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800 Ergebnisse - Zeige 641 von 660.

Customer Relationship Management as a Tool to Increase Cu...

Neha, Chhibber
Customer Relationship Management as a Tool to Increase Customer Loyalty A Study of Select Retail
In the mid-twentieth century, mass production techniques and mass marketing changed the competitive landscape by increasing product availabihty for consumers. However, the purchasing process that allowed the shopkeeper and customer to spend quality time interacting with each other was also fundamentally changed. As a result, customers lost their uniqueness becoming an "account number". Shopkeepers lost track of their customers' individual need...

CHF 101.00

Rural Social Structure and Changing Socio Culture Practic...

Nishi, Yadav
Rural Social Structure and Changing Socio Culture Practices in Lower Castes A Social Study among Scheduled Castes in Rural
THE STATEMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS One of the most distinctive features of Indian society is its division into various caste groups. Membership in the caste group is conferred by birth. The members of each caste, residing in specific areas, have common customs and more or less a similar way of life. There is a variation in the kind and number of castes but due to hierarchical stratification, the highest and lowest caste is easily identifia...

CHF 99.00

The Supernatural Entrepreneur: 5 Biblical Principles to B...

Martin, Chanel E'bone
The Supernatural Entrepreneur: 5 Biblical Principles to Build Your Business with God
¿¿¿"If you are not careful, you could easily confuse acceleration with overwhelm or even doing too much. When you are in a season of acceleration, you can't just give up because you can't keep up." The Supernatural Entrepreneur is a book dedicated to helping faith-based businesses navigate the trials and triumphs of entrepreneurship. Chanel E. Martin candidly shares practical supernatural principles that will challenge, encourage, and realig...

CHF 27.50

Anger Management for Children and Teens

Anger Management for Children and Teens
Teenage years are important to a child's development. Unfortunately, these are the years during which children face some of their most difficult interactions. This stage of a child's life can take them down different courses, not all pleasant. Teenagers who are forced to deal with adversity often lash out. Developing a risky attitude is common in a large proportion of adolescent children. When adolescents develop anger emotions and begin to a...

CHF 20.90

Joe And The Peace Eternal

Padilla, John Teofilo
Joe And The Peace Eternal
Joe Benson, the chosen warrior for the final duel, wields his mighty sword under the light of the full moon. He¿ll face nothing more and nothing less than the incarnation of evil on earth. To win, Joe will need divine intervention and also walk the Warrior¿s Path to Eternal Peace. This path is also an adventure for the Benson family. Joe¿s father is a talented researcher on the verge of curing cancer, yet at the same time, he¿s putting h...

CHF 29.90

Eggy Adventures

D'Souza, Elliot
Eggy Adventures
Meet Eggie, an inventor in the busy forest kingdom of Eggington. One day, he decides he needs a change and sets out for Egg-ville, a quiet forest town far away. He makes some friends along the way who help him on his journey, and he runs into some trouble which he and his friend must overcome together.

CHF 22.50

Litanies of the Greatest Master Mu¿y¿dd¿n Ibn al-¿Arab¿

Ibn al-¿Arab¿, Mu¿y¿dd¿n
Litanies of the Greatest Master Mu¿y¿dd¿n Ibn al-¿Arab¿
The supplications and litanies of Shaykh Ibn al-¿Arab¿ are not only poetically beautiful, but they also have a transformative power. These prayers have been a means to healing, enlightenment, and divine empowerment for thousands of seekers for hundreds of years. For the first time in almost a millennium the prayers before you have been allowed to breathe in the English language. Shaykh Müy¿dd¿n Ibn al-¿Arab¿ was born in present day Murcia, S...

CHF 54.90

Homestyle Mediterranean

Cameron, Jody Noel
Homestyle Mediterranean
There's nothing more satisfying than a rustic home cooked meal. This curated collection highlights the best of home cooking from the sunny islands and coastal towns of the Mediterranean. With over 100 authentic MEDITERRANEAN DIET recipes, Homestyle Mediterranean is full of inspiring dishes that await your creative spin! This Mediterranean Diet Cookbook Includes: Craveable DIPS, APPETIZERS, and HEALTHY SNACKS for entertaining and everyday ...

CHF 53.50

Ultimata Instant Pot-recept för nybörjare 2023

Jansson, Caroline
Ultimata Instant Pot-recept för nybörjare 2023
Genom att använda Instant Pot sparar du mycket tid. Du kan äta hälsosamt hemma, utan att spendera den tid du inte har, för att förbereda och sedan laga dina måltider. Och snabb matlagning = energibesparing. Att laga mat med din Instant-gryta är snabbt och effektivt, vilket minskar din elräkning genom att laga mat på kortare tid än du skulle göra på spishällen eller i ugnen. Syftet med denna fantastiska kokbok är att hjälpa dig att göra de...

CHF 61.00

Ultimate Rum Rezepter fir Ufänger 2023

Wagner, Matteo
Ultimate Rum Rezepter fir Ufänger 2023
Dës Rum Rezepter an dësem Buch sinn d'Resultat vu ville Joere Wäert vu Fuerschung, Testen an Opzeechnungen. Jidderee vun eis huet seng eege Virléiften, sou datt d'Rezepter vum Rum Getränk vläicht net all unzezéien, awer ech mengen datt eng Majoritéit et schätzt. D'Virbereedung vun engem Rum Getränk erfuerdert keng Fäegkeet a kee fixe Rezept gëtt gefollegt, sou datt dës Aktivitéit jidderengem passt. Alles wat Dir braucht ass e Rezept dat ...

CHF 61.00

Autentické talianske recepty pre v¿etkých 2023

Tiso, Fridrich
Autentické talianske recepty pre v¿etkých 2023
V tejto knihe je to¿ko receptov, ¿e je jedno, ¿i ste milovníkom zeleniny alebo mäsa, ur¿ite nájdete recepty, ktoré vás oslovia, ¿i u¿ je to ¿alát na teplé letné dni alebo nie¿o výdatné na jese¿. ve¿er. Od predjedál ä po cestoviny, pizzu, mäso a sladkosti, tento výnimo¿ný medzi talianskymi kuchárskymi knihami má rýchly a jednoduchý taliansky recept pre kädého. Nájdete tu mno¿stvo receptov vhodných na tý¿de¿, ako aj jedlá z jedného hrnca, vege...

CHF 56.90

Paleo Kachbuch fir Ufänger 2023

Kieffer, Louis
Paleo Kachbuch fir Ufänger 2023
Déi niddereg-Kohlenhydrat Diät ass elo eng vun de populäersten Formen vun Diät. Och am Ausdauersport ass d'Paleo-Diät e wichtegt Thema. Awer wat ass de richtege Virdeel vun der Paleo Diät? De Kierper konvertéiert iwwerschësseg Energie a Fett. Vill Paleo Diäter behaapten datt d'Konvertéierung vu Kuelenhydrater an eng Substanz wéi Zocker den Bluttzockerspigel erhéicht. Fir dëst erëm ze reduzéieren, produzéiert de mënschleche Kierper Insulin,...

CHF 61.00

Ultimate DASH Kachbuch fir Ufänger 2023

Ries, Leonor
Ultimate DASH Kachbuch fir Ufänger 2023
Gesond iessen heescht net datt Dir Iech vun Äre LiiblingsLiewensmëttel entzéie musst, och wann Dir un Hypertonie an héije Blutdrock leid. Dir musst just wësse wéi Dir Liewensmëttel vermëschen a passen an déi richteg Portiounsgréissten hunn fir sécherzestellen datt Dir net déi gesond deeglech Limit vu Kalorien a Natrium passt fir Är Gesondheet ze iwwerschreiden. DASH, dat heescht Diät Approche fir Hypertonie ze stoppen, hëlleft Iech gesond ...

CHF 58.50

Paleo pre v¿etkých 2023

Hanko, René
Paleo pre v¿etkých 2023
Nízkosacharidová diéta je v sú¿asnosti jednou z najpopulárnej¿ích foriem stravovania. Aj v oblasti vytrvalostných ¿portov je paleo strava dôle¿itou témou. Aký je v¿ak skuto¿ný prínos paleo stravy? Telo premie¿a prebyto¿nú energiu na tuk. Mnoho ¿udí s paleo diétou tvrdí, ¿e premena sacharidov na látku ako cukor zvy¿uje hladinu cukru v krvi. Aby sa to opä¿ zní¿ilo, ¿udské telo produkuje inzulín, ktorý zni¿uje späovanie tukov. Zárove¿ sa vrac...

CHF 59.90

Ultimata romrecept för nybörjare 2023

Holm, Lennart
Ultimata romrecept för nybörjare 2023
Dessa romrecept i den här boken är resultatet av många års forskning, testning och inspelning. Var och en av oss har våra egna preferenser, så romdrycksrecepten kanske inte tilltalar alla, men jag tror att en majoritet kommer att uppskatta det. Att förbereda en romdryck kräver ingen färdighet och inget fast recept följs, så denna aktivitet passar alla. Allt du behöver är ett recept som du kan anpassa efter din smak, som att lägga till di...

CHF 55.90

Crockpot Rezepter fir Ufänger 2023

Schiltz, Isaac
Crockpot Rezepter fir Ufänger 2023
Déi niddereg-Kohlenhydrat Diät ass elo eng vun de populäersten Formen vun Diät. Och am Ausdauersport ass d'Paleo-Diät e wichtegt Thema. Déi modern séier Welt, an där mir liewen, mécht Kachen eng schwiereg Aufgab. Deeg ginn onheemlech séier mat der Aarbecht, Zäit am Traffic, Kanner a Famill verbréngen an heiansdo e richtegt Mëttegiessen oder Owesiessen vermëschen ass déi lescht vun eise Bedenken. Awer wëllt Dir net datt et anescht wier? Wëns...

CHF 61.00

Sous Vide pre v¿etkých 2023

Balá¿ová, Hedviga
Sous Vide pre v¿etkých 2023
Táto technika varenia je tu u¿ dlho, ale nedávno si näla svoje vlastné v¿aka jednoducho pou¿ite¿nému a vreckovému zariadeniu Sous Vide. Sous Vide, ¿o vo francúz¿tine znamená vo vákuu, je proces vákuového balenia potravín, zvy¿ajne do vrecka, a ich varenia vo vode pri presnej teplote. Mô¿e to znie¿ fantasticky, ale okrem luxusných jedál nie je na spôsobe varenia ni¿ zlo¿ité. Proces je ve¿mi jednoduchý a zah¿¿a iba tri kroky varenia: 1. Pr...

CHF 62.00

Stredomorské jedlo pre v¿etkých 2023

Piazza, Cameron
Stredomorské jedlo pre v¿etkých 2023
Stredomorská strava je plná nikdy nekon¿iacich zdravých, ¿erstvých a chutných jedál. Aj ke¿ sa kladie vä¿¿í dôraz na ur¿ité typy prísad, ¿iadna z nich nie je vylú¿ená. ¿udia, ktorí jedia stredomorskú stravu, si mô¿u vychutnä jedlá, ktoré milujú, a zárove¿ oceni¿, aké dobré mô¿u by¿ tie naj¿erstvej¿ie a najzdrav¿ie potraviny. Neexistujú ¿iadne doplnky alebo ¿peciálne balené potraviny na nákup a existuje nieko¿ko ¿ivotne dôle¿itých zlo¿iek, kt...

CHF 61.00

Ultimate Sous Vide Kachbuch fir Ufänger 2023

Welter, Dylan
Ultimate Sous Vide Kachbuch fir Ufänger 2023
Sous Vide, dat heescht ënner Vakuum op Franséisch, ass de Prozess vu Vakuumverpackung Liewensmëttel, normalerweis an enger Täsch, a kachen et a Waasser bei enger präzis Temperatur. Dëst kléngt vläicht lëschteg, awer ausser den ausgefalene Platen ass et näischt komplex iwwer d'Kachmethod. De Prozess ass super einfach, an ëmfaasst nëmmen dräi Kachen Schrëtt: 1.Connect d'Sous Vide Maschinn an engem Dëppe Waasser a setzt déi exakt Kachtemperat...

CHF 61.00


Aldin, Peter J
They took to the stars to build a cleaner society. Now one man is about to get his hands dirtier than he ever imagined. Investigator John Romaine has a deal with his employers: do his job well, and they won't send him into the dirt and danger of their planetary colonies. So he's stunned when they deploy him to an unregistered world to solve the suspicious death of a Marine. And even more astounded to discover that the planet is home to ali...

CHF 37.90