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169 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

'Mum! Stop looking at dead people!'

Ashley, Sarah
'Mum! Stop looking at dead people!'
Mum! Stop looking at dead people!' is a book that covers the family trees of Paterson, Green, Gardner, Knibbs & Brain. It is factual but written in a style different to the traditional ahnentafels and descendant listings. Whose Ancestor....? ...was born in Australia? ...became an MP and had an island named after him? ...was a coachman for Buckingham Palace? ...died in the workhouse? ...assaulted their superior officers? ...owned a...

CHF 49.90

Teni Felixa

Simonowa, Dar'q
Teni Felixa
Chastnyj syschik, nekogda rabotawshij w organah, wynuzhden wypolnit' poslednüü wolü swoego starogo druga i uchitelq, radi chego otprawlqetsq w nebol'shoj prowincial'nyj gorod. Tam on neozhidanno dlq sebq nahodit sledy dawnej temnoj istorii, otgoloski kotoroj donosqtsq iz 1930-h godow. Shag za shagom on rasputywaet prichudliwuü cep' sobytij, ob#edinqüschuü dowoennye opyty po sozdaniü swerh-cheloweka i sowremennye razrabotki tainstwennogo wesche...

CHF 32.90

Great Railroad Museums of the USA in Color

Young, Jan
Great Railroad Museums of the USA in Color
Great Railroad Museums of the USA is a guide for the devoted railfan. It details the sixty-seven largest, most interesting and most important railroad museums in the country, which are classified into good, really good, great and really great groups. Individually the museums are discussed and highlights of their collections are listed. All are rated on their size, the rarity and antiquity of their collections, the quality of their work, the sc...

CHF 97.00

My Little Black Book

Wilmoth-Ostop, Jan
My Little Black Book
Writing this Hottie Cookbook for Men started years ago with the sole purpose of teaching guys that cooking a crowd-pleasing or intimate meal paired with appropriate beverages does not have to be a nightmare.Author Jan Wilmoth-Ostop, a farm girl from Wisconsin, remembers growing up with great food, but no money. Even when it seemed there was nothing in the fridge or on the shelves, the ladies in Jan's family could throw together amazing meals. ...

CHF 69.00

Narodno-instrumental'naq muzyka Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii

Barashok, Irina
Narodno-instrumental'naq muzyka Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii
V osnowe soderzhaniq monografii - issledowanie istorii narodno-instrumental'noj muzyki üga Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii, predstawlqüschej soboj odin iz aspektow duhownoj zhizni dal'newostochnogo naseleniq. Na protqzhenii dlitel'nogo istoricheskogo perioda (konec XIX w. - nachalo 90-h gg. XX w.) proslezhiwaetsq dinamika, wyqwlqütsq soderzhanie, formy bytowaniq, social'nyj status narodno-instrumental'noj muzyki, osnownye osobennosti i tendencii na ra...

CHF 102.00

Chast' 2. Komp'üternaq obrabotka dannyh

Sundukowa, Tat'qna / Vanykina, Galina / Titow, Andrej
Chast' 2. Komp'üternaq obrabotka dannyh
Struktury dannyh i algoritmy qwlqütsq komponentami postroeniq programm. Na praktike wybor sposoba obrabotki dannyh zawisit ot mnozhestwa faktorow: slozhnosti i massowosti zadachi, trebowanij k apparatnomu i/ili programmnomu obespecheniü wychislitel'noj tehniki, ozhidaemoj skorosti obrabotki i t.p. V sowremennyh uslowiqh odnim iz osnownyh kriteriew w realizacii reshenij wystupaet faktor wremeni w sowokupnosti s bol'shimi ob#emami dannyh. V tako...

CHF 102.00

Bioimpedansnyj identifikator lichnosti. Blok obrabotki

Strunin, Roman / Isakow, Roman
Bioimpedansnyj identifikator lichnosti. Blok obrabotki
V dannoj knige predstawlen bioimpedansnyj identifikator lichnosti, osnowannyj na metode bioimpedansnogo analiza, suschnost' kotorogo w izmerenii soprotiwleniq tkani bioob#ekta. Predlagaetsq älektricheskaq shema ustrojstwa, wybrano i obosnowano konstruktorskoe reshenie.Vnimanie obrascheno na woprosy bezopasnosti pri proizwodstwe apparata, opredeleny tehniko-äkonomicheskie pokazateli bioimpedansnogo identifikatora.

CHF 64.00

Formy wzaimodejstwiq regional'noj wlasti i biznesa w Rossii

Glebowa, Irina
Formy wzaimodejstwiq regional'noj wlasti i biznesa w Rossii
V monografii issledowany problemy wzaimodejstwiq regional'noj wlasti i biznesa w uslowiqh modernizacii äkonomiki territorij. Proweden analiz osnownyh nauchnyh podhodow k issledowaniü form i mehanizmow wzaimodejstwiq wlasti i biznesa. Opredeleny protiworechiq interesow regional'noj wlasti i biznes-struktur pri realizacii form ih wzaimodejstwiq i predlozhena procedura soglasowaniq ih interesow, sposobstwuüschaq poisku optimal'nyh kompromissnyh r...

CHF 102.00

Prawoslawnoe asketicheskoe podwizhnichestwo w russkoj duh...

Neronowa, Marina
Prawoslawnoe asketicheskoe podwizhnichestwo w russkoj duhownoj kul'ture
Asketicheskoe podwizhnichestwo mozhno rassmatriwat' kak obraz zhizni, kotoryj naprawlen na kachestwennoe izmenenie lichnosti cheloweka w soglasii s wybrannym im idealom. Prawoslawnoe asketicheskoe podwizhnichestwo okazalo suschestwennoe wliqnie na formirowanie russkoj duhownoj kul'tury. Anahoretstwo zadalo obraz ideal'noj hristianskoj lichnosti i powliqlo na formirowanie motiwow wnutrennego mira cheloweka. Bol'shie obschezhitel'nye monastyri s...

CHF 88.00

Only for the Rich - Life after Riches

Botha, Phillip
Only for the Rich - Life after Riches
This book is written exclusively for the rich, not the ordinary man on the street, not the wannabe entrepreneur, not the guy waiting to win the lotto, not for the dreamer, and definitely not for those who play video games all day, but only for the rich. This book contains material that is applicable only to those who have a 6 digit bank account and up. It is extremely prejudiced and totally in favor of those who have money, and lots of it!! Th...

CHF 131.00


Halsey, Jeanne
?Once I got started, I couldn?t stop.? The history of e-Jeanne began around 1999, really ramped up when 9/11 hit our nation, became more organized and intentional thereafter, and continued until ... 2005? You see, e-Jeanne was a precursor of currently popular ?blogs, ? although we called her an ?e-zine.? She was assembled early in the morning (right after my morning devotions ? in fact, I realize that many of my morning devotions somehow crept...

CHF 54.90

Design of a Hybrid Power Generation System for Ethiopian ...

Boneya, Gelma
Design of a Hybrid Power Generation System for Ethiopian Remote Area
Most of the remote rural areas of Ethiopia are not yet electrified. Electrifying these remote areas by extending grid system is difficult and costly. As the current international trend in rural electrification is to utilize renewable energy resources, solar, wind, biomass, and micro hydro power systems can be seen as alternatives. Among these, wind and solar energy systems are thought to be ideal solution for rural electrification due to abund...

CHF 64.00

Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by A.P...

Bandeiah, Challa
Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by A.P.S.F.C
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector constitutes an important segment of the Indian economy in terms of its contribution to the country's industrial production, exports, employment and creation of an entrepreneurial base. MSMEs have the advantages of generating gainful employment with low investment, diversifying the industrial base, reducing regional disparities through dispersal of industries into rural, semi-urban and back...

CHF 102.00

Community-Based Rural heritage management in Syria

Bachich, Mariam
Community-Based Rural heritage management in Syria
The urgent need for heritage management has been identified by many stakeholders and has even become a cornerstone in the preservation of a heritage. Yet heritage authorities tend to be exclusively interested in "big", and "important", national/ international heritage items. In Syria, like other countries, attention is mainly directed to its big archaeological sites, even though the country is rich in history, nature and culture. Undoubtedly, ...

CHF 77.00

The Day the Grid Went Down

Nicks, David J.
The Day the Grid Went Down
The Day the Grid Went Down is a compelling novel about what could happen to the world should a truly catastrophic economic collapse occur. The book is largely based on the true-life experiences of author David J. Nicks and other real-world events, such as the partial economic collapse of 2008. Using the 2012 elections as a point of departure, The Day the Grid Went Down spins off into a cautionary tale of fiction that draws persuasive paral...

CHF 16.90

Anatomy of Torts

Toppo, Navneet
Anatomy of Torts
ANATOMY OF TORTS''-My research complimentarily examines the legality and working of torts in India as well as in foreign countries in different manner in both Civil & Criminal section's with the help of cited cases.This Research deals with the following Literature Review's : Nature Of Tort-Difference between Crime & Tort, Resemblance between Crime & Tort, Tort working with Contract, Working of Tort & Quasi-Contract / Constituents of Tort- Wron...

CHF 64.00

Salty Dog

Grant, Capt Bob
Salty Dog
After more than 30 years of retirement, US Navy Captain Bob Grimes is summoned to Washington DC. Returning to active duty and flown to an Air Traffic Control facility on a "Rock" in the middle of the North Atlantic. Orders are to take command and investigate without raising any suspicion about some unusual activity. What the Salty Dog finds could affect the entire world.

CHF 22.90

Diversity of East African Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.)...

Hailu, Dereje / Bekele, Endashaw / Tesfaye, Kassahun
Diversity of East African Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.) Germplasm
Over the last decade, increased global concern about climate change, demand upsurge for energy and augmented fossil fuel price, convey need for renewable and sustaninable alternative energy sources. Biodiesel particularly, from Jatropha curcas attracts interest of many nations, investors and researchers. However, practical large scale production of biodiesel from Jatropha curcas is limited due to information gaps with regard to superior seed s...

CHF 77.00

Biocomposting of Agro-Waste Residues by Phosphate Solubil...

Ibrahim, Saima / Mumtaz, Erum
Biocomposting of Agro-Waste Residues by Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi
Application of agro-residue wastes as organic matter resulted in better soil structure that provide more suitable medium for plant growth, supplies nutrients for the plant and also help to build up target microorganisms.The combined use of these agro-waste materials with inoculant favors the buildup of high microbial populations that improve plant growth. Hence, these raw food stuffs can be used as a carrier material for bio fertilizer product...

CHF 64.00