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464 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Die Wahrheit in der Allgemeinpraxis

Flachsbart, Friedrich
Die Wahrheit in der Allgemeinpraxis
Essay aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Medizin - Gesamtmedizin, allgemeine Grundlagen, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die wahre Diagnose ist der wahre Gedanke, welcher die Krankheit erfasst. Die Wahrheit zeigt sich manchmal erst nach vielen Jahren. Penicillin bei akutem rheumatischen Fieber - der Sinn der Penicillin-Gabe zeigt sich oft erst nach drei Jahrzehnten. Aber dann kommt die Diagnose zu spät.

CHF 14.50

Water from the Sacred Well

Varner, Gary R.
Water from the Sacred Well
An illustrated exploration of the folklore and mythology of sacred water found throughout the world. A companion volume to Sacred Wells, Water From the Sacred Well continues the quest for the underlying sacredness associated with water and the universal themes found in folklore and religious traditions from around the world. Blending personal exploration with archaeology, folklore, and ancient traditions, Water From the Sacred Well takes the r...

CHF 37.50

Werke in 16 Bänden

Koeppen, Wolfgang / Treichel, Hans-Ulrich
Werke in 16 Bänden
Bonn, im März 1953: Die Tage der Debatte um die Wiederbewaffnung und den Beitritt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur Europäischen Verteidigungsgemeinschaft werden für den SPD-Bundestagsabgeordneten Keetenheuve zum Fiasko: Er, ein skeptischer Träumer und zu Melancholie und Verzweiflung neigender Idealist, muß erleben, wie sein Glaube an die Demokratie zerrieben wird und seine von Beginn an unglückliche Ehe mit einer um viele Jahre jüngeren Frau...

CHF 41.50

Swoosh Family Frieze

Doering, Hod
Swoosh Family Frieze
The Swoosh Family is presented in poetic format here in all its lack of glory. It is a family shrub of insightful dysfunction. Warning: you may see some of yourself or your family tree in here.

CHF 24.50

McCallister Chronicles

Schreckenberger, A. P.
McCallister Chronicles
Following World War II, one man set out to create the perfect fictional paradise, however, in this tale, that book has become a reality in which characters struggle to overcome the mysterious mythology that their owner devised. - Pawns to the story itself, Wing and Luky strive to uncover innate abilities that have been given to them by the powers that be. With the mythical continent once again on the brink of war, our heroes have no choice but...

CHF 77.00


Sanchez Castro, Manuel Vicente
En este libro se concentra un torbellino de emociones que saltan por los aires en los momentos más inesperados. Unos sentimientos desbocados que arrasan las entrañas cuando la noche se acerca y, la cama, espera vacía, ausente, solitaria. El frío recala en el rostro y en el corazón y las sábanas se asustan al sentir las gélidas carnes solitarias y casi sin pulso. Casi sin sangre. Un latir de soledad se escucha en cada verso.

CHF 14.50


Irina, Bukina
V rabote rassmatriwaetsq reforma naloga na pribyl' w Rossijskoj Federacii, prowodimaq s 2002 g. Analiz reformy prowoditsq kak w ramkah mikroäkonomicheskogo issledowaniq, tak i s ispol'zowaniem makroäkonomicheskogo podhoda. Awtorom dana klassifikaciq i analiz mikroäkonomicheskih posledstwij reformy naloga na pribyl', na osnowe model'nogo rascheta dokazana bolee wysokaq äffektiwnost' dlq nalogoplatel'schika l'goty po kapital'nym wlozheniqm po sr...

CHF 88.00

Hudozhestwenno-qzykowaq kartina mira

Sapozhnikowa, Juliq
Hudozhestwenno-qzykowaq kartina mira
Dannaq rabota poswqschena interpretacii hudozhestwennogo proizwedeniq putem izucheniq kartiny mira pisatelq i personazhej. Osnowoj kartiny mira indiwiduuma qwlqetsq nacional'naq kartina mira, kotoraq formiruetsq s pomosch'ü kul'turnyh kodow, prinqtyh w dannom obschestwe. Takaq nacional'naq kartina mira realizuetsq w qzyke. Ponimanie ätogo qwleniq i ego primenenie pri analize hudozhestwennyh proizwedenij drugoj kul'tury budet sposobstwowat' pra...

CHF 77.00

Behavioral Ecology of Tropical Animals

Macedo, Regina H
Behavioral Ecology of Tropical Animals
Advances in the Study of Behavior was initiated over 40 years ago to serve the increasing number of scientists engaged in the study of animal behavior. That number is still expanding. This thematic volume makes another important "contribution to the development of the field" by bringing together material that aggregates studies conducted on the behavior of tropical animals. Advances in the Study of Behavior is now available online at ScienceDi...

CHF 190.00

Twelve Nudes

Sutherland, Ross
Twelve Nudes
In this limited edition, signed mini-book, Ross Sutherland presents the poem as honed, stripped and exposed. With trademark wit, Twelve Nudes interrogates the failures of love, exploding the dynamics of text, voice and body. In this elegant but uneasy satire, 'to be naked is to speak without footnotes'.

CHF 17.90

Speak Strong

Runion, Meryl
Speak Strong
We feel more than we know, and know more than we can say. But what if we could find a way to communicate the full breadth of who we are? SpeakStrong is a step-by-step guide to empowered communication that unleashes the courage of your conviction and puts your message into words that get results. Based on the wisdom that empowered communication means saying what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it.

CHF 34.50

The Chinese Conspiracy

Mariotti, John
The Chinese Conspiracy
When Jim Martini goes back to his WV hometown to see why its major employer failed suddenly he finds more than a failed company. He risks his life, finds a lost love, and stumbles into an international conspiracy. A Chinese revolutionary group is using viruses, hacking, malware and cyber-technology to over-throw its own government and attempt to control the US--by shutting down all forms of computers and communications--all at once. Suddenly n...

CHF 51.50