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588 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Reden und Aufsätze 3

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von / Krabiel, Klaus-Dieter / Bohnenkamp, Klaus E. / Kaluga, Katja
Reden und Aufsätze 3
Der Band »Reden und Aufsätze 3« der Kritischen Hofmannsthal-Ausgabe enthält das essayistische Werk der Jahre 1910 bis 1919, neben den bekannten Arbeiten über Literatur und Theater auch unpubliziertes Material aus dem Nachlaß. In den Kriegsjahren gewannen historische und politische Themen an Bedeutung. Umfassend dokumentiert wird die engagierte Vortragstätigkeit Hofmannsthals im Ausland, deren Ziel es war, Verständnis für Österreich zu wecken. ...

CHF 330.00

Dudley's Cave and the Circle of Fire

Jenkins, Eugene
Dudley's Cave and the Circle of Fire
Third in series designed to help teenagers find the Dream of God for their lives. The "I AM" Tribe follow the trail of Elijah to learn the wisdom to find the Dream of God for themselves. This lesson series encourages team building relationships as the Tribe follows maps to discover the scene of Elijah's journey.

CHF 21.50

Through my eyes

Deakin, Gemma E
Through my eyes
A variety of poetry depicting love, hate, friendships, family - all sorts of things we encounter through life. Written from my teen years up to young adult.

CHF 20.50

Clawed Rains

Bell, Andrew M.
Clawed Rains
A collection of 51 contemporary poems written by New Zealand poet and author, Andrew M. Bell. Accessible poetry easily enjoyed by a wide audience.

CHF 18.50

A River Beyond

Piper, Michael
A River Beyond
The novel, A River Beyond, is a story of relentless love. A love so powerful it transcends the grave and human understanding. It is a love planted on all of our hearts for us to find. David, a young adolescent, is dealt a horrific loss as his parents and unborn sister all die at the hands of a drunk driver. Unable to cope with their death he loses his voice and the will to live. Eventually, David is sent to live with his grandma (a joyful w...

CHF 23.90


Moat, Vernon
Glen had spent most of his life struggling to balance work and family committments. So it was a bit of a shock to find himself alone and with niether in the sleepy outreaches of the Spanish port of Algeciras

CHF 14.90

Heavenly Bodies, Earthly Minds

Noble, Dijon
Heavenly Bodies, Earthly Minds
If I can uplift the mind and spirit of one individual through this manuscript the time and effort I spent in making it will have been well worth it. This collection is simply my thoughts and feelings manifest on paper for the sake of my own mental and spiritual wellbeing as writing down my deeper thoughts and feelings and reflecting upon them, to me is very therapeutic.

CHF 24.50

21st Century Communities

Zoost, Steven van
21st Century Communities
When Grade 12 students asked, "What defines a community in the 21st century?" their teacher didn't presume to know the answer. The question prompted the students to create a Youth Inquiry Project that explored the roles of media, technology, women, industry, poverty, discrimination, education, and environmental issues in our communities. Each student created an individual inquiry question to shape how they look at their own communities in r...

CHF 24.90

Diary of a Poetic Rose

Isabella, Anastasia
Diary of a Poetic Rose
My first poetry book, Diary of a Poetic Rose is about the struggles of a shy, timid girl growing into a poetic rose. It deals with heart break, failure, guilt, friendships lost and gained, the loss of loved ones, to harnessing negativity and making a positive outlook on life. It showcases my journey through life, focusing on loving the person I have become developing my talents into poetry.. This book is my Heart and Soul and I am so thankful ...

CHF 55.50

Burqtiq w sostawe Rossijskogo gosudarstwa

Mansheew, Dorzha
Burqtiq w sostawe Rossijskogo gosudarstwa
Kniga poswqschena istorii burqt w XIX weke, opredelena stepen' wliqniq Rossii na social'no-äkonomicheskoe razwitie burqt. Rassmotreny demograficheskie, religioznye, äkonomicheskie i fiskal'nye storony politiki Rossijskogo gusudarstwa w burqtskih wedostwah. Prowedena sistematizaciq i analiz statisticheskih dannyh izwlechennyh iz arhiwnyh materialow Stepnyh dum, mnogie swedeniq iz kotoryh predstawleny wperwye. Politika Rossijskogo gosudarstwa po...

CHF 64.00

Postmetafizicheskij diskurs

Efremow, Födor
Postmetafizicheskij diskurs
Predstawiteli raznyh naprawlenij sowremennoj zapadnojfilosofii sklonny rassmatriwat' tradicionnyemirowozzrenchesko-teoreticheskie problemy wpostmetafizicheskom klüche. Vozwrat k predstawleniqm omire, obschestwe i cheloweke, predlagaemym filosofiejsoznaniq Nowogo wremeni, widitsq im i newozmozhnym, inenuzhnym. K takomu wywodu prihodqt awtory, predstawlqüschie razlichnye shkoly postmodernistskojfilosofii, a takzhe filosofy neomarxistskogo ineotr...

CHF 88.00

Obuchenie w malyh gruppah sotrudnichestwa w kurse inostra...

Boqrincewa, Swetlana
Obuchenie w malyh gruppah sotrudnichestwa w kurse inostrannogo qzyka
Soderzhanie monografii otrazhaet naprawlenie sowremennyh issledowanij w oblasti obschej pedagogiki i teorii i metodiki obucheniq inostrannym qzykam i raskrywaet odin iz putej resheniq problemy aktiwizacii uchebno-poznawatel'noj deqtel'nosti. V centre wnimaniq awtora nahodqtsq zarubezhnye pedagogicheskie tehnologii lichnostno orientirowannogo obucheniq, ob#edinönnye ponqtiem «obucheniq w malyh gruppah sotrudnichestwa» (cooperative learning). Aw...

CHF 102.00

Nemeckaq panika

Kulikow, Viktor
Nemeckaq panika
V rabote na primere Velikobritanii issleduetsq process ogromnogo otchuzhdeniq anglijskogo obschestwa ot nemeckogo, kogda za ochen' korotkij srok iz luchshih druzej i brat'ew po krowi, nemcy prewratilis' w strashnyh "gunnow". Esche za men'shij srok, chto ob#qsnqetsq razwitiem informacionnyh tehnologij, Gruziq dlq rossiqn iz strany «Hanumy» i «Vitqzq w tigrowoj shkure», Niny Chawchawadze i Petra Bagrationa stala stranoj poddel'nogo wina i nekach...

CHF 102.00