentí sumamente a gusto y que al cierre por su creadora, la poetisa española María José Capel, la mayoría de los integrantes vivimos momentos muy emotivos, que el lector puede apreciar en los últimos poemas.

CHF 18.50

Venti gocce di Xanax

Mannina, Alessandro
Venti gocce di Xanax
Venti gocce di Xanax è il diario di un trentenne che si racconta con stile crudo e realista, circondato da personaggi grotteschi ed episodi esilaranti: dall'abisso dei call center a Bruce Springsteen, dalla maledizione delle ragazze che si chiamano Francesca all'infanzia introversa, dai reading letterari ai viaggi catartici, fino al ricovero in manicomio, passando per Parigi e San Siro, per gente che tenta di farsi ficcare sotto dalle macchine...

CHF 30.90

50 of the Finest Films Hollywood Ever Made

Reid, John Howard
50 of the Finest Films Hollywood Ever Made
More than 50 of Hollywood's most famous movies are examined in detail in this book, which provides full cast and production credits, release dates, background information, DVD suppliers, plus up-to-date assessments and reviews. This information not only covers almost everything you would want to know about some of your favorite movies, but guides you towards further classic films you might enjoy! To name just twenty of the more than fifty titl...

CHF 21.50

Close Call

Stardust Publications
Close Call
Close Call is designed to be a starting Episode for a full Season of play for Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles, or it can be a standalone Episode. The Dark Aeons core book is all that is required to use this Episode, however it should be noted that the upcoming Arkham: City of Secrets setting book will expand on the Arkham setting in much greater detail than is presented here. It should also be noted that this Episode is designed to be use...

CHF 26.50


Hall, Wesley E.
We bought eighty acres of trees bordering the Mark Twain National Forest and built a Cape Cod-style house on it. This was in Christian County Missouri, twenty-six miles from my college teaching position in Springfield. And for a time it was a wonderful place to raise our three children. But by 1969, when this volume ends, the marriage was in trouble.

CHF 55.90

The Estonians, The long road to independence

Faure, Gunter / Mensing, Teresa
The Estonians, The long road to independence
The book presents the history of Estonia in easily readable form and with compassion for the people whose lives were affected by the events that occurred in the Baltic region. The prolonged occupation of the Baltic region by different European nations not only caused great hardships for the Estonian people, but it also integrated them into the western European cultural community. In that sense, the history of Estonia has had a happy ending....

CHF 46.50

'Til Death Do We Part

Wren, Jenny (Lois Blaschak)
'Til Death Do We Part
Life in West Virginia took a turn for the better in the old dilapidated house of her mother's that she and Elijah had bought. The mother and her brother John had moved near the other daughter, Lou, to be near as Nancy Rich had become quite senile and needed constant care. When she passed away, one of Jenny's daughters moved with them to West Virginia and the other was in Germany in the W.A.A.C's, the women's army corps. Myree had come from ...

CHF 21.90


Israel, Shakna
Science fiction and fantasy often collide, so close that the difference is a matter of opinion, but the world doesn't let it stay that way. The brilliant inventors of the world take what is imagined and make it a reality. Such a man was David Cassidy. He was a genius, a man of foresight, and a man to whom his family was everything. He helped to develop a squadron of fighters for the Americans, then when they wanted to restrict his movements, h...

CHF 45.50

Gorilla nella nebbia

Gallazzi, Massimo
Gorilla nella nebbia
Una raccolta di poesie dal colore blu-grigiastro che esprime in tutta la sua pienezza la sofferenza ma anche la speranza in un domani migliore.

CHF 23.50

Standing Still - Volume 1 - Book 1

Harrows, Jacob
Standing Still - Volume 1 - Book 1
*FOR MATURE READERS ONLY* Meet Sebastian Reed, a 33 year old science student looking to change the world after losing his mother to cancer 10 years ago. As a promising student in many areas of physics and biology he is inevitably discovered and mentored by his university Professor, one Martin Torrents, who has also experienced personal tragedy in his past. Together they will unlock the secrets of micro re-genesis, but at what cost to themse...

CHF 13.90


Snyder, Teresa
This book is designed in a way for beginners to learn the weight loss process and gain controlling power of yourself. Weight Loss! A common word with many of us in recent past! Weight gained due to unplanned eating is one major reason to talk about Weight Loss! How we going to achieve the weight loss? Many say dieting is the only way out to regain the healthy sexy body figure back. What is dieting? Dieting is nothing but planning. Planning on ...

CHF 40.90

Klasternyj podhod

Araslanowa, Anastasiq
Klasternyj podhod
Klaster - gruppa territorial'no blizko raspolozhennyh organizacij s aktiwnymi kanalami wzaimodejstwiq. V sostaw proizwodstwenno-obrazowatel'nogo klastera whodqt: obrazowatel'nye i nauchnye uchrezhdeniq, qwlqüschiesq sozdatelqmi unikal'nyh obrazowatel'nyh uslug, tehnologij i nou-hau, towaroproizwoditeli (gradoobrazuüschie i wspomogatel'nye predpriqtiq), organy gosudarstwennoj wlasti i municipal'nogo samouprawleniq, inye obrazuüschie infrastrukt...

CHF 102.00

Kleenaq drewesina

Rumqncew, Mihail
Kleenaq drewesina
Obosnowana wozmozhnost' i celesoobraznost' primeneniq k raschetu kleenyh derewqnnyh kompozicij metodiki mehaniki razrusheniq. Defekty kleewyh soedinenij rassmotreny kak nachal'nye treschiny. V kachestwe kriterial'nyh harakteristik prinqty parametry, opisywaüschie sostoqnie treschin - koäfficienty intensiwnosti naprqzhenij i parametry, harakterizuüschie sposobnost' materiala soprotiwlqt'sq razwitiü treschin - wqzkost' razrusheniq. Jeto pozwolqe...

CHF 88.00

Klonirowanie, äxpressiq, poisk partnerow selen-soderzhasc...

Varlamowa, Elena
Klonirowanie, äxpressiq, poisk partnerow selen-soderzhaschego belka SelV
Dannaq rabota poswqschena issledowaniqm wnutrikletochnoj lokalizacii, poisku belkow- partnerow nowogo selen-soderzhaschego belka SelV , a takzhe opredeleniü äxpressii ego mRNK na klüchewyh stadiqh spermatogeneza i ontogeneza mlekopitaüschih. Poluchennye w hode dannoj raboty rezul'taty sposobstwuüt ustanowleniü roli SelV w belkowyh komplexah ili w metabolicheskih putqh, chto ochen' wazhno dlq nakopleniq fundamental'nyh znanij.

CHF 64.00

Opyt i problemy radioweschaniq w zerkale special'noj lite...

Smirnow, Vladislaw
Opyt i problemy radioweschaniq w zerkale special'noj literatury
V nauchno-metodicheskom sprawochnike wperwye w rossijskom radiowedenii s maximal'noj polnotoj sobrana bibliografiq po radioweschaniü, (monografii, knigi, sborniki statej, referaty dissertacij), w kotoroj obobschen opyt stanowleniq i razwitiq radio w strane, izucheny uslowiq i osobennosti funkcionirowaniq sowremennogo weschaniq w uslowiqh radiorynka. Literatura sistematizirowana po istorii, teorii, praktike radiozhurnalistiki i radioreklamy, wk...

CHF 102.00