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2167 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Visage de Paris, années 1970 (Calendrier mural 2024 DIN A...

Gaymard, Alain
Visage de Paris, années 1970 (Calendrier mural 2024 DIN A3 horizontal), CALVENDO calendrier mensuel
La capitale française a bien changé depuis cinquante ans. Les quartiers célèbres de Paris ont actuellement un visage bien différent de celui des années 70. Pour mémoire, voici à quoi ils ressemblaient. Un peu de nostalgie. Calendrier mural de qualité supérieure avec 12 magnifiques photos. L¿environnement nous tient à c¿ur. C'est pourquoi nous utilisons exclusivement du papier certifié FSC provenant de forêts gérées de manière écoresponsable...

CHF 48.50

Visage de Paris, années 1970 (Calendrier mural 2024 DIN A...

Gaymard, Alain
Visage de Paris, années 1970 (Calendrier mural 2024 DIN A4 horizontal), CALVENDO calendrier mensuel
La capitale française a bien changé depuis cinquante ans. Les quartiers célèbres de Paris ont actuellement un visage bien différent de celui des années 70. Pour mémoire, voici à quoi ils ressemblaient. Un peu de nostalgie. Calendrier mural de qualité supérieure avec 12 magnifiques photos. L¿environnement nous tient à c¿ur. C'est pourquoi nous utilisons exclusivement du papier certifié FSC provenant de forêts gérées de manière écoresponsable...

CHF 35.90

Giovanni Episcopo

Gabriele D', Annunzio
Giovanni Episcopo
Illustre signora, mia cara amica, questo piccolo libro che io vi dedico non ha per me importanza di arte, ma è un semplice documento letterario publicato a indicare il primo sforzo istintivo di un artefice inquieto verso una finale rinnovazione. Fu scritto a Roma nel gennaio del 1891, dopo quindici mesi di completo riposo intellettuale trascorsi in gran parte fra ozii torpidi ed esercizii violenti dentro una caserma di cavalleria. La persona d...

CHF 14.50


Bottke, Melanie / Reinbold, Marco Sven
Can you trust your SELVE? 2049. Entsetzt starrt Vinzent sein blutiges Spiegelbild an. Wunden, zugefügt mit den eigenen Händen, aber nicht durch eigenen Willen. Vinzent ist ein Split. Wissenschaftlerin Lisette Bofur erforscht die Splits seit Jahren. Menschen, die organisch eine zweite Persönlichkeit ausgebildet haben - ein sogenanntes Selve. Sie glaubt daran, dass diese Entwicklung große Chancen für die Menschheit birgt. Bis sie mit dem düste...

CHF 34.50

The Order

Streeter, Richard B. / Streeter, Janet G.
The Order
Cole Forrester has been troubled since childhood by paranormal visions of people and places that don't exist in his real world. He learns to adapt to these visions but becomes afraid of intimacy lest those close to him think he's crazy. He chooses a lonesome profession as a CIA field agent. It's not until he's extracted from his current CIA mission and inserted into a higher-level parallel universe, that he realizes his visions were not imagin...

CHF 21.50


Mostella, Quinton
While sitting on maximum security, I made a decision to analyze myself. I discovered a man full of potential, yet handcuffed to his peers. The more knowledge I attained the more I began to think on a level that exceeded the limitations of my surroundings. No longer was I enslaved to a lie, but empowered by the truth. My perception changed my personality. While my personality changed my person, which inspired humanity. No matter what came again...

CHF 27.90

Beware the Yule Cat 5e

Pryor, Anthony
Beware the Yule Cat 5e
Beware the Yule Cat! Welcome to Cold Corners, in the frozen depths of the ­Northlands!­ Beware the Yule Cat is a seasonally themed adventure for Tier 2 characters. Set in the village of Köldhorn (Cold Corners) and the nearby peak of Snörfjall (Snow Mountain), the adventure incorporates elements of Icelandic legends and monsters, with some background info­rmation explaining the tale's origins. The adventurers arrive in the village of Köldhorn j...

CHF 51.50

Beware the Yule Cat C&C

Pryor, Anthony
Beware the Yule Cat C&C
Beware the Yule Cat! Welcome to Cold Corners, in the frozen depths of the ­Northlands!­ Beware the Yule Cat is a seasonally themed adventure for Tier 2 characters. Set in the village of Köldhorn (Cold Corners) and the nearby peak of Snörfjall (Snow Mountain), the adventure incorporates elements of Icelandic legends and monsters, with some background info­rmation explaining the tale's origins. The adventurers arrive in the village of Köldhorn j...

CHF 51.50

Veränderung von Organisationsentwicklung. Zukunftssicherh...

Scholz, Eva
Veränderung von Organisationsentwicklung. Zukunftssicherheit eines Unternehmen
Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Führung und Personal - Personalführung, Note: 2, 0, IU Internationale Hochschule, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Masterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Kommunikation in Unternehmen genau zu gestalten ist und welche Rolle das dadurch entstehende Vertrauen im Gesamtkontext von Unternehmen spielt. VUCA ist längst kein Fremdwort mehr. Die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen und globalen Tre...

CHF 68.00

Beware the Yule Cat OSR

Pryor, Anthony
Beware the Yule Cat OSR
Beware the Yule Cat! Welcome to Cold Corners, in the frozen depths of the ­Northlands!­ Beware the Yule Cat is a seasonally themed adventure for Tier 2 characters. Set in the village of Köldhorn (Cold Corners) and the nearby peak of Snörfjall (Snow Mountain), the adventure incorporates elements of Icelandic legends and monsters, with some background info­rmation explaining the tale's origins. The adventurers arrive in the village of Köldhorn j...

CHF 53.50

Method Acting

Buck, Adele
Method Acting
All the world's a stage until your heart is on the line. All Alicia Johnson has ever wanted is to be able to slip into someone else's life, clothing, and makeup to become a murderess, a socialite, a mother, or a nurse for an episode or a season. And she's good at it. Being an actress comes with a healthy dose of financial insecurity and a willingness to live out of two jammed suitcases, ready to go wherever the next director wants her. Up ...

CHF 26.50

Acting Lessons

Buck, Adele
Acting Lessons
Parting may be such sweet sorrow, but second chances are so much sweeter. An intense summer fling with handsome, protective actor James Martin opened up self-effacing Frederica Alves' horizons. Then their potential for love met a swift end when he followed his dreams and left New York for Hollywood. Two years later, James is back, his talent now matched by his rising fame, and that spark is still there. But the shy Freddie he knew has beco...

CHF 24.90


Pindemonte, Ippolito
Far riviver gli estinti, e i prischi Eroi Condurre a passeggiar tra pinte scene, E a lor dar voce, che di lor sia degna, Metter su gli occhi di chi ascolta il pianto, Del non vero creando ambascia vera, E alzar gli spirti, e col piacer cercato La virtù non cercata indur ne' cori: Questo io prima insegnai d'Ilisso in riva. Con fatali sventure, e colpe illustri L'odio ai Tiranni, ed il timor de' Numi Nel popolo io destava, e di pie...

CHF 26.50

The Springer Theorem

Benjamin, Sara
The Springer Theorem
Sara Benjamin is in a relationship with Math. Relationship Status: It's Complicated. Long after her math class days were behind her, the author's challenging feelings about her math experiences lingered. When the author discovers The Springer Theorem, everything changes. Readers are invited into a world where perceptions shift and joy abounds.

CHF 38.90