Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

Dieses Buch hat einen Marktpreis von EUR 28

How much are you willing to pay for this book? EUR 9, EUR 28 or EUR 150? The buyers of the book become part of a process of value and value generation: Do they choose the bargain with the evaluative addition "cheap" on the cover, do they buy the book at the market price, or do they pay the honest price of its socially and ecologically fair production? The unusual and also radical concept follows the interest of the Danish artist group SUPERFLEX in value systems and the shifting of valuations.
The illustrated book is published on the occasion of the exhibition Sometimes As A Fog, Sometimes As A Tsunami by SUPERFLEX at Kunsthaus Graz. This is focusing on the instability of capitalism inherent in the speculative nature of financial markets and instruments and examines the dissolving factor of capitalist-oriented action on society. The book places the works on display in a larger discursive context and locates them in SUPERFLEX's artistic practice from its early works to the present.

CHF 37.90


ISBN 9783903572768
Sprache ger
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag VfmK
Jahr 202205


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