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695 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Melmoth the Wanderer

Maturin, Charles Robert
Melmoth the Wanderer
Melmoth the Wanderer is a dark Faustian tale in the gothic style. It is the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil for an extra 150 years of life, a pact he can get out of only if he persuades another soul to take his place. Melmoth travels to the depths of human misery and despair in the attempt to find someone desperate enough to make such a devilish bargain. This work was a huge hit in the nineteenth century and highly innovative fo...

CHF 36.50

Kritik der politischen Philosophie

Geuss, Raymond
Kritik der politischen Philosophie
Die zeitgenössische politische Philosophie ist selbstgefällig geworden. Sie missachtet ihre eigenen Entstehungs- und Verwertungsbedingungen und verkennt so ihre Rolle im normativ umkämpften Feld des Politischen. Geuss beschreibt, welche Aufgaben die politische Philosophie wahrnehmen muss, um in der Balance zwischen normativen Denkmodellen und der Analyse der Wirklichkeit den globalen Fragestellungen unserer Zeit angemessen begegnen zu können.

CHF 16.90

Coming Alive on North 35th Street

Narmi, Ronald
Coming Alive on North 35th Street
Author's disfunctional grandfather who is a Sicilian Mafia Associate immigrates to America for a better life but suffers many setbacks due to alcoholism as he cuts cane in Louisiana, drives spikes on the railroad in the midwest, moonshines, peddles vegetables, and settles down as a small truck farmer in Iowa. The author's fraternal grandfather ultimately marrys his maternal grandmother.

CHF 24.90

The Inner Child Journal of a Neurotic Parent

Copley, Zoe
The Inner Child Journal of a Neurotic Parent
Juggling expectations of domestic harmony and parenting perfection with tricky cleaning ladies and even trickier friends, Verity Fortescue has her work cut out for her. Between yoga and the gym, charity morning teas and book club, night classes and helping out at school, Verity is stretched. To find a fresh perspective, Verity starts an "Inner Child Journal". But what use is a diary, Chicken Soup or the Secret if your child is average, p...

CHF 26.90


Smalls, Bernard
THE 21-DAY CHALLENGE! Research has proven that it takes approximately 21 days to form a habit. Habits are essential to living a successful life. Without positive habits, we fail in most things we attempt to accomplish. Good habits are vital to reaching our goals in life. They help to keep us focused along the way and keep us pushing on, even during tough times. The key issue in developing a habit is consistency. This brings us to the concept ...

CHF 16.90

JP's 20 Simple Rules for The Pharmacist

Plagakis R. Ph., Jim
JP's 20 Simple Rules for The Pharmacist
This is JP's Original, Classic work on the institutionalization of the American Pharmacist. The End Cut, Bone-in Prime Rib version from 2006. This book explores the soul-crushing working conditions of the job of a pharmacist. It offers solutions in a light-hearted manner. Jim's recent "The Prisoners of Comfort" is not light-hearted. You may want to read this, originally titled: JP'S 20 SIMPLE RULES FOR THE SUCCESSFUL AND SATISFYING PRACTICE O...

CHF 18.90

Tess and the Seaside Girl

Copley, Zoe
Tess and the Seaside Girl
Tess loves spending her holidays at the seaside with her family. She loves the sand, the salt, the warm sea air, but most of all, she loves to swim in the sparkling blue water. This year another little girl is staying nearby. Tess would like nothing more than to become her friend and share the wonders of the waves with her. But first she has to find her!

CHF 34.50

White Mountain Trails

Packard, Winthrop
White Mountain Trails
The smooth highway over which thousands of automobiles skim in long summer processions from Massachusetts to the mountains, coquettes with Chocorua as it winds through the Ossipees. Sometimes it tosses you over a ridge whence the blue bulk and gray pinnacle stand bewitchingly revealed for a second only to be eclipsed in another second by the lesser, nearby beauties of the hill country, and leave you wistful...

CHF 25.90

Kriwye zerkala "mal'tuzianskih lowushek"

Romanchuk, Alexej
Kriwye zerkala "mal'tuzianskih lowushek"
V monografii rassmatriwaetsq problema proishozhdeniq, predlagaetsq periodizaciq razwitiq obschnosti Kul'tur Reznoj i Shtampowannoj Keramiki Karpato-Podnestrow'q i rekonstrukciq ee demograficheskoj dinamiki. Razwiwaq predlozhennuü im ranee gipotezu proishozhdeniq ätoj obschnosti, awtor predlagaet Edineckuü kul'turu w kachestwe ishodnogo zwena w genezise KRShK. Interpretiruq poluchennye rezul'taty rekonstrukcii demograficheskoj dinamiki, awtor o...

CHF 77.00

Metafora - Kogniciq - Semiotika

Samigullina, Anna
Metafora - Kogniciq - Semiotika
Koncepciq nastoqschej monografii wystraiwaetsq w sootwetstwii s priznaniem fakta togo, chto qzyk est' kognitiwnaq sistema, a kogniciq, w swoü ochered', predstawlqet soboj sistemu semioticheskuü. Dannoe obstoqtel'stwo, po nashemu ubezhdeniü, pozwolqet integrirowat' kognitiwnye i semioticheskie issledowatel'skie praktiki ne tol'ko w processe izucheniq suschnostej metaforicheskoj prirody, no i w hode analiza qzykowogo materiala lüboj stepeni sloz...

CHF 102.00


Mezenowa, O. Ya. / Sergeewa, N. T. / Bajdalinowa, L. S.
Biotehnologiq gidrobiontow - äto harakteristika morskogo syr'q (ryby, moreprodukty, wodorosli) i tehnologii ego pererabotki na pischewye i biologicheski aktiwnye produkty. Priwedeny ocenka biopotenciala organow i tkanej gidrobiontow i shemy racional'nyh naprawlenij ih pererabotki. Opisany tehnologii belkowyh izdelij, biologicheski aktiwnyh kompozicij na osnowe morskih lipidow, fermentnyh preparatow, biopolimerow polisaharidnoj prirody, witamin...

CHF 102.00

Razwitie detskoj odarennosti

Sawenkow, Alexandr Il'ich
Razwitie detskoj odarennosti
Kniga poswqschena problemam diagnostiki i razwitiq detskoj odarennosti w sowremennoj obrazowatel'noj srede. V nej posledowatel'no rassmatriwaütsq osnownye woprosy psihologii odarennosti i tworchestwa, a takzhe problematika pedagogicheskogo wozdejstwiq na razwitie detskoj odarennosti. V knige dan analiz istorii izucheniq psihologii tworchestwa, predstawleny sowremennye koncepcii odarennosti i tworchestwa, rassmatriwaütsq problemy diagnostiki od...

CHF 102.00

Soobschestwa antofil'nyh nasekomyh sornyh i ruderal'nyh r...

Hwir, Viktor
Soobschestwa antofil'nyh nasekomyh sornyh i ruderal'nyh rastenij
Antofil'nye nasekomye - specializirowannaq gruppa chlenistonogih, äkologicheski swqzannaq s cwetkami äntomofil'nyh rastenij i obespechiwaüschaq ih opylenie. V dannoj rabote rassmatriwaütsq wzaimootnosheniq ätih posetitelej socwetij s takoj hozqjstwenno znachimoj gruppoj rastenij, kak sornye i ruderal'nye. V rabote opisana struktura soobschestw antofilow, ee specifika i dinamika u razlichnyh rastenij. Podrobno rassmotren wopros ob äffektiwnosti...

CHF 77.00

Vwedenie w teoriü äxtremal'nyh zadach

Dzüba, Sergej / Afanas'ew, Alexandr
Vwedenie w teoriü äxtremal'nyh zadach
Kniga sostoit iz treh glaw. Perwaq glawa poswqschena izlozheniü matematicheskih osnow teorii äxtremal'nyh zadach. Vo wtoroj glawe priwodqtsq metody matematicheskogo programmirowaniq, osnowannye na obschem prieme resheniq äxtremal'nyh zadach - teoreme Karrusha-Dzhona. Tret'q glawa soderzhit älementy wariacionnogo ischisleniq i teorii optimal'nogo uprawleniq. Osnownym rezul'tatom zdes' qwlqetsq znamenityj princip maximuma akademika L.S. Pontrqgi...

CHF 77.00

Sistema restrikcii-modifikacii Sse9I

Gonchar, Danila
Sistema restrikcii-modifikacii Sse9I
Izuchenie specificheskogo wzaimodejstwiq belkow s DNK ostaetsq odnoj iz interesnejshih zadach sowremennoj molekulqrnoj biologii. Fermenty sistem restrikcii- modifikacii (sistem RM) blagodarq celomu rqdu unikal'nyh swojstw sluzhat prekrasnoj model'ü dlq äxperimentow w ätoj oblasti. Nesmotrq na bol'shoe chislo oharakterizowannyh sistem RM mikroorganizmow i ustanowlenie ih roli w zaschite bakterial'noj kletki ot wtorzheniq chuzherodnoj DNK, biolo...

CHF 77.00