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953 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Veränderte Stadterneuerungspolitiken in China

Romano, Giulia C.
Veränderte Stadterneuerungspolitiken in China
Dies ist eine sehr reichhaltige Monografie, die auf einer beeindruckenden Feldforschung in China basiert und die ausgezeichnete qualitative und ethnografische Forschungsfähigkeiten, Forschungsintegrität und kulturelle Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit in der Analyse demonstriert. Dieses Buch wird einen großen Beitrag zur Literatur über Politiktransfer und -mobilität sowie über Stadtpolitik im zeitgenössischen China leisten, da es ein umfassendes Verständn...

CHF 102.00

The Freaks Came Out to Write

Romano, Tricia
The Freaks Came Out to Write
A rollicking history of America's most iconic weekly newspaper told through the voices of its legendary writers, editors, and photographers.  You either were there or you wanted to be. A defining New York City institution co-founded by Norman Mailer,  The Village Voice was the first newspaper to cover hip-hop, the avant-garde art scene, and Off-Broadway with gravitas. It reported on the AIDS crisis with urgency and seriousness when other paper...

CHF 46.90

Stark Law

Romano, Donald H
Stark Law
This book presents a comprehensive examination of the Stark Law and its implementing regulations. Contrary to the belief of some, Stark is not rocket science, but there are a lot of nooks and crannies of which practitioners need to be aware in order to practice competently in this area. Although the book delves into considerable detail in some areas, there are many more weeds to wade through that I walked around"--

CHF 124.00

The New Industrial World

Romano, Livio / Traù, Fabrizio
The New Industrial World
Romano and Traù analyse industrial development focussing upon the spreading of manufacturing activities beyond the boundaries of the advanced economies. They explain how this event has completely changed the nature of the relationship between the 'North' and the 'South' of the world linking them together on productive grounds.

CHF 126.00

Surviving the College Application Process

Romano, Jennifer
Surviving the College Application Process
Covering topics such as essential application components, standardizing testing, personal statements, and financial aid, this book is your secret weapon for navigating the college research, planning, and selection process.

CHF 23.90


Romano, Dennis
Venice, one of the world's most storied cities, has a long and remarkable history, told here in its full scope from its founding in the early Middle Ages to the present day. A place whose fortunes and livelihoods have been shaped to a large degree by its relationship with water, Venice is seen in Dennis Romano's account as a terrestrial and maritime power, whose religious, social, architectural, economic, and political histories have been dete...

CHF 54.50

Italian Fascism’s Forgotten LGBT Victims

Romano, Gabriella
Italian Fascism’s Forgotten LGBT Victims
This book examines the question of the repression of LGBT people through psychiatry during the fascist regime in Italy, a subject that has not been investigated until now. It draws together the substantial archival record of patients, doctors and fascist authorities to reconstruct intricate behind-the-scenes dialogue, and to document one of the ways in which the regime repressed LGBT lives in this period. Italian Fascism's Forgotten LGBT Vic...

CHF 139.00

Yoga Therapy for the Whole Mother

Romano, Julia Irene
Yoga Therapy for the Whole Mother
This is a pioneering and authoritative text for yoga practitioners offering a comprehensive overview of postpartum conditions and how yoga therapy can be best utilised to help the postpartum healing journey. Complete with downloadable classes and worksheets this is a must-have resource for yoga therapists interested in women's health.

CHF 45.90

Mitología Nórdica

Romano, Ross
Mitología Nórdica
Mitología Nórdica Sumérgete en el cautivador mundo de la mitología nórdica con este completo y atractivo libro que explora los mitos y leyendas que han cautivado la imaginación de la gente durante siglos. Desde el mito nórdico de la creación, en el que el mundo se forma a partir del cuerpo del gigante Ymir, hasta las épicas batallas entre dioses y monstruos, este libro lo abarca todo. Descubre las fascinantes historias de los dioses y dios...

CHF 20.90

Mitología Griega

Romano, Ross
Mitología Griega
Mitología Griega Experimenta la magia y la maravilla de la mitología griega como nunca antes con este libro cautivador y exhaustivo que abarca todos los cuentos y personajes famosos que han cautivado a la gente durante siglos. Desde el mito griego de la creación, donde el mundo se forma a partir del caos, hasta las épicas batallas entre los dioses y los Titanes, este libro explora todo el espectro de la mitología griega. Descubre las fasci...

CHF 20.90

Dark Eyes

Romano, Nina
Dark Eyes
A former Russian ballerina and a police photographer, destined to be lovers, seek to unfold the murder mystery of two women... DARK EYES...Anya, an unwed mother of a mentally challenged child, meets Andrei, at a murder scene. They strive to unravel the murders of a hotel worker and a doll-seller with a link to diamond smuggling in Soviet Leningrad. The offbeat couple, in jeopardy, are stalked by a vicious detective with possible involvement in...

CHF 24.90

Vedic Cosmos

Romano, Henry
Vedic Cosmos
In his dancing position, Shiva is known as Nataraja, the King of dancers, and is one of the most beautiful forms of Lord Shiva. The upper right hand of Shiva, as Nataraja, holds the damaru drum. It shows nothing, but it represents universal development. Meanwhile, the lower right-hand holds a flame of destruction. There are many stories about Shiva's appearance. There is a third eye between Lord Shiva's eyebrows on his forehead as an example. ...

CHF 18.90

Ciarlavano le Rondini

Romano, Umberto
Ciarlavano le Rondini
Mi assalgono ricordi dolcissimi, voci, abbracci. Riaffiorano nella mia mente chiacchierate all'ombra o attorno ad un pasto, qualche discussione accesa, un fiume d'idee e d'ideali che mi hanno portato dove sono ora, che per prima mi hanno spinto oltre la mia Calabria contadina, alla ricerca di un orizzonte più ampio... un orizzonte dove Tutti siamo uno, dove le vite di ciascuno, lontani e vicini, poveri e potenti, bianchi e neri, oppressi e lib...

CHF 23.50

Love and Terror in the Middle East, 3rd Edition

Romano, Frank
Love and Terror in the Middle East, 3rd Edition
Amid the mayhem, efforts of non-violent peace activists were drowned out." Mathew Chance, CNN reporter, commenting on Dr. Romano's participation in a peace march at Qalandia Checkpoint, between Jerusalem and the West Bank, on March 30, 2012. On the same day, CNN interviewed Dr. Romano who stated, "Let's not make this violent, let's work together, we can do it, I promise you!" Question posed (find answer in this book) by Michael Savage to D...

CHF 31.50

Come le api sul miele

Romano, Fulvio
Come le api sul miele
Un ragazzo cresce nella profonda convinzione di essere diverso dagli altri. Un'infanzia normale, ma caratterizzata da difficoltà dovute forse ad eccessiva sensibilità d'animo, lo porta a sviluppare un processo di autotutela che ha come danno collaterale un cosciente sdoppiamento della personalità. La ricerca spasmodica di una soluzione universale alle proprie sofferenze lo porta ad individuare due "regole auree" alle quali si affida ciecamente...

CHF 21.50

Solo grazie a te

Romano, Raffaela
Solo grazie a te
Può un'enorme bugia diventare una stupenda verità? Rebecca era innamorata di Daniele da più di tre anni, ma lui non aveva mai provato qualcosa che andasse oltre l'amicizia per lei. Ma un giorno, inaspettatamente, Daniele chiede a Rebecca di fidanzarsi per finta con lui per far ingelosire l'ex fidanzata e farla tornare da lui. Rebecca accetta per un solo motivo: forse Daniele, fingendo di amarla, potrà innamorarsi davvero di lei. Ma le cose no...

CHF 19.90