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783 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Koe Illustration Collection Tutorial

Kouji, Emiko
Koe Illustration Collection Tutorial
Manga illustration Tutorial using Paint tool SAI. Detailed explanation and step-by-step guide in hair and eye line art design, coloring and lighting effects, by Emiko Kouji, comic author of Ai Ribbon.

CHF 32.50

Justified Madness

Yvette, J'Wan
Justified Madness
A collection of poetry about life, love, relationships, overcoming depression, and more. Offering hope, through a relationship with God.

CHF 18.50

Boat at Sandymount Strand

Kon, Desmond
Boat at Sandymount Strand
JayJay is "the funny and lovable person in the room everyone can't help but adore". Its initialized form "JJ" means "Just Joking". It is also a pseudonym for the modernist writer James Joyce. Part of the JayJay Jouissance Series, "Boat at Sandymount Strand" is a conceptualist novella by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé. The JayJay Jouissance Series is composed of several conceptualist novellas, each taking on an image from an episode in Joyce's Uly...

CHF 117.00

Linear Integrated Circuits as Sensor Amplifiers

Lambert, J. R.
Linear Integrated Circuits as Sensor Amplifiers
Linear IC's as Sensor Signal Conditioning Amplifiers is an advanced application-based engineering technology textbook introducing operational amplifiers as sensor scaling circuits. The text employs a unique single circuit approach to develop signal conditioning amplifier design from the common single-ended inverting amplifier through multi-stage differential instrumentation-grade amplifiers. Text chapters address linear sensors, measurement sy...

CHF 107.00

A Tutorial on Queuing and Trunking with Applications to C...

MacKenzie, Allen B. / Tranter, William
A Tutorial on Queuing and Trunking with Applications to Communications
The motivation for developing this synthesis lecture was to provide a tutorial on queuing and trunking, with extensions to networks of queues, suitable for supplementing courses in communications, stochastic processes, and networking. An essential component of this lecture is MATLAB-based demonstrations and exercises, which can be easily modified to enable the student to observe and evaluate the impact of changing parameters, arrival and depar...

CHF 46.90


Swanky, Shawn
During the annual mid-summer Carnival celebrations, Rita Fiedler, a married, mid-30s ambitious real estate agent, accepts a strange client masquerading as Mark Baker, a wealthy bachelor. While viewing an expensive property, the shadowy client turns the tables. He sells Rita on joining him in an unusual erotic adventure in harmony with the Carnival spirit. Under pressure to make the sale, anxious about aging, disappointed in herself for letting...

CHF 25.50

Antitromboticheskaq terapiq infarkta mozga

Lihachew, Sergej / Stepanowa, Juliq / Gonchar, Irina
Antitromboticheskaq terapiq infarkta mozga
V rabote priwedeny sistematizirowannye swedeniq o sowremennyh naprawleniqh antitromboticheskoj terapii pri razlichnyh ätiopatogeneticheskih wariantah ishemicheskogo insul'ta. Aktiwnoe ispol'zowanie reperfuzionnyh metodow lecheniq pri ostroj cerebrowaskulqrnoj patologii, i w perwuü ochered' pri infarkte mozga, wlechet za soboj neobhodimost' laboratornogo kontrolq äffektiwnosti antitromboticheskogo lecheniq s minimal'nym riskom razwitiq gemorrag...

CHF 64.00

Social'no-lichnostnoe razwitie mladshih podrostkow

Jusupowa, Tat'qna
Social'no-lichnostnoe razwitie mladshih podrostkow
Social'noe razwitie rebenka qwlqetsq mnogogrannym pro- cessom, predpolagaüschim pri- swoenie kul'turnyh i nrawst- wennyh cennostej obschestwa, formirowanie lichnostnyh ka- chestw.V shkole uswoenie so- cial'nyh norm proishodit obuchaemym legche, w ätoj swq- zi pered pedagogami stoit slozhnaq zadacha-najti takie dejstwennye metody i priemy raboty, kotorye dadut nai- bolee wysokie rezul'taty w social'nom i lichnostnom raz- witii uchaschihsq.

CHF 64.00

Ochagi opistorhoza w akwatorii Nowosibirskogo wodohranili...

Bonina, Ol'ga Mihajlowna / Fedorow, Konstantin Petrowich / Rostowcew, Alexandr Alexeewich
Ochagi opistorhoza w akwatorii Nowosibirskogo wodohranilischa
V swqzi s wysokoj aktual'nost'ü problemy opistorhoza dlq Sibirskogo regiona i nedostatochnym kolichestwom informacii po opistorhidozam w akwatorii Nowosibirskogo wodohranilischa awtorami dannoj monografii na protqzhenii neskol'kih let prowodilis' issledowaniq po izucheniü zakonomernostej formirowaniq i funkcionirowaniq ochagow opistorhidozow w Nowosibirskom wodohranilische. Polucheny dannye po prostranstwennomu razmescheniü lokal'nyh ochagow o...

CHF 88.00

Jeroziq älektrodow GZSI. Modelirowanie i raschet

Soldatow, Viktor
Jeroziq älektrodow GZSI. Modelirowanie i raschet
V monografii s pozicij sistemnogo analiza izucheny woprosy raboty katodow gazorazrqdnyh znakosinteziruüschih indikatorow (GZSI). Opredeleny zadachi i problemy awtomatizacii analiza degradacionnyh processow gazorazrqdnyh indikatorow. Issledowany rabochie powerhnosti katodow GZSI s pomosch'ü älektronnogo mikroskopa, wyqwleny ih naibolee obschie nedostatki. Rassmotreny sposoby postroeniq äxpertnoj sistemy kak älementa intellektual'noj analitiches...

CHF 102.00

Prostye zwuki rodiny moej

Bezhenaru, Lüdmila
Prostye zwuki rodiny moej
«Yazyk, myshlenie i kul'tura sostawlqüt edinoe celoe, i ni odin iz nazwannyh komponentow ne mozhet funkcionirowat' bez dwuh drugih. Jeto odna iz klüchewyh pozicij knigi «PROSTYE ZVUKI RODINY MOEJ. Kul'turologicheskoe issledowanie mentaliteta maloj rodiny» Lüdmily Bezhenaru. Awtor issleduet rol' mifologii w zhizni nacii, «prawoslawnyj kod» russkoj literatury, edinstwo tradicij narodnogo tworchestwa i hristianskoj kul'tury w russkoj klassike.Lüd...

CHF 102.00

Materialy s wysokim wnutridiffuzionnym soprotiwleniem

Pestrecow, Sergej
Materialy s wysokim wnutridiffuzionnym soprotiwleniem
K klassu materialow s wysokim wnutridiffuzionnym soprotiwleniem otnosqtsq razlichnye dispersnye materialy, w tom chisle, polimernye materialy i zernowye kul'tury, sushka kotoryh prowoditsq w apparatah razlichnoj proizwoditel'nosti i, w chastnosti, malotonnazhnyh. V nastoqschee wremq nauchno obosnowannye metody rascheta i rekomendacii po proektirowaniü malogabaritnyh sushil'nyh apparatow otsutstwuüt. Awtorom na osnowe urawneniq massoprowodnosti...

CHF 77.00

Praktikum po psihologii umstwenno otstalogo shkol'nika

Ahmetzqnowa, Anna Iwanowna
Praktikum po psihologii umstwenno otstalogo shkol'nika
Predlagaemoe posobie poswqscheno psihologicheskomu issledowaniü otdel'nyh sostawlqüschih poznawatel'noj sfery detej mladshego shkol'nogo wozrasta, stradaüschih legkoj stepen'ü umstwennoj otstalosti. Ishodq iz principa maximal'noj äffektiwnosti pri minimal'noj prodolzhitel'nosti i änergozatratnosti, byli otobrany metody i sistemy analiza rezul'tatow, daüschie wozmozhnost' sistemno ocenit' psihicheskoe razwitie kazhdogo konkretnogo rebenka. V ka...

CHF 64.00

Instrumenty strategicheskogo analiza: rukowodstwo k dejstwiü

Babanowa, Juliq
Instrumenty strategicheskogo analiza: rukowodstwo k dejstwiü
V dannom issledowanii predlagaetsq awtorskij instrument osuschestwleniq strategicheskogo analiza organizacionnoj sredy, pozwolqüschij wyqwit' maximal'noe kolichestwo faktorow, okazywaüschih wliqnie na organizaciü i snizit' neopredelennost' pri razrabotke strategii, sformirowaw strategicheskie iniciatiwy, uchitywaüschie sootnoshenie wneshnej i wnutrennej sredy. Material podgotowlen s uchetom interesow rukowoditelej, predprinimatelej, slushatele...

CHF 64.00

Letopis' Rossii (2008-2010)

Tihomirow, Andrej
Letopis' Rossii (2008-2010)
Sredi pis'mennyh istochnikow russkoj kul'tury weduschee mesto prinadlezhit letopisi. Letopis' - zhanr istoricheskogo proizwedeniq, w kotorom powestwowanie wedetsq po godam (letam), w hronologicheskom porqdke. Odnako letopisi - äto ne tol'ko zapisi o tom, chto proizoshlo w godowom porqdke, no i sobranie teh istochnikow massowoj informacii, kotorym na tot moment raspolagal letopisec, i s kotorym mozhno soglashat'sq, a mozhno i sporit'. Letopisan...

CHF 102.00

Jekologicheskie aspekty antigribnogo antagonizma pochwenn...

Zakalükina, Juliq Vladimirowna
Jekologicheskie aspekty antigribnogo antagonizma pochwennyh aktinomicetow
Micelial'nye prokarioty (aktinomicety) i micelial'nye äukarioty (griby) obladaüt shozhej äkologicheskoj strategiej, blagodarq obschnosti wegetatiwnoj organizacii. V pochwe äti organizmy zachastuü zanimaüt blizkie äkologicheskie nishi i wystupaüt kak konkurenty. Obrazowanie antimikotikow mozhet qwlqt'sq dlq aktinomicetow moschnym kozyrem w konkurentnoj bor'be mezhdu organizmami. V äxperimentah in vivo i in vitro byli wyqwleny suschestwennye raz...

CHF 64.00

Escape from Hanalei

Peacock, Everett / Lyon, Angela Treat
Escape from Hanalei
A coconut arrives on Trish's frozen front steps, a gift, a message, a dare, from her sister. "Come to Hawaii." It's a hard message for her to ignore. Trish flies to her sister's home, a place of color and music, where even Poi, the little mixed-breed dog, surfs the clear waves. From the beginning, Trish feels the island's seduction as it lures her in with its beauty, its people, and its hidden magic. With each day she spends there, each one fi...

CHF 16.50