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89 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Güzeli Kurtarmak

Han, Byung-Chul
Güzeli Kurtarmak
Pürüzsüzlügü cagimizin alameti olarak tanimliyor Byung-Chul Han. Pürüzsüz olanin güzelin en önemli ölcütü kabul edildigi bir zamandan dem vuruyor. Akilli telefonlarimizin pürüzsüz ekranlarindaki likebegen tusundan ibaret estetik begenimizi hedef aliyor. Güzelin canina kasteden, tahtina göz koyan pürüzsüzlügün ipini pazara cikariyor. Fakat sadece bununla da kalmiyor. Cagin tüketim icinde bogulmaya mahkm ettigi, öznelligin tahakkümündeki güzeli ...

CHF 15.50


Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
The tsunami of information unleashed by digitization is threatening to overwhelm us, drowning us in a sea of frenzied communication and disrupting many spheres of social life, including politics. Election campaigns are now being waged as information wars with bots and troll armies, and democracy is degenerating into infocracy. In this new book, Byung-Chul Han argues that infocracy is the new form of rule characteristic of contemporary informa...

CHF 22.90


Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
We no longer inhabit earth and dwell under the sky: these are being replaced by Google Earth and the Cloud. The terrestrial order is giving way to a digital order, the world of things is being replaced by a world of non-things - a constantly expanding 'infosphere' of information and communication which displaces objects and obliterates any stillness and calmness in our lives. Byung-Chul Han's critique of the infosphere highlights the price we...

CHF 22.90


Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
We no longer inhabit earth and dwell under the sky: these are being replaced by Google Earth and the Cloud. The terrestrial order is giving way to a digital order, the world of things is being replaced by a world of non-things - a constantly expanding 'infosphere' of information and communication which displaces objects and obliterates any stillness and calmness in our lives. Byung-Chul Han's critique of the infosphere highlights the price we...

CHF 73.00


Han, Byung-Chul
Die Digitalisierung schreitet unaufhaltsam voran. Wir sind benommen vom Kommunikations- und Informationsrausch. Gleichzeitig spüren wir eine Ohnmacht angesichts des Tsunamis der Information, die deformative, destruktive Kräfte entfaltet. Die Digitalisierung erfasst inzwischen auch den Bereich des Politischen und führt zu massiven Verwerfungen im demokratischen Prozess. Wahlkämpfe als Informationskriege werden mit allen erdenklichen technischen...

CHF 14.50


Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
In the wake of globalization, cultural forms of expression have become increasingly detached from their places of origin, circulating in a hyper-domain of culture where there is no real difference anymore between indigenous and foreign, near and far, the familiar and the exotic. Heterogeneous cultural contents are brought together side by side, like the fusion food that makes free use of all that the hypercultural pool of spices, ingredients a...

CHF 22.50


Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
In the wake of globalization, cultural forms of expression have become increasingly detached from their places of origin, circulating in a hyper-domain of culture where there is no real difference anymore between indigenous and foreign, near and far, the familiar and the exotic. Hyperculture is a state of the deep intertwining of cultures in which once formerly separate cultural spheres now overlap and interpenetrate. It is a profoundly rhizom...

CHF 73.00

Yorgunluk Toplumu

Han, Byung-Chul
Yorgunluk Toplumu
Insanlarin vakit öldürmek icin cirpindigi zamanlar bitti. Artik vaktin ölü olarak dogdugu, bir gelecek ufkunun yerini hemen simdinin aldigi cagda yasiyoruz. Daha 1945te Va-Nu Aksam gazetesindeki kösesinde memurluktan, hayattan sikilanlar icin amatörlügü salik veriyordu, Erisirgil 1956da yazdigi Merak ve Dikkat adli kitabinda sikilmis ögrencilere merak nasil asilanir diye soruyordu. Merak uyanmadan dikkat olmaz, egitim meraki üretmek lazim diyo...

CHF 27.90

Iktidar Nedir

Han, Byung-Chul
Iktidar Nedir
Hayatin her alaninda karsimiza cikan iktidar kavramiolgusu bütün belirsizligine, örtüklügüne, gizilligine ragmen kendini öteki üzerinde bazen yasa koyucu, bazen güc, bazen siddet, bazen baski araci olarak yansitabildigi gibi, daha stabil ve steril politikalar uygulayarak bireysel ve toplumsal varliginikonumunu pekistirebilir. Ego öz-benlik ve Alter öteki arasindaki iktidar iliskisinden baslayarak, dolayimlanip toplum üzerinde egemenlik saglaya...

CHF 19.90

The Palliative Society

Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
The Palliative Society
Our societies today are characterized by a universal algophobia: a generalized fear of pain. We strive to avoid all painful conditions - even the pain of love is treated as suspect. This algophobia extends into society: less and less space is given to conflicts and controversies that might prompt painful discussions. It takes hold of politics too: politics becomes a palliative politics that is incapable of implementing radical reforms that mig...

CHF 73.00

The Palliative Society

Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
The Palliative Society
Our societies today are characterized by a universal algophobia: a generalized fear of pain. We strive to avoid all painful conditions - even the pain of love is treated as suspect. This algophobia extends into society: less and less space is given to conflicts and controversies that might prompt painful discussions. It takes hold of politics too: politics becomes a palliative politics that is incapable of implementing radical reforms that mig...

CHF 23.90


Han, Byung-Chul
Derzeit vollzieht sich unbemerkt ein Paradigmenwechsel. Die Gesellschaft der Negativität weicht einer Gesellschaft, die von einem Übermaß an Positivität beherrscht ist. Ausgehend von diesem Paradigmenwechsel zeichnet Han die pathologische Landschaft der heutigen Gesellschaft, zu der neuronale Erkrankungen wie Depression, Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom, Borderline oder Burnout gehören. Sie sind keine Infektionen, sondern Infarkte, die nicht durc...

CHF 14.50


Han, Byung-Chul
Minima Moralia der Informationsgesellschaft  Heute bewohnen wir nicht mehr Erde und Himmel, sondern Google Earth und Cloud. Informationen beherrschen unsere Lebenswelt. Wir berauschen uns regelrecht an Kommunikation. Byung-Chul Hans Kritik der Informationsgesellschaft klärt uns über die Folgen unseres Informations- und Kommunikationsrausches auf. Schon vor Jahrzehnten stellte der Medientheoretiker Vilém Flusser fest: »Undinge dringen gegen...

CHF 30.50

Capitalism and the Death Drive

Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
Capitalism and the Death Drive
What we call growth today is in fact a tumorous growth, a cancerous proliferation which is disrupting the social organism. These tumours endlessly metastasize and grow with an inexplicable, deadly vitality. At a certain point this growth is no longer productive, but rather destructive. Capitalism passed this point long ago. Its destructive forces cause not only ecological and social catastrophes but also mental collapse. The destructive compul...

CHF 22.90

Capitalism and the Death Drive

Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
Capitalism and the Death Drive
What we call growth today is in fact a tumorous growth, a cancerous proliferation which is disrupting the social organism. These tumours endlessly metastasize and grow with an inexplicable, deadly vitality. At a certain point this growth is no longer productive, but rather destructive. Capitalism passed this point long ago. Its destructive forces cause not only ecological and social catastrophes but also mental collapse. The destructive compul...

CHF 73.00


Han, Byung-Chul
Heute herrscht überall eine Algophobie, eine generalisierte Angst vor Schmerzen. Jeder schmerzhafte Zustand wird vermieden. Verdächtig sind auch Liebesschmerzen. Die Schmerztoleranz sinkt rapide. Die Algophobie hat eine Daueranästhesierung zur Folge.Wie bereits in seinem Essay Müdigkeitsgesellschaft geht Han in seiner Analyse von einem grundlegenden Paradigmenwechsel unserer Gesellschaft aus. Auch die Psychologie folgt dieser Entwicklung und g...

CHF 14.50

The Disappearance of Rituals

Han, Byung-Chul / Steuer, Daniel
The Disappearance of Rituals
Untrammelled neoliberalism and the inexorable force of production have produced a 21st century crisis of community: a narcissistic cult of authenticity and mass turning-inward are among the pathologies engendered by it. We are individuals afloat in an atomised society, where the loss of the symbolic structures inherent in ritual behaviour has led to overdependence on the contingent to steer identity. Avoiding saccharine nostalgia for the ritu...

CHF 22.90